Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 34 The demon army is completely destroyed! The final blow of Heavenly Punishment and Earthly

When Li Quan appeared in the eyes of all the demons, they were all dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Even if it was agreed that a dragon would touch it, wouldn't the body length of that dragon be only a hundred meters at most?

What's going on with this dragon that's blocking out the sky and the sun? !

Not only the demon was dumbfounded, but also the soldiers stationed in the Tenglong Kingdom who saw Li Quan's reminder were dumbfounded.

Isn’t this dragon a bit exaggerated?

When Li Quan appeared, the area where he was located stopped fighting for a while, and everyone was sighing at Li Quan's hugeness.

Along with Li Quan's dragon roar, countless flames suddenly emerged from around Li Quan and fell towards the demons.

For a moment, a group of monsters attacked, those who reacted and evaded in time, but those who did not react helplessly watched the flames fall towards them.

All demons that came into contact with Li Quan's flames were burned to death alive.

How could these demons resist Li Quan's flames?

Not to mention Li Quan's current strength, the flames released by Li Quan as a true dragon have the bonus of dragon energy.

Dragon flame, dragon flame!

The power itself is enough to shock these demons. Now that Li Quan's level has been raised to level 60, the power he unleashes is even more terrifying.

Wherever it burned, a prairie fire was set ablaze. In an instant, all the monsters that attacked this area had only one fate.

He was burned alive by Li Quan's dragon flame and then converted into wealth value.

A monster. It is worth at least ten points of wealth, and there are several monsters with wealth values ​​reaching thousands.

Li Quan's wealth continues to increase, reaching a terrifying critical point: a wealth of 520,000!

In addition to those who have enemies, there are also those who have our own people.

Of course, Li Quan did not kill anyone in Tenglong Kingdom. The reason why he has the wealth of Tenglong Kingdom is naturally because of his faith!

Faith from the heart can provide wealth value to Li Quan.

Li Quan directly destroyed the incoming demon with a single move. The whole process only lasted three seconds, and the incoming demon was directly destroyed by Li Quan.

Just when Li Quan was about to go to the next location, the system template suddenly popped up.

This is to recommend magical powers.

Earth Controlling, Wood Controlling, and Metal Controlling, three spells popped up and were recommended to Li Quan for purchase.

All of them were originally priced at 10,000 yuan, which is just a drop in the bucket for Li Quan's current wealth.

After Li Quan spent 30,000 wealth points to buy it, the magical powers of earth control, metal control, and wood control appeared in his mind.

After Li Quan's successful inheritance, suddenly, Li Quan's water control and fire control skills were merged at this moment, turning into the Five Elements Art!

The Five Elements Jue controls the five elements of heaven and earth, and acquires a new form: the Five Elements Dragon King form!

Thinking silently in your heart, activate the Five Elements Dragon King form.

Li Quan's body size continued to expand, turning into a million-meter-sized Five Elements Dragon King.

The whole body is glazed white, and on the chest is a crystal of five colors: red, blue, green, yellow, and brown.

The crystal looked particularly charming. In addition, Li Quan's claws became hard and extremely sharp.

Long Lin's defense strength has also become much stronger.

As soon as the Five Elements Dragon King form appeared, Li Quan's strength became even more terrifying.

The demons who invaded Tenglong Kingdom were frightened by the aura emanating from Li Quan before they could successfully invade it.

Not only that, a space far above Venus suddenly shook, as if there was something hidden in it.

Ang! As soon as the Five Elements Dragon King form appeared, Li Quan looked up to the sky and chanted, and the dragon's power swept across the entire Blue Star in an instant.

All the demons, and even all the residents of Tenglong Kingdom, couldn't help but kneel down the moment they felt Li Quanlong's power.

Of course, there are two exceptions.

Li Quan’s parents.

Li Quan's parents watched all the neighbors kneel down subconsciously, except for themselves, with doubts on their faces.

After chanting for a long time, Li Quan opened his dragon eyes, glanced at the invading demons, and said in human words: Original demons, this Dragon Emperor wanted to give you a chance to live well.

But you actually want to commit suicide. In that case, don't blame me for being ruthless!

After Li Quanzhong's second shout, the earth control technique was activated and used together with the fire control technique.

The mud and rocks that were condensed by Li Quan instantly turned into flaming meteors.

The dragon flame meteors attacked the monsters who were forced to kneel on the ground. As the earth screamed, all the kneeling monsters were unable to resist. They were all killed by the torrential pear blossom attack of the dragon flame meteor.

After feeling Li Quan's power, Arante Robles despaired.

This is simply not something they can withstand. Li Quan's current strength was one of the most powerful in ancient times. However, not all powerful men of this level have been driven out of the seal of the solar system. What?

Why does it appear on Blue Star? !

Because of Li Quan's change, the demon clan's invasion of Tenglong Kingdom failed immediately.

However, even though Arante Robles knew that he was destined to fail, even so, he still had to give Li Quan some trouble!

Railgun! The ultimate blow! Lock on! Dragon! With the roar of Airante Robles, the Dragon Flame Meteor fell directly on top of Airante Robles' head.

The powerful power directly wiped out Arante Robles.

After Arante Robles roared, in space, after receiving the order, the rail gun began to deform at this moment.

The ultimate form of the rail gun can only be used once. Once used, even the Blue Star can penetrate!

However, after use, this rail gun will be broken into pieces. This is the ultimate weapon left by the demon clan in ancient times.

This is a rail gun built with the idea that if they can't get it, then you can't get it either.

Its real name is: Heavenly Punishment. Earthly Destruction!

Tian Zhu. Earth Destruction has completed its transformation and has locked onto the target Li Quan!

After feeling the locked touch, Li Quan raised his head and looked at the position in space.

Li Quan could clearly see the approaching danger with his naked eyes.

Tianzhu. Earthly Destruction is accumulating energy. This will be Tianzhu. Earthly Destruction's final blow, so the accumulated power is terrifying, enough to penetrate the entire Blue Star and destroy it.

If Li Quan avoids it, Heavenly Punishment and Earthly Destruction will penetrate the Blue Star land, and the entire Blue Star will be destroyed, and Li Quan will be homeless as a result.

As for Li Quan, it was too late to attack Tianchu and Dimie now, because Tianchu and Dimie had already launched an attack at this time!

It must be blocked!

At this critical moment, the system store suddenly popped up.

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