Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 29 ‘Meeting the Parents’

However, this harmonious scene of mother and daughter fell into Wang Ruobin's eyes.

When did it happen? Wang Ruobin of Wang Group was sitting in his office, looking at the photo of Wang Keyuan, Li Lan, and Li Quan together with a gloomy look on his face.

That boss was found today in Jianghai Department Store under our Wang Group.

There was a hint of timidity on the beautiful assistant's face.

Wang Ruobin looked angry.

Have you investigated clearly about that kid's identity? Wang Ruobin removed Li Quan from the photo, leaving only photos of Li Lan and Wang Keyuan.

The investigation is clear. After saying that, the beautiful assistant took out a document and handed it to Wang Ruobin and continued: This guy's name is Li Quan. He came to work in Jiangdu City after graduating from high school.

My hometown is in Guangbei Village. My parents are still alive. I saved the eldest lady on July 15th.

After hearing that it was Li Quan who rescued Wang Keyuan, Wang Ruobin's gloomy expression finally faded a little.

Well, just a little bit.

After thinking for a moment, Wang Ruobin looked at his beautiful assistant and asked: How is that boy named Li Quan doing?

I have a clean foundation, and I like to help others. I have a pretty good character, but I'm just a bit vindictive.

After hearing this, Wang Ruobin tapped his fingers on the table and said, Let's make arrangements. I'm going to see that boy.

Yes, Chairman. Upon hearing that Wang Ruobin was going to meet Li Quan in person, the beautiful assistant had a look of surprise on her face.

She knows best who Wang Ruobin is.

The leader of Jiangdu City's business community has great influence even in the world. Of course, it is a different era now.

But even so, Wang Ruobin still has a strong influence in the entire Tenglong country.

All this is because of Wang Ruobin's identity: the leader of the Jiutian Que School.

As for Li Quan, he didn't know that Wang Keyuan and her father Wang Ruobin were looking for him. At this time, he was selecting a house at the sales office.

This one is good. The environment is beautiful and pleasant. It's most suitable for Lan Lan to grow up. This is it.

Okay, madam, if you like this house, you can come with us to look at the property and then make a decision.

Okay, thank you. Wang Keyuan responded with a smile on her face.

At this time, Wang Keyuan set her sights on Li Quan and his daughter who came together.

Let's go. Everything has been settled. You can go check out the property. If it's suitable, just pay directly.

Okay, let's go. After hearing this, Li Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally got it done, I’ve been really busy this day.

After getting off work at two o'clock, Wang Keyuan dragged her to Jianghai Department Store for shopping. She bought five sets of clothes before letting Li Quan go back.

After going back, Wang Keyuan saw the situation in Li Quan's rental house, and she was even more convinced that her approach was correct!

I have to buy a house! In order to give Li Lan a good growing environment, living in such an environment is a injustice to Li Lan.

However, just as the three of them were about to leave and follow the real estate salesman to view the building, suddenly, a beautiful woman came over and blocked the way of Li Quan and the others.

Sister Li, how could it be you! Wang Keyuan had a look of surprise on her face after seeing the identity of the visitor.

Obviously, Wang Keyuan did not expect that this beautiful woman called Sister Li would appear in front of Wang Keyuan.

Miss, the chairman has asked this gentleman to have a talk with you. Please come with me.

Who is she? Li Quan asked Wang Keyuan with a trace of doubt on his face after seeing Sister Li.

She is my dad's assistant. I guess my dad already knows about our situation, so...

Well, Li Quan knows a little bit, but this Sister Li is a bit extraordinary.

She has a kind of power that ordinary people don't have. Although it is very weak, it is not the slightest threat to Li Quan. However, against ordinary people, even ten people are probably no match for Sister Li.

Mr. Li Quan, eldest lady, let's go. Seeing the two of them still standing there, Sister Li called out quickly.

Okay, please lead the way. Li Quan also knew that if Wang Keyuan dared to do this, Wang Ruobin would know about it sooner or later.

But who would have thought that the mother whom she only recognized today would already know this afternoon, and she is indeed the leader of Jiangdu City.

Soon, Li Quan and Wang Keyuan were taken to a room together.

In the room, a middle-aged, handsome but serious uncle sat silently on the coffee table drinking tea.

This person is none other than Wang Keyuan's father, Wang Ruobin.

Dad Wang Keyuan looked at Wang Ruobin's face with a hint of embarrassment.

Obviously he didn't know how to face Wang Ruobin.

Well, sit down, and Li Quan, you should sit down too.

Dad, who is this handsome uncle? At this moment, Li Lan pointed at Wang Ruobin and asked Li Quan curiously.

He is my father. At this time, Wang Keyuan came over and whispered to Li Lan.

After hearing this, Li Lan looked like he was suddenly enlightened and shouted to Wang Ruobin: Hello, grandpa!

After Li Quan heard this, he was stunned. Not only Li Quan, but also Wang Keyuan and Sister Li on the side were also stunned.

After Wang Ruobin heard Li Lan's voice, he did not show anger, but nodded silently, acknowledging it in disguise.

Come, sit down, I have something to tell you. Wang Ruobin seemed to have noticed the stunned Li Quan and Wang Keyuan, and started talking again.

After reacting, Li Quan hugged Li Lan and sat in front of Wang Ruobin with Wang Keyuan.

Wang Ruobin, on the other hand, took out two teacups, placed them in front of the two of them, and started making tea.

While making tea, Li Quan and Wang Keyuan were a little restless, as if children who had done something wrong were waiting for punishment from their parents at any time.

Compared to Li Quan and Wang Keyuan who were restless, Li Lan was different sitting in Li Quan's arms.

While Wang Ruobin was making tea, Li Lan asked out of curiosity: Grandpa, what are you doing?

Ahem, Lan Lan, call me Uncle Wang. After hearing this, Li Quan quickly corrected himself.

What? He is mom's dad. Shouldn't mom's dad be called grandpa? I didn't call him wrong. There was a trace of grievance in Li Lan's eyes, as if he had been humiliated.

And Li Lan's poor appearance made those who saw it unable to help but feel pity in their hearts.

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