The reason why it takes a few seconds to go from Jiangdu to the Imperial Capital is because there is a space gate between the two.

Space teleportation is not a rare thing in this era where technology and cultivation coexist.

However, space teleportation has fixed points on Blue Star.

After all, the space barriers of the entire solar system were reinforced by Nuwa and Fuxi.

Therefore, it is basically impossible to break through the space.

Of course, this space gate technology was developed by Nuwa and Fuxi. In order to facilitate transportation on Blue Star, they relaxed the space barriers in this area.

Just relax, limited to point-to-point handoffs.

Just like vertex teleportation, there is no need to set up a wormhole.

You only need to capture the data of this spatial node.

At this time, Zhang Fenfen had already arrived at the gate of Imperial Capital Supreme Academy. Seeing this glorious and imposing gate, Zhang Fenfen mustered up the courage and stepped directly into it.

After Zhang Fenfen entered it, she didn't realize that Li Quan was already looking at Zhang Fenfen above the sky.

Of course, not only Zhang Fenfen, but also Nuwa and Fuxi didn't notice.

After all, Li Quan used his talent: Long Yin.

Long Yin can not only hide one's own cultivation aura, but also hide one's own figure.

Li Quan, who uses Long Yin, no matter who he stands in front of or does, no one will notice.

This is the power of Li Quan's talent Long Yin.

Ao Shun, go ahead.

Li Quan's voice reached Dragon King Ao Shun's mind.

And Ao Shun, after receiving Li Quan's order, smiled with Ji Xuan and said: Human King, Lord True Dragon has something that we need to do.

Oh? I wonder what the Dragon King is talking about?

Soon, Ao told Ji Xuan Zhang Fenfen's purpose of coming here, and Ji Xuan also learned some of Li Quan's plans.

Therefore, Ji Xuan smiled and said: Okay, it's just a piece of cake. Since it's the real dragon who ordered it personally, it's not a big deal if I go and help.

Yeah, please.

After hearing this, Ao Shun smiled and responded.

Nowadays, Ao Shun no longer calls Ji Xuan the Human Emperor.

If it were a hundred years ago, Ji Xuan could be called the Human Emperor.

After all, there is only one Human Emperor on Blue Star, and he is the Human Emperor of the Blue Star human race.

But that doesn't work now, Ji Xuanyuan is still alive, and he is the living Emperor.

Among the human race, there can only be one Human Emperor.

Ji Xuan is, at best, a human king.

The king who manages a branch of the clan.

And he, Ao Shun, is the Dragon King who is responsible for managing the Blue Star Dragon Clan.

A moment later, Ji Xuan heard the voice from a subordinate teacher.

Dean, there is an eighty-year-old girl who wants to see you for something.

Oh? Really, let her in.

After hearing this, Ao Shun obviously knew that the rightful owner had arrived.

Leave everything to the King of Humans.

Dragon King, you're welcome. The real dragon's affairs are everyone's affairs. They are just small things.

After hearing this, Ao Shun smiled and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

However, Ao Shun has always been in his original position, and the reason why he disappeared was just using the ability to hide.

The dragon clan's concealment ability is still very strong, although it is not as good as Li Quan, who is a real dragon.


At this moment, the door suddenly knocked, and Ji Xuan said with a smile: Come in.


As the door of the dean's office was opened by Zhang Fenfen, Ji Xuan asked with a smile on his face: I don't know, girl, do you have anything to do with me, old man?

Ji Xuan is only over 170 years old now. Logically speaking, the appearance of a cultivator will be fixed and it can be maintained.

However, Ji Xuan did not choose to retain his youthful appearance, but chose to look like an old man.

In his words, it looks more intimate.

After all, he no longer has to be the head of a country. He only needs to take care of himself and take care of himself, and sometimes practice cultivation.

Are you Emperor Ji Xuan?

Hey, little girl, old man, I am not the emperor now.

The emperor is a thing of the past. Now, old man, I am just an ordinary person. Well, an ordinary person who manages education issues.

You can just call me Dean.

After all, Ji Xuan has now given away all the rights he has, and he has retained an identity.

The identity of the king of the Blue Star human race.

In addition, he is just the general person in charge of the Ministry of Education.

Anyway, if there is something to do, just do it down below, and all he has to do is move his fingers to agree or reject some plans.

Of course, Ji Xuan spent most of his time practicing.

What a pity. You led our Tenglong Kingdom to glory.

Hey, all this has passed. Moreover, it is not me, the old man, who leads the Tenglong Kingdom to glory, but the real dragon.

Without the real dragon, I'm afraid the original Tenglong Kingdom would be gone.

Hey, hey, the real dragon's contribution is great, but your role is not small either.

Anyone can flatter someone.

Hahaha, you little girl, it's funny. If a real dragon hears it, you will be in trouble.

How could it be! I'm just an ordinary person. This is just my opinion. I believe Lord True Dragon won't blame me.

Furthermore, Lord True Dragon has always been a divine dragon, so how could he hear it?

Maybe the real dragon will hear it now.

How could it be possible? Dean, please don't scare me. I'm timid.

Interesting little guy.

While speaking, Ji Xuan knocked on the table and saw a stool suddenly appear behind Zhang Fenfen. Then he motioned for Zhang Fenfen to sit down and said with a smile: So, little girl, what do you want to see me from the old man?

The old man doesn't believe that you and I would come to see the old man and me for no reason.

Dean, you are a practitioner, why do you call yourself an old man?

However, you are right, I really have something to ask you today.

I want to complain about someone to you!

After hearing this, Ji Xuan smiled inadvertently. Sure enough, everything was planned by Li Quan.

Therefore, Ji Xuan pretended to be surprised and asked Zhang Fenfen, I wonder who made you go to such trouble to complain to me, the old man?

That person had problems with his education. After he educated his children, the children all complained to me.

Soon, Zhang Fenfen told Ji Xuan all about Li Quan's done, which Ji Xuan heard was called stability.

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