Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 301 Liberation!

But don’t think that climbing the snow-capped mountains mentioned by Li Quan is as simple as climbing the snow-capped mountains.

You have to go through a lot of hardships on the way.

For example, be careful of sudden monster attacks.

In addition, be careful of things like landslides and avalanches.

Of course, if you are careful, logically speaking, the children can complete the trial with their strength.

However, this is just the children's first trial, and it is basically impossible to complete it without risk.

Therefore, in order to complete the trial, Li Zunyi and others spent a lot of effort.

Moreover, Li Zun already roughly understood Li Quan's intention.

This is to develop their ability to cooperate.

Whether you are climbing over snowy mountains or engaging in a life-and-death duel with goblins, cooperation and cultivating a tacit understanding are indispensable.

Although I don’t know what Li Quan’s intention was, Li Zun’s secret solution must not be simple.

Throughout the whole day, until the last moment, the students finally successfully completed the trial task.

And Jiu Li, who was responsible for supervising the entire process, finally took a breather.

She was blessed with fourteen times the gravity. Although her body was powerful, the pressure she endured due to the gravity factor was no worse than that of Li Zun and the others.

Now that the trial has finally been completed, can Jiuli be unhappy?

Not bad. They were able to complete all the trials. It deserves praise.

Well, in order to allow you to make progress all the time, I decided to give you gravity.

After hearing what Li Quan said, the students were about to 'protest' or something, but before they could say anything, Li Quan ruthlessly increased the gravity eleven times.

The extremely relaxed feeling in my body once again became cumbersome.

That very unpleasant feeling came over me again.

Huh? What do you want to say?


After hearing this, all the students responded very depressedly.

If they want to resist, probably with Li Quan's character, there will be something unknown waiting for them.

Although they had only been in contact with Li Quan for two days, they had a rough understanding of what kind of person Li Quan was.

If you want to live well, you must listen to Li Quan's words.

Only in this way can one survive Li Quan's 'devil training'.

Well, I look forward to seeing you again during our next practical course.

that's all.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers, and the figures of everyone present disappeared into the actual combat space in an instant.

And the next second, he appeared in the classroom.

This is their classroom, that much is clear.

However, when they opened their cosmic network, they found that only a few hours had passed.

It just happened to be time for get out of class to end.

However, they clearly felt that they had stayed in the display space for a full day.

Thinking of this, everyone became more and more afraid of Li Quan's strength.

What kind of existence is this?

You can actually control the flow of time. You know, even a strong person at the galaxy level would find it difficult to do this.

Of course, the students have only been exposed to cultivation for a few months, which means they roughly understand that the highest level of cultivation has reached the level of a large galaxy.

As for the existence above the level of large galaxies, they don't know anything about it.

Maybe someone among them will know something, but not much.

At the very least, they don't know anything about the super-galaxy level and the existence on it.

However, just because these students don't know it doesn't mean that Jiuli doesn't know it.

Jiuli himself is a strong man at the stellar level, and he has experienced a war between monsters and demons.

It is still clear about the existence above the super-galaxy level.

However, Jiuli is now certain that Li Quan is definitely very strong.

At the very least, he was the strongest among the people she had ever seen.

Being able to control the flow rate of space and time is really terrifying.

Therefore, after the students left, Jiuli looked at Li Quan and asked cautiously: Who are you?

After hearing this, Li Quan was stunned for a moment, then responded with a smile: You will understand this matter later.

The next practical course is in six days. I hope Teacher Jiuli, you can prepare it earlier.

Li Quan did not answer Jiu Li directly, but changed the subject and smiled.

And Jiuli also knows Li Quan's current personality, and will start to change the subject if he doesn't want you to know. Therefore, if you want to know Li Quan's strength, you can only wait for Li Quan to say it himself.

However, one thing Jiuli is sure of is that what Li Quan said must be followed.

Before he knew Li Quan's true strength, Jiu Li planned to stay away from the galaxy.

So what if Li Quan is strong?

The universe is so big, can Li Quan catch him?

However, after knowing Li Quan's character and faintly aware of Li Quan's extraordinary strength, Jiuli had already given up this idea.

If Li Quan really wanted to imprison her, it would be a piece of cake.

It only takes one thought to keep Jiu Li in the actual combat space. With Jiu Li's strength, there is no way to escape.

You can only stay in the actual combat space obediently.

But Li Quan did not do this, obviously he was very confident in his own strength.


Jiuli responded with a depressed look.

Good thing, he originally planned to come to stand up for his apprentice Zhang Fenfen or something.

Unexpectedly, it hit me, which was so depressing.

Soon, Jiuli left Li Quan's sight and headed to where his apprentice was.

Zhang Fenfen was sitting in the teacher's office depressed at this time.

At this time, Zhang Fenfen was thinking whether her thoughts needed to change or whether the world had gone crazy.

Why does even the dean think this way?

At this moment, Jiuli's figure appeared behind Zhang Fenfen.

However, because Zhang Fenfen was concentrating on thinking about something, she didn't notice the arrival of Jiuli behind her.

Xiao Fenfen! Jiuli's tone was a little weird, and he said through gritted teeth toward Zhang Fenfen.

Zhang Fenfen on the side, after hearing Jiuli's resentful tone, mechanically turned his head slowly to look behind him.

After discovering that the visitor turned out to be Jiu Li who was 'imprisoned' by Li Quan, he pointed at Jiu Li with a shocked expression and shouted: Master, master!

After hearing Zhang Fenfen's words, Jiuli pulled Zhang Fenfen's cheeks with a smile and looked at Zhang Fenfen with a kind smile.

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