Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 292 Ten times gravity

At the actual combat site, Li Quan looked at Jiuli with a smile and said, From today on, the training of the students will be left to you.

Of course, you only play a supervisory role. I am responsible for other things, such as arrangements and so on.

that is it.

If the students fail to achieve the training goals, you will be punished, Teacher Jiu.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Jiuli's face showed a trace of depression.

This Li Quan is so abominable that he pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger.

You bastard!

Huh? Why am I such a jerk?

Or are you angry because I hid my strength?

When Li Quan saw this, he said calmly.


Why, is it a crime to hide one's strength?

I told you from the beginning, if you lose, you're going to be the assistant coach.

This is not the first time I've told you. It's my fault that you bumped into me.

Li Quan pretended to be nonchalant, and Jiuli gritted his teeth when he saw it.

Okay, I won't tell you anymore.

Students, the break time has come, it's time to train.

After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students felt depressed.

The student who was lying on the ground and had just completed a squat under ten times gravity silently forced himself to stand up.

Teacher, can you take a rest for a while? I was too tired from squatting just now. I...

What do you think?

Your ten squats are as punishment for being late.

Jiu Li on the side was confused after hearing this.

She knew about squats.

However, why does this classmate feel this way?

Li Quan, you.

Hey, it's class time now. Please call me Teacher Li. Do you understand? Teacher Jiuli.

Before Jiu Li could finish speaking, he was directly interrupted by Li Quan. After hearing this, Jiu Li couldn't hold back from venting.

However, even venting was of no use. After all, Jiuli was no match for Li Quan.

Teacher Li Quan, are your squats different from other squats?

If it's a simple squat, Jiuli can do it continuously until the end of get out of class, if nothing else.

If it's other squats, such as weighted squats, it's hard to say.

There's no difference, just squat down with your head in your hands.

Why, if you are interested, you can try it later.

While speaking, Li Quan focused his eyes on the students and said, Okay, let's start today's practical course.

Today, your mission is to kill the goblins!

Remember, there is one goblin for each person, you know?

After hearing what Li Quan said, many students thought that Li Quan had changed his gender.

If it were a goblin, if nothing else, at the same level, they would defeat it in a matter of minutes.

Teacher! Is it true?!

The originally listless students cheered up after hearing Li Quan's words.

Do you think, teacher, when have I ever broken a promise?

Indeed, Li Quan does what he says, and this is what makes people feel terrible.

Very good!

Unexpectedly, today's practical course was so easy. They just killed a goblin. After yesterday's baptism, they were no longer afraid.

Now that you're all ready, let's get started.

Oh, right.

Be sure to take the weapons I gave you yesterday. This is the most important treasure in your life.

Li Quan said to the students with a mysterious face.

The students, on the other hand, took out the weapon Li Quan had given them yesterday: a stick made of unknown material from the space ring.

The stick is a bit special and feels quite comfortable.

Okay, let's get started.

While speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers.

Thirty goblins suddenly climbed up from the ground.

Jiu Li, who was on the side, saw this and said silently: Summoning Technique?!

Well, it's almost the same. It can also be said to be a summoning technique.

However, this is not an ordinary summoning technique by Li Quan.

Others' summoning spells only summon energy-based monsters.

As for Li Quan's summons, he was summoned through cutting the space and then locking him into it.

Theoretically speaking, Li Quan's goblin is a life, while others' are summoned energy bodies.

Of course, there is also a contract-style summoning technique, and what is summoned is the living body.

Come on, you have to defeat these goblins within ten minutes, otherwise, you will bear the consequences.

Jiu Li on the side was a little confused after hearing this.

Could it be that she was overthinking all this?

In her eyes, the strength of these goblins was like ants.

If nothing else, even these children can fight one against three as long as they muster up the courage.

Or maybe it was because she was here that Li Quan deliberately controlled his violence.

If that's the case, it would be quite useful for her to serve as the deputy head coach or something.

Hey! What's going on? Why is my body...

At the moment when the students wanted to move, they found that they were unable to move as if there was a thousand weights on their bodies.

After the ten students felt the gravity, they shouted without tears: Ten times gravity? Here we go again!

Under ten times the gravity, everything becomes extremely slow.

Of course, this is just for the students.

Sure enough, how could Li Quan be so kind and let them hunt only one goblin.

They were overthinking everything. Li Quan was still the same Li Quan and had not changed.

Teacher! You are trying to trick us!

Under ten times the gravity, it was extremely difficult to raise one's hand, let alone fight the goblins.

After hearing what the students said, Jiuli asked Li Quan with confusion, What's going on?

It's okay, I just added a BUFF to the children to exercise their endurance.

Come on, you still have nine minutes. Pick up the weapons in your hands and attack the goblins.

By the way, even if you die, I can still revive you, so don't worry.

Can people be resurrected directly even if they die?

This is a rhythm that won’t let them go even if they die!

Li Quan's move was really cruel.

You know, among these students, there are Li Zun and Fang Rong.

One is Li Quan's biological brother, and the other is Li Quan's niece.

If something goes wrong with these two people, can Li Quan take the responsibility?

By the way, Teacher Jiuli, didn't you say squats are easy?

Come on, give it a try.

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