The gravity is gradually increasing, of course, in an imperceptible state.

Although the students have initially adapted to the environment under ten times the gravity, it is still very difficult to move.

After a while, thirty goblins were finally killed with the concerted efforts of everyone.

Compared with last night's killing, today's killing was much simpler.

After all, either you die or I die.

They have no choice in order to survive.

Did you do a good job? Compared to yesterday, you did quite well today.

And Jiu Li on the side just completed the up and down squats.

Fortunately, Jiu Li's physique is good. After all, he has a wind attribute physique, so his recovery speed is not bad.

Therefore, the gravity that can be endured gradually becomes equal to that of the students.

Teacher Li Quan, can you remove the gravity from my body?

Yes, teacher, we have completed the practical courses you assigned.

After hearing this, Li Quan smiled and responded: Who told you that your practical course has been completed?

There are still two hours until get out of class ends. Oh, I almost forgot, it's two hours outside and twenty-four hours inside.

The flow of time here has been modified by me, so you can work hard to improve your personal combat power in the actual combat location.

Teacher, you are not joking, are you?

Twenty-four hours, isn't this the time of a day!

Yes, it's just one day. Of course, I don't need to ask you to fight or anything next, as long as you can adapt to the gradually increasing gravity.

By the way, I might as well tell you that with a good body, you can practice faster, that's it.

While speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers, and the goblin corpses all over the ground gradually turned into light spots and dissipated.

After hearing this, all the students breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as they don't have to fight goblins or something, this is all fine.

It's just a matter of adapting to ten times the gravity. It's very simple.

I just don’t know why it’s so slow to adapt to ten times the gravity?

What the students didn't know was that what they were enduring was not ten times the force of gravity.

Whenever their bodies can adapt to the current gravity for a short time, they will gradually increase the gravity.

In this way, although the students have adapted to the current gravity, they need to bear it again because the gravity has deepened.

It is for this reason that all the students find it a bit difficult to adapt to gravity.

However, they chose to adapt to gravity rather than kill monsters.

After all, this is not life-threatening.

Jiu Li on the side shouted to Li Quan dissatisfied: Teacher Li, please remove the gravity from my body.

Ah, I almost forgot, I'm sorry, Teacher Jiuli.

Li Quan responded with a smile on his face, and then began to release Jiuli's gravity suppression.

However, at the moment when it was untied, Jiuli's body suddenly pressed heavily toward the ground.

W-what's going on? Why do I feel my body is so heavy?!

Didn’t you say that you would unravel gravity?

Why is it getting heavier?

Oh, I'm sorry, Teacher Jiuli. I accidentally increased your gravity. Now your gravity has reached thirteen times. I will adjust it for you right now.

However, after waiting for a long time, Li Quan did not make any move.

On the contrary, Jiuli gradually adapted to the thirteenth gravity, and reluctantly supported his body with his hands.

Teacher Li, are you kidding me?

No, Teacher Jiuli, I have some bad news for you.

There was a hint of 'embarrassment' on Li Quan's face. For some reason, Jiu Li had an ominous premonition after seeing Li Quan's appearance.

I only learned how to increase gravity, but I didn't learn how to reduce my own gravity.

So, what you mean is that the gravity on my body cannot be relieved?!

Yes, that's what you said.

Li Quan clapped his hands and responded with a smile on his face.

That appearance, not to mention how handsome he is.

However, this handsome appearance was like a devil in Jiu Li's eyes.

This is simply devilish!

Was this Li Quan photographed by God to punish her? !

If you learn to increase gravity, why don't you learn to subtract gravity?

Are you sure you're not kidding her? !

Beside, one of the ten students was about to say something, but suddenly felt Li Quan's kind smile.

Classmate, what's the matter with you?

After hearing what Li Quan said, the student was immediately frightened.

It was too scary. He had a hunch that if he really said it, Li Quan would find a way to increase or decrease gravity. I'm afraid he would be targeted by Li Quan.

Therefore, for the sake of his own life, he could only aggrieve Jiuli.

Anyway, Jiu Li looks so powerful, it won't be difficult to bear the gravity with them.

Okay, Teacher Jiuli, your task is to supervise the adaptation of these students. As for me, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.

After finishing speaking, Li Quan patted Jiu Li on the shoulder and smiled.

Before Jiuli could react, he was lightly slapped on the shoulder by Li Quan, and he fell heavily to the ground again.

This Li Quan must have done it on purpose!

Oh, I'm sorry, Teacher Jiuli. I'm sure you won't blame me if I accidentally do it.

Well, that's it. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first. I'll leave it to you to maintain order here.

By the way, students, I forgot to tell you. You can only go out when the time is up. Don't try to walk around. It would be terrible if some accidents happen accidentally.

Li Quan said to the students with a smile, looking very gentle.

However, the students now know some things about Li Quan.

I said don’t run around, so you can’t run around.

If something was triggered by accident, it would really be an accident.

Okay, bye.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure disappeared directly into the actual combat site, leaving only a group of depressed students and Jiu Li who gritted his teeth at Li Quan.

Gravity adaptation is still increasing, and it is estimated that when they truly adapt, their physical physiques will far exceed those of the same realm.

At this time, Zhang Fenfen was on her way to the Supreme Academy of the Imperial Capital.

It only takes a few seconds to reach the Imperial Capital from Jiangdu.

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