Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 32 Shrunk to an Inch

Finally, Wang Ruobin left.

When leaving, he left a key for Li Lan.

Yes, it was given to Li Lan, not Li Quan.

This key is the key to a three-story villa in Jiangdu City. It is impossible to get it without tens of millions.

No, even if there are tens of millions, you may not be able to get some. You need to have some connections to get it.

After Wang Ruobin left, Wang Keyuan also left because she had something to do. Of course, when they left, they also exchanged false letters.

The house can be moved in immediately, because all Wang Ruobin's houses are cleaned by dedicated personnel.

The two fathers and daughters packed up some things at home, and Li Quan brought the most valuable item in his rental house: a second-hand computer.

Although Li Quan is not short of money now, money is even readily available to Li Quan.

However, this second-hand computer has been with Li Quan for five years, and it can be said that it has feelings.

The two fathers and daughters moved quickly and successfully moved to their new home in less than an hour.

The new home is a three-story, gorgeously decorated villa.

There is a swimming pool inside, and there is also a small garden. It can be said that it has everything.

Dad, is this our new home? Li Lan came to the new home and asked Li Quan with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Of course, but this is just our temporary residence. The temporary residence is just a temporary residence.

Wait for Li Quan to dive into the bottom of the sea, collect some treasures in exchange for money, and then build a big villa for himself.

It's a pity that my mother is temporarily busy and can't come with us.

You girl. Li Quan looked helpless, while Li Lan made a face at Li Quan.

After tidying up, Li Quan took a look at the sky.

At this time, the sky scenery has darkened, and night has fallen.

The whole afternoon was basically busy looking at houses and buying clothes. Oh, and I was called by Wang Ruobin to talk to me in the middle of the afternoon. I didn't stop until now.

After resting for a while, Li Quan stretched his muscles and smiled at Li Lan: Lan Lan, do you want to go to the bottom of the sea to play?

Okay! Lan Lan likes playing with water the most! After hearing this, Li Lan smiled with a hint of joy on his face.

If Li Quan hadn't known Li Lan's true identity, he might have been deceived by Li Lan's appearance.

But maybe this smiling face is Li Lan's true face from the bottom of his heart.

Not long after, a giant dragon was seen flying into the sky, heading towards the river and the sea.

As for foreign countries, all the extraterritorial demons have basically been assembled.

Hundreds of thousands of monsters who have returned their bloodline to their ancestors will possess powerful power once their bloodlines are successfully returned to their ancestors. This is not something that the cultivators of Tenglong Kingdom can achieve by relying on their own efforts.

The leader is the leader of the Sirius Clan, Ellente Robles.

I saw it transformed into a terrifying demon that was tens of meters tall, and behind it was a demon that was basically about ten meters tall.

There were hundreds of thousands of demons gathered around Tenglong Kingdom, and they surrounded and attacked Tenglong Kingdom.

Logically speaking, such a large-scale demon invasion should be easily discovered by Tenglong Kingdom.

However, these demons actually carry a technology called a signal jammer, which directly blocks the images captured by the satellite and replaces the images captured by the satellite.

It can be said that there are many means.

In addition, this group of demons also carried numerous lethal weapons, including small nuclear bombs.

Three days are coming. The weak humans of Tenglong Kingdom are waiting to be devoured by our demon clan!

Become our strength and help us open our bloodlines! Human blood contains huge energy, which is why humans can gain huge power through practice.

In addition to gaining a long life, the purpose of cultivation is to liberate the huge power contained in one's body.

As long as demons devour humans, these demons can absorb this powerful power from human bodies.

Of course, this is only available to humans on Blue Star.

All of this is because of that adult.

At this time, Li Quan was hunting and upgrading in the area of ​​Tenglong Kingdom away from the high seas.

Li Lan, on the other hand, happily grabbed the horns on Li Quan's head and cheered.

Just after Li Quan broke into the high seas, Li Lan seemed to notice something, with a frown on his face.

Li Quan sensed Li Lan's emotions and asked curiously: Lan Lan, what's wrong?

Dad, for some reason, Lan Lan always feels that someone is going to do harm to Teng Long Kingdom.

Are they those guys from the extraterrestrial monsters?

Well, it should be them. Moreover, Lan Lan can feel that they are well prepared this time.

After hearing this, Li Quan thought for a while and asked Li Lan: Do you know where those guys who are planning to do harm to you are now?

At the moment before the incident actually happened, Li Quan planned to kill the source of the incident.

Lan Lan can't feel it. It seems that they used some secret method to isolate Lan Lan's perception.

This is difficult to deal with. No one knows where these extraterritorial monsters come from.

But it doesn't matter. With Li Quan's current strength, it only takes a few minutes to travel around the country.

Just sparing the entire Tenglong Kingdom would not waste much time.

Li Quan opened his mouth and took a deep breath.

All the fish within a few kilometers entered Li Quan's big mouth.

Li Quan's level was also directly upgraded to level 60.

Species: dragon

LV.60 (8565/100000000)

Body length: 100000M

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, water control, fire control, heart-protecting dragon scales, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment, transformation, shrinking the earth to an inch.

Wealth value: one thousand five hundred and sixty-one

As the level increased, Li Quan directly jumped into the sky, and the dragon emerged from the sea. The sea water poured down from Li Quan's body. The originally light yellow dragon scales on his body turned into golden yellow at this moment.

The whole body turned into a giant dragon 100,000 meters long, but because of the hidden dragon, no one could find any trace of Li Quan.

Now that he has the magical ability to shrink to an inch, Li Quan's speed is even more terrifying.

With just a thought, Li Quan can reach any corner of Blue Star in an instant.

Who else will be Li Quan’s opponent? !

Maybe there is an opponent in the universe who can defeat or even kill Li Quan, but there is no one on Blue Star!

Li Quan's 100,000-meter-long body was tumbling in the air, heading towards the homeland of Tenglong Kingdom in a flash.

The size of one hundred thousand meters may be very huge for humans, but compared with Li Lan's real body, this one hundred thousand meters is still a bit insufficient.

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