Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 300 Depressed Jiuli

Wait a minute, I'm an assistant coach, not a student, why should I run together?

Your duty as the deputy head coach is to supervise the students. Now, do you think that after your spiritual power is tightened by me, you can stay where you are and use your spiritual power to observe them?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Jiuli felt that it made sense for a moment.

Yes, since Li Quan has sealed her spiritual power, how can she supervise it?


Then Teacher Li, if you just need to remove the fasteners on my body, that'll be fine.

However, after hearing this, Li Quan silently smiled on the spot.

When Jiuli saw this, for some reason, an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

Don't tell me that you don't know how to remove the spiritual fastening.

Yes, how did you know?

After hearing this, Li Quan pretended to be surprised and said to Jiuli.

Jiu Li almost burst out looking at it.

Are you sure you're not kidding her?

If you know how to tighten spiritual power, then you know how to remove it.

Moreover, is it really okay for Li Quan to play tricks on himself like this?

For a moment, Jiuli felt depressed.

Teacher Jiuli, I didn't expect you to be so smart. I really underestimated you.

Wait a minute, Teacher Li, what did you think of me before?

Li Quan's words are very contemptuous.

Think of you as a teacher.

Who else could I think you are?

Jiuli almost collapsed after hearing this.

What does it mean to be a teacher?

If she is a teacher, why does she act so humble?

Even having a meal has a time limit.

Is this how you are treated as a teacher?

Okay, Teacher Jiuli, don't think so much. One day, I will learn how to release spiritual power.


Jiu Li was very depressed, this Li Quan was really bad.

Why should she be imprisoned?

Is it because she 'offended' Li Quan?

If this was really the reason, Jiuli was depressed, and even began to blame Zhang Fenfen in her heart for letting her master be cheated.


Suddenly, Zhang Fenfen seemed to have thought of something and looked at Li Quan in surprise: Teacher Li, did you just remove the gravity suppression for the children?

If she remembered correctly, Li Quan had just relieved the children of eleven times the pressure of gravity.

In this case, the gravity suppression on her body can be removed.

Oh, right, what next?

Help me relieve the gravity suppression!

Jiuli looked at Li Quan a little angrily and said, but his tone could not be cruel, so he could only grit his teeth and say to Li Quan.

Oh, I almost forgot.

After hearing this, Li Quan looked at Jiu Li with a smile, and then the two of them looked at each other.

After a moment, Jiuli looked at Li Quan who was motionless and asked doubtfully: Teacher Li?

Well, what's wrong?

Help me relieve the gravity suppression.

Oh, I forgot how to undo it.


I forgot how to release gravity suppression.


After Jiuli heard this, he was about to collapse!

This must be intentional!

This must be intentional!

Gravity suppression has just helped the children unlock it, there is no reason to forget it after a few minutes.

Li Quan must have done this on purpose!

However, Jiu Li can't have an attack, I'm so angry.

If it happened, Li Quan might give her some shoes to wear.

Is it?

Yes, I just forgot about it. I'm sorry, Teacher Jiuli. I will definitely help you resolve it next time.

Okay, remember it next time!

With a smile on his face, Jiuli responded sweetly.

However, if you listen carefully, you will hear Jiuli's gnashing of teeth.

Not only that, Jiuli found that in all his life, he had never been so angry with someone.

This Li Quan is so abominable!

Next time, remember that I will definitely lift the ban for you, Teacher Jiuli.

Then, I'll ask you to run and supervise the students.

Wait a minute, Teacher Li, isn't there a supervisory eye in the sky watching you? You shouldn't need me anymore, right?

This is fourteen times the pressure of gravity. Under fourteen times the gravity, Jiuli can climb over mountains and ridges. Although it is not impossible, it will be exhausted, okay?

Is this Li Quan willing to let a beautiful woman do such hard work?


Li Quan can definitely do it!

Because, even if she is so beautiful, there is nothing she can do!

Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, this supervisory eye in the sky is actually just a decoration.

It is indeed a decoration, what really works is Li Quan's perception.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiuli almost cried.

Teacher Li, you are so powerful. When I am not imprisoned, I can easily scan the entire space with my consciousness.

You are stronger than me, can't you scan the entire space in an instant and understand the situation of the children?

Jiuli still refused to give up and tried to defend Li Quan lazily.

Yes, I can, but if I do everything, what use do I need you as an assistant coach?

What Li Quan said made sense, and Jiu Li didn't know how to refute it for a while.

However, since she is of no use, why can't we let her go?

So, Teacher Li, since you can scan the entire space and understand the situation in an instant, wouldn't I be useless as an assistant coach?

So, Teacher Li, how about you just let me go?

How is this possible!

How could Teacher Jiuli think that he is useless!

It's precisely because I know that if I do this, you, the assistant coach, will be useless, that's why I asked you to go and monitor it yourself, and I won't use my spiritual mind to scan.

Don't worry, Teacher Jiuli, I will definitely let you know the meaning of your existence.

After hearing this, Jiu Li said to Li Quan with a smile on his face, Then I really want to thank you.

Oh, you're welcome. After all, helping others is my motto.

Go, Teacher Jiuli, you will definitely find your meaning here.

Jiuli almost collapsed after hearing what Li Quan said.

What the hell, why should you be so irritating!

There is no way, Li Quan's intention is clear here, if you don't obey, Li Quan has many ways to make you obey.

In other words, there is no difference between her as an assistant coach and this group of students.

If there is a real difference, it is that Li Quan's attitude towards her is at least much better than that of the children.

This is good news, although she was forced to serve as the assistant coach.

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