Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 33 Demon invasion!

Come on! It's time! Looking at the clock reaching twelve o'clock, the demons began to boil.

After waiting for thousands of years, the solution can finally begin!

All the monster armies gathered around Tenglong Kingdom began to attack Tenglong Kingdom. At the same time, countless bullets, laser attacks, etc. all fell on the land of Tenglong Kingdom.

The location located on the border of Tenglong Kingdom suffered a heavy blow in an instant.

At this time, the towns around the border of Tenglong Kingdom quickly launched a request for help from the imperial capital of Tenglong Kingdom.

Except for coastal areas, all places at national borders were invaded.

Damn it, these monsters will take advantage of this moment to launch an attack!

In Tenglong Kingdom, the imperial capital, a group of generals were furious when faced with a sudden battle.

Although they knew that a battle could break out at any time, no one expected that the battle would break out so quickly.

According to reports, there are tens of thousands of monsters in the army, and they are attacking at any corner of the Tenglong Kingdom. With the number of monks in Tenglong Kingdom today, we are no match for this monster.

It is indeed no match for demons. Even though the population of Tenglong Kingdom is very large, it is still not enough to face the tsunami-like army of demons.

Everyone, please be quiet. The emperor has already anticipated this situation, so he has made preparations in secret.

Generals, please lead your respective armies now and go to the national border to resist the demons.

We must be quick because our preparations will not last long.

Just when everyone was uneasy, Wang Quan, the national advisor, suddenly stood up, looked at everyone and said.

At the same time, a blue light curtain suddenly rose, blocking countless bullets and laser rain.

Damn it! I didn't expect that the ancestors of Tenglong Kingdom would leave behind such technology!

After seeing the sky-wide light curtain, Arante Robles cursed with a hint of anger.

Robert, don't be so angry. I saw a trace of smile on Karkat Xiuluo's face. Her charming face looked particularly charming.

Didn't we already expect that Tenglong Kingdom, like us, has the technology left by our ancestors?

Now, isn't it time to put them to use?

Just as Karkat Xiuluo finished speaking, a red light beam suddenly hit the blue light curtain, and the blue light curtain was rapidly collapsing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The particle decomposer can just deal with this kind of particle defense shield. A small fan appeared in Karkat Xiuluo's hand at some point to cover his face.

It's too slow. Let's put them all to use. By the way, turn on the railgun.

Once Tenglong Kingdom's particle defense shield fails, activate it immediately.

As Arante Robles's voice fell, only the Blue Star, the orbital gun in outer space that was originally located above the Citizen Country, began to move and look in the direction of the Tenglong Country.

In addition, due to the gathering of the demon army, all the totem spirits except Tenglong Kingdom began to gather around Tenglong Kingdom and began to roar.

Of course, none of them can see this clearly.

Because although the totem spirit exists, it is elusive.

Unless it is a special existence like Li Lan.

Above the sky, Li Quan smelled the disgusting scent of the demons. These demons were actually attacking Tenglong Kingdom!

The moment the demons attacked, Li Lan cried out in pain.

Lan Lan, what's wrong with you?! Seeing Li Lan suddenly shouting in pain, Li Quan asked with a trace of nervousness on his face.

Tenglong Kingdom has been invaded, and Lan Lan's body is being destroyed. There was a trace of tears in Li Lan's eyes. Obviously, the pain made Li Lan cry directly.

When Li Quan saw this, he looked angrily at the border of Tenglong Kingdom.

These damn demons originally wanted to let them live happily for a while longer, and then seek revenge on those demons when Li Quan's strength had increased to a certain level.

Unexpectedly, this group of monsters actually launched an attack on Tenglong Kingdom at this time, and even injured Li Quan's daughter Li Lan.

hold head high!

Li Quan let out an angry roar, and the dragon's roar echoed throughout Tenglong Kingdom.

Everyone, including all the demons, heard Li Quan's dragon roar.

It's a dragon! The dragon is coming!

The Dragon Clan has disappeared for hundreds of years, but I didn't expect it to reappear this time.

The dragon that appeared decades ago has been killed by us. I thought the dragon would take a warning, but unexpectedly it took the initiative to die.

Dragon meat is very delicious, and after eating dragon meat, your own strength will be improved!

Dragon? I want to eat dragon meat! Come on! After hearing Li Quan's dragon roar, these demons didn't show any fear at all. Instead, they were ready to hunt Li Quan.

However, from what they said, it seemed that a reclusive dragon was hunted and killed decades ago. In other words, the dragons on Blue Star did not disappear, but became secluded.

As for where it is hidden, no one knows.

The dragon's roar, could it be that dragon from back then? Li Quan's long roar could be heard by all the residents of Tenglong Kingdom.

At this time, everyone in the imperial capital heard Li Quan's voice and subconsciously thought of the dragon that killed the evil ghost before.

Dragon clan, didn't they stop caring about the world hundreds of years ago and just wait for the seal to be lifted to return to the stars and the sea?

Why are you still showing up now? On the throne, Ji Xuan pointed at the throne with his finger in confusion.

Your Majesty, no matter what, the appearance of this dragon clan is very beneficial to us!

In other words, the appearance of this dragon clan means forgiveness of that incident hundreds of years ago.

Hundreds of years ago, Mr. Liu cut off the dragon veins. Although he protected the vitality of Tenglong Kingdom and seriously injured foreign demons, he also offended the dragon clan.

Dragon Vein, Dragon Slayer Vein, that is to say the lifeblood of the Dragon Slayer Clan, how did the Dragon Clan accept this? Therefore, after that incident, the Dragon Clan all left the Tenglong Kingdom. As for where they went, no one knows.

That's fine. As long as the Dragon Clan is reborn, we must make up for what our ancestors did back then.

At this time, after Li Quan's dragon roar resounded, his figure finally appeared.

With a body size of 100,000 meters, it looks very oppressive.

The magical power of shrinking the ground to an inch was activated, and Li Quan appeared outside the borders of Tenglong Kingdom in an instant.

Looking at the country in a mess, if it hadn't been for the particle defense shield that blocked the attack, the damage would have been even more severe.

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