Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 293 Counterattack·

Before Jiu Li could say anything, Li Quan said to Jiu Li with a smile on his face.

Jiu Li hadn't reacted yet, only feeling that the weight of his body increased sharply at this moment.

Ten times the gravity added to my body, and I couldn't bear it for a while, and I almost fell to the ground.


This is what I call squat punishment.

Train under ten times the gravity, and when you are released, you will naturally get the best results.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Jiuli did not refute Li Quan's point of view. If it was just for exercise, it would be nothing.


You're just going to let the children fight goblins under ten times gravity?

If it were just an ordinary person, under ten times the gravity, they could still fight and win.

However, if she felt correctly, these thirty goblins corresponded to the realm of this group of classmates.

In the same realm, with ten times the gravity, it can almost be said that he is bound to lose against the goblins.


It is certain death!

Unfortunately, Li Quan forcibly imprisoned her spiritual power, which prevented her from releasing her magic to save these children. She could only pray that these children could successfully defeat the goblins.

However, there is little hope.

Because the goblin summoned this time was very ferocious, and he would beat him up if he stepped forward.

Although Goblins have low IQs, they are low-intelligent creatures.

But, that also has IQ.

Naturally, it was obvious that something was wrong with these students.

Therefore, the goblins did not engage in life-and-death fights against their classmates, but rather tortured them.

For a moment, screams sounded in this actual combat space.

Li Quan! You are murdering these children!

Teacher Jiuli, you must have experienced the demon war, right?

In the early days of the demon war, what do you think of the life and the number of demons in the galaxy?

Of course Jiu Li participated in this demon war, and if it hadn't been for the protection of the real dragon, the Milky Way would have been wiped out in an instant.

Moreover, because of the real dragon, Jiu Li also used this to continuously improve his strength, reaching the current star level.

It can be said that in the battle between monsters and monsters, with the protection of the real dragon, it was 100% sure to lose, but the situation of the battle was instantly reversed.

Compared with these thirty goblins, the battle against monsters is nothing worth mentioning.

But, they are children.

Indeed, they are indeed children, but how many children were involved in the war a hundred years ago?

Li Quan asked with a smile on his face.

In the beginning, as long as you had cultivation, you could use the demon defense system to go to other planets to kill enemies.

There are many students among them.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiuli fell silent.

Because, back then, Jiu Li saw the students fighting with the demons with his own eyes.

That scene was tragic.

People a hundred years ago were able to endure hardship. Could it be that today's students can't even endure this kind of hardship?

Jiuli didn't respond because she didn't know how to answer.

For some reason, she always felt that Li Quan was right. Today's teachings have promoted cultivation among all people on a large scale.

However, precisely because of the comfortable environment, the combat power of students in this era can be said to be just a decoration.

What Li Quan did was just to get this group of students to fight again.

Since Teacher Jiuli has nothing to do, how about you experience squatting under ten times the gravity?

While speaking, Li Quan patted Jiu Li's shoulder and smiled.

Jiuli, who was barely holding himself up with his arms, fell to the ground after being slapped by Li Quan.

It’s so abominable!

She felt that Li Quan must have done it on purpose!

Otherwise, he wouldn't have suddenly patted her while she was under ten times the gravity.

You know, a slight pat in the past might not be a problem.

However, with the blessing of ten times gravity, all external forces act ten times.

Teacher Jiuli, come on, even those students can complete ten squats in ten minutes, you can do it too.

Or are you worse than a student?

When asked by Li Quan, Jiuli immediately became angry.

What does it mean to be worse than a student!

If you say this, doesn't it mean that her stellar level cultivation is all wasted? !

Ten in ten minutes? It’s just a trivial matter!

However, what Jiuli didn't know was that the heavier his own weight, the greater the gravity he would bear.

Therefore, with Jiuli's current physique, under ten times the gravity, it would be a great experience.

Of course, Jiu Li himself is at the stellar level and has a better physique than many of his students.

Soon, Jiuli began to adapt to ten times the gravity and was doing deep squats.

And a group of students are also beginning to desperately adapt to ten times the gravity.

After all, if you don't adapt, you will be beaten to death by the goblins who are beating you now.

In order to survive and not let his soul be abused by Li Quan, he can only adapt desperately!

Soon, Li Zun stood up.

He was fighting against a foundation-level goblin. The goblin wanted to swing his fist and hit Li Zun in the face, but Li Quan forced him to avoid it.

Then he quickly raised his foot.

Under ten times the gravity, Li Zun's movements were a bit slow, and he was easily dodged by the goblin.

When the goblin saw Li Zun standing up, he immediately called out to his companions, planning to attack Li Zun collectively.

After hearing this, a group of goblins were about to attack Li Zun, but they felt a hand grabbing tightly under their feet, preventing them from leaving.

Don't even think about hurting Li Zun!

After beating us for so long, now it's our turn!

As more and more people stood up, the goblins no longer looked down upon everyone, but planned to be ruthless and kill their classmates first.

The fangs opened wide and bit into the students.

But he was barely avoided by the students.

Not only that, the students have weapons in hand.

Although it is very bulky, this weapon somehow fits their movements very well.

Therefore, after taking up arms, everyone began to fight back.

Although the movement is a bit slow, it is not impossible to defeat the goblins.

The force the Goblin endured after being hit was not ordinary.

Therefore, what should have been the screams of the students now turned into the screams of the goblins.

And Li Quan saw all of this.

Not only that, Li Quan slightly moved his fingers.

Now that the students have begun to adapt to ten times the gravity, they can begin to slowly increase it.

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