Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 296 Blue Star’s Situation

Well, then, little girl, what do you want me to do?

Ji Xuan asked with a smile with a hint of amusement on his face.

After hearing this, Zhang Fenfen thought for a while, and then said to Ji Xuan: Dean, can you send someone to teach this Teacher Li a lesson?

But don't be too harsh. There is just something wrong with his education method, but he is still a good person.

As long as you correct his education.

Well, okay, little girl, just go back first. Someone will go there in person later.

By the way, as for Teacher Li's education method you mentioned?

While speaking, Ji Xuan suddenly fell silent, and then said: Actually, we are planning to implement this education policy.

After hearing Ji Xuan's words, Zhang Fenfen was stunned for a moment, and then patted her little face.

After confirming that it was not a dream, everyone was shocked.

House, Dean, are you kidding me?

This is child abuse!

Hehehe, girl, do you know?

Before the era of cultivators came, the training of soldiers from the Tenglong Kingdom was much harder than it is now.

Furthermore, you have never personally experienced what happened in the demon era, so you don't know the pain involved.

Only when your own strength becomes stronger can you be qualified to protect your home.

Today, our education policy is so lazy that today's students are not as good as the previous generation.

This is not false. Since entering the era of great prosperity of the universe, the practical skills of the new generation have become worse than the previous generation.

Until now, decades later, to put it mildly, today's actual combat can be compared to the stage martial arts scenes before the era of practitioners.

Appearance is worthless.

Didn't you see that just two goblins had defeated Li Pujing, who had never seen anything like this before?

If it weren't for Li Zun, I'm afraid Li Pujing would have been killed by the goblins long ago.

Therefore, in response to this problem, everyone decided to carry out in-depth reforms in education.

At the very least, it can make the students' combat effectiveness no longer limited to a 'performance' existence, with only its form but no reality.

Dean, tell me, this is not true!

It's a pity little girl, all this is true.

Perhaps, this is very shocking to your senses, but you just need to get used to it.

I took it on the same day. Your teacher Li's education policy is indeed a bit strict.

Not enough, the general direction is still the same.

Okay, old man, I have other things to do.

Little girl, it's time for you to go back.

Obviously, Ji Xuan was issuing an eviction order.

As for Zhang Fenfen, after leaving, she seemed to be in a state of trance.

Soon, Ao Shun's figure appeared again in the dean's office.

It seems that these first-generation students have a great sensory impact on the things we want to reform.

There is no way. After all, the actual combat ability of today's students is indeed infinitely close to zero.

At the very least, for other people, it won't be of any other use.

Although this is the Human Alliance and the era of great prosperity of the universe.

However, there are still struggles in the Human Alliance.

War, these things happen every day.

Except for Blue Star, who was protected by Nuwa and Fuxi, other races in the Human Alliance did not dare to attack Blue Star. Every place in the universe was full of dangers.

Nowadays, because Nuwa and Fuxi are in charge, Blue Star is in the Human Alliance and cannot be provoked by many forces, but at the same time, Blue Star is also a thorn in the side of many forces.

Once Nuwa and Fuxi no longer protect Blue Star, among other things, Blue Star will be the target of everyone's anger.

Therefore, in order to protect Blue Star and make Tenglong Kingdom stronger, we can only cultivate combat power as early as possible.

Instead of waiting until everything happens, start cultivating.

If they really had to wait until the moment of life and death before cultivating them, they would probably have been destroyed long ago.

It seems that you have noticed it too.

After hearing this, Ao Shun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said.

Isn't that natural? On the surface, Blue Star is a place that many forces aspire to, but secretly, they want to replace Blue Star and become the center of the Human Alliance.

Fortunately, now we have the protection of Lady Nuwa and Lord Fuxi, as well as the protection of ancestor Ji Xuanyuan, and the protection of the real dragon in the secret, so that these young people dare not act rashly.

Otherwise, Blue Star would have been destroyed countless times.

Others think that Blue Star is very prosperous and powerful. However, only the senior staff of Blue Star, that is, they know the real difficulties.

Therefore, in order to prepare for a rainy day, we can only start to carry out educational reforms.

Don't worry, if you have anything to do, just go ahead and implement it.

If anything goes wrong, I'll take care of it.

At this moment, Li Quan's voice suddenly appeared in their minds.

Thank you, Lord True Dragon!

Well, I'm leaving first. I hope you won't disappoint me.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure disappeared into the air, and in an instant, Li Quan returned to Jiangdu's No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

Li Quan, however, did not directly enter the actual combat location, but sat at the gate and acted as a 'gatekeeper'.

Soon, listless Zhang Fenfen appeared in front of Li Quan.

Teacher Zhang, why do you look listless?

Li Quan asked with a smile on his face, knowingly.

Zhang Fenfen was very depressed after seeing Li Quan's handsome smile.

Originally I wanted to be angry, but after seeing Li Quan's handsome face, I couldn't get angry at all.

He could only say to Li Quan depressedly: Teacher Li, where is my master?

Oh, your master, you are currently supervising the actual combat training of the students at the actual combat location.

Don't worry, I didn't do anything to your master.


After hearing what Li Quan said, Zhang Fenfen responded helplessly, then avoided Li Quan and left.

Leaving behind a lonely and weak figure.

Li Quan did not step forward to comfort him.

Because everything Li Quan did after leaving was for the future of his classmates.

Although Li Quan is so cruel and ruthless to his classmates, everything is for them.

In fact, if other people knew that Zhenlong was teaching in person, they would probably cry and be squeezed into Class A of the first year.

It can be said that this group of students is lucky.

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