Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 299 Actual combat space upgrade!

Well, if you say yes, then I will.

No, no, no! You are not! Teacher Li, you are such a nice person, how could you be this kind of person!

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiuli reacted quickly and shouted hurriedly.

She was really scared to death, and Li Quan almost succeeded.

She almost forgot that even though they got along with him for a short time, she also got to know what kind of person Li Quan was.

That is a man who keeps his word. Don't mess with Li Quan.

The most important thing is, when you are weak, do not provoke Li Quan, otherwise, you will die ugly!

Okay, now that Teacher Jiuli has finished eating, it's time for class.

Li Quan's voice resounded throughout the actual combat site. After hearing this, all the students gathered together without any hesitation.

In this place, it is better to listen to Li Quan's words obediently. I just hope that Li Quan will not make things difficult for them.

I said before that your mission this time is to cross mountains and ridges.

Are you curious that there are no big mountains here?

After hearing this, all the students nodded.

It's all flat here, where did the mountains come from?

Or is Li Quan going to move the actual combat location to another place?

Well, it's true that there are no big mountains in this place, but the area is a bit small and incomplete.

So be it.

All the students looked at Li Quan with puzzled faces. Is this a rhythm that no longer requires training? !

However, soon, a group of students discovered that they had thought too much.

Because, they discovered that the place where they were standing was expanding rapidly.

Not only that, mountains, lakes, cliffs, and woods all sprung up in response.

The scene is very spectacular.

In just a few minutes, a space with a natural environment was transformed.

The actual combat location should also be called the actual combat space at this time.

Here, there are all kinds of creatures, including powerful creatures.

Of course, these creatures only exist in a certain place. As long as they go beyond this place, they will not pay attention to you unless you provoke them.

Now, the actual combat space is fully 20,000 kilometers in size.

In a small area of ​​20,000 kilometers, all extreme ecological environments are available.

Of course, this is just an extreme environment on Blue Star.

However, this is the primary combat space created by Li Quan. It is just an excessive space for children to improve their strength.

Moving mountains and reclaiming seas, creating life and so on, Jiu Li, who is at the star level, can also do it.

However, it is absolutely impossible to do it as easily as Li Quan, and it will even consume a lot of strength, and it is still not as perfect as Li Quan.

Teacher Li, what kind of existence are you?

Me? Now I am just an ordinary teacher.

Okay, classmates, have you seen the towering snow-capped mountains in front of you?

At this moment, Li Quan pointed his finger at the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance and shouted to his classmates.

Teacher, could it be said that our goal is to climb this snow-capped mountain?

Well, that's right. Your mission today is to climb over this snow-capped mountain and then return to this place.

According to preliminary estimates, the height of this snow-capped mountain is 15,000 meters.

Wouldn't it be a bit cruel to let them climb this snow-capped mountain in one day in this state?

Teacher, you want us to climb over snowy mountains in this state?!

Of course not. You must have adapted to eleven times gravity for several hours.

It's time to liberate you too.

After hearing Li Quan's words, all the students discovered that the eleven times gravity on their bodies had disappeared at this moment.

At the same time, that feeling of lightness filled their bodies.

The physique has been strengthened a lot, and is even several times stronger than before gravity was exerted on it.

Of course, this is only temporary. As long as you don't continue to exercise, this 'strengthening' effect will gradually return to normal in a short period of time.

It is estimated that only half can actually be transformed into a real physique.

However, if it goes on for a long time, half of the accumulation will be frightening.

Go ahead, the countdown has begun.

By the way, I forgot to tell you that if anyone doesn't come back within one day, be careful and there will be punishment.

While speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers.

Above the sky, the blue sky and white clouds began to form a huge clock.

The clock begins to count down.

After hearing this, all the students were so frightened that they immediately ran towards the mountain.

It's really scary. There is a punishment after running. Is there such a thing as this?

All the students, in order not to be punished by Li Quan, could only run towards the snow-capped mountains in a hurry.

Oh, by the way, don't forget, I will monitor you from high altitude.

The eyes of the clock high in the sky are my surveillance eyes.

While speaking, as if to better cooperate with Li Quan, the eyes of the clock in the sky actually moved.

All the students were depressed, thinking of being lazy or something, running half way and then running back. Unexpectedly, Li Quan had such a method.

However, what the students didn't know was that the eyes on the clock were not Li Quan's surveillance eyes.

As long as you are in this space, no matter whether you are a cell or a molecule, you cannot escape Li Quan's surveillance.

It can be said that in this actual combat space, Li Quan is the master.

Just like in the game world back then.

Li Quan is the master in the gaming world!

Establish order, stipulate everything, be self-centered and serve yourself.

Of course, this actual combat space is not as powerful as the game world.

After all, this is just a space, and the game world is similar to a realm.

The actual combat space is, at most, a combination of subspace and rules.

Just like the small world opened up by Li Quan when he fought with Hongtian.

However, this is a simple and rough version.

And Xiaotiandi is just the premium version.

At this time, the students were so frightened that they quickly ran towards the snow-capped mountains.

Jiu Li on the side looked at Li Quan silently.

Li Quan was also looking at Jiuli silently. After the two looked at each other, Jiuli asked silently: Teacher Li, what do you think I am doing?

Teacher Jiuli, have you forgotten your responsibilities?

Li Quan responded with a smile on his face.

Jiuli thought for a while, obviously not knowing what he should do.

Hey, have you forgotten that your assistant coach's responsibility is to supervise the training of the students?

Since the students have already gone over the mountains, as the deputy head coach, you naturally have to follow them.

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