Zhang Fenfen's complaints were fruitless and she was very desperate. Now she doesn't know what to do.

Does it mean that everything is going to change?

Even the dean of the Ministry of Education is like this. What should she do?

The general trend is inevitable and no one can stop it.

No one can change this fact.

Therefore, I can only accept it silently.

And Li Quan saw all of this.

Although this may be very disappointing for Zhang Fenfen, the future of Tenglong Kingdom does have to make changes for this.

Without change, the future will be a dead end.

Therefore, all this is needed.

At this time, in the actual combat location.

Of course, Li Quan is also in charge of the three meals and other things for this group of students.

After all, there is a 24-hour difference between two hours outside and the actual combat location.

Among them, Li Quan will provide food to the students every eight hours.

As for the food, it is naturally the highest level of treatment.

Li Quan would bring back whatever food could speed up the absorption of nutrients and increase the students' physical fitness.

Compared to the cruelty of actual combat, the delicious food made these students forget about the blessing of gravity.

In fact, they wish that time could freeze at this second forever.

Because the food Li Quan sent was so delicious.

They had never tasted such delicious food.

Among other things, after training, the stomach is often hungry and in a state of hunger. Even a piece of ordinary bread will feel like a delicious food in the world.

Not to mention that the food prepared by Li Quan is of the highest level, and the taste can be imagined.

It was a joy for all the students to eat.

Are you full?

When you're full, just let me continue training.

After saying this, Li Quan continued to let the students adapt to gravity.

Today, students are able to perform some simple actions as usual under ten times the gravity.

They look no different from normal people.

Now, what Li Quan needs to do is to gradually increase the gravity that the student can bear.

Now, it is already eleven times the gravity, and the gravity has been slowly increasing for a long time.

I know that one day, if the gravity restrictions on the students are lifted, the students' strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

While the students were carrying out personal cultivation under the blessing of gravity, Jiu Li from the side came over.

At this time, Jiu Li was able to move freely under fourteen times the gravity.

Of course, limited to simple activities.

Teacher Li, there is something I want to discuss with you.

At this time, Jiuli no longer resisted at all.

Because she knew how big the gap was between herself and Li Quan.

If nothing else, Li Quan could kill her instantly with just one finger.

Not to mention that in this state, the physical body is pressed by fourteen times gravity, and the spiritual power is imprisoned by Li Quan.

There is nothing you can do if you want to resist.

What's more, Jiu Li didn't intend to resist.


Of course, it was because, with Li Quan, Jiu Li could clearly feel that his strength had improved significantly!

Jiu Li even had a hunch that Li Quan seemed to be deliberately training her secretly.

It seems like he wants to train her.

Of course, if you ask Li Quan directly, Li Quan will definitely deny it. After all, the strong have the dignity of the strong.

Of course, Jiu Li was right about Li Quan secretly cultivating Jiu Li.

After all, Jiuli can be said to be the inheritor of the inheritance left behind by Li Quan.

Nominally speaking, Jiu Li is the inheritor of the True Dragon and can be considered one of his disciples.

Cultivating a disciple is not something he cares about.

After all, being able to obtain Li Quan's inheritance can be regarded as having this master-disciple fate.

Oh, I don't know what it is?

If I can help, I can tell you.

After hearing this, Li Quan did not refuse.

Yes, I want to eat too.


I also want to eat the food you prepared for the students.

As if he felt that Li Quan didn't hear clearly, Jiu Li repeated it again and spoke accurately.

Teacher Jiuli, now you only need to absorb spiritual energy from the air to replenish your physical strength.

I don't think you need a food supplement.

I, I'm greedy, is that okay?

Yes! Jiuli is just greedy.

From beginning to end, Jiuli is a foodie who loves to eat delicious food.

And because he has become a star-level strongman and can eat as much as he wants, Jiu Li can eat if he wants to, and if he doesn’t want to eat, he can’t eat.

Now, after seeing that Li Quan actually brought out such 'delicious' food, and the students were so excited to eat, their blood was boiling.

The foodie Jiuli on the side also wanted to join in.

However, because he is now a 'teacher' and he is still a star-level existence, Jiuli needs to pay attention to his image all the time.

Although, Jiuli's image was unreserved in front of Li Quan, and even in the eyes of the students, he was just an unlucky strong man.

However, this does not prevent Jiuli from asking Li Quan for food with dignity!

Although, asking for food or something is already very undignified.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't realize it. Teacher Jiuli, you turn out to be a foodie.

After hearing Li Quan's teasing, Jiuli's face gradually turned rosy, like a shy little girl.


Okay, Teacher Jiuli, since you helped look after the students, you can be regarded as a teacher I hired privately. Although you don't get a salary, I won't treat you badly.

After Li Quan snapped his fingers, delicious food appeared in front of Jiu Li.

Without saying anything, Jiuli picked up one of the chicken legs and started eating it.

That look is so tempting.

Jiuli herself has the kind of appearance that would make people look stunning. No matter how she looks, she can completely outshine those traffic stars on the Internet.

The way she looks now is simply to seduce people's inner desires.

Not to mention anything else, most of the male students here were attracted by the appearance of Jiuli.

Teacher Jiuli, pay attention to your image.

Seeing this, Li Quan pretended to cough softly, and then said to Jiuli.

After hearing this, Jiuli also knew that something was wrong with his condition.

But there is no way. She usually eats delicious food in a private room by herself, but now she has forgotten that she behaved so rudely in the big public at the actual combat location.

It’s simply embarrassing!

Teacher Jiuli, be careful next time. These are young and passionate students who cannot withstand your temptation.

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