Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 30 The ‘romantic’ Li Quan

Okay, if this girl wants to shout, let her shout.

It's just a name, I don't care. At this time, Wang Ruobin said with a hint of indifference on his face.

However, there was a hint of excitement hidden in Wang Ruobin's indifferent expression.

Look! Grandpa also agrees with Lan Lan calling him! After hearing this, Li Lan said righteously towards Li Quan who was hugging him.

Well, as long as you like it. Li Quan was helpless, just do whatever you like.

So, you also know the purpose why I asked you to come here, right?

Wang Ruobin pushed the two teacups in front of Li Quan and Wang Keyuan, clasped his hands, and looked at them with a serious face to ask.

Let's be clearer. Li Quan had a hint of embarrassment on his face.

In that case, don't you have anything to say? After hearing this, Wang Ruobin looked at Li Quan with a hint of anger and helplessness.

I'm sorry. After hearing this, Li Quan silently apologized.

No need to be sorry, I'm not the kind of person who doesn't understand things.

I know my daughter's character very well. Since she has chosen to be Lan Lan's mother, it means that she has made this choice.

While speaking, Wang Ruobin looked at Wang Keyuan who picked up the tea cup and drank tea silently.

Seeing this, Wang Keyuan's face became even more shy.

Grandpa, grandpa, I'm sorry. It's all Lan Lan's fault. If Lan Lan hadn't wanted Sister Keyuan to be her mother, so many things wouldn't have happened.

This is all Lan Lan's fault. Grandpa, please don't blame Dad. This is all Lan Lan's fault. As he spoke, tears gradually appeared on Li Lan's eyes.

A child's unique skill: crying, making trouble, and acting cute.

Facing such a cute Li Lan, Wang Ruobin certainly couldn't feel the slightest disgust, and even felt pity for Li Lan.

Oh, darling, Lan Lan didn't cry, and grandpa didn't blame them. In response, Wang Ruobin quickly comforted Li Lan when he saw him wanting to cry, just like his grandpa.

Seeing this, Sister Li on the side was shocked.

It's simply shocking that this chairman has such a side.

You know, even in the business world and the cultivation world, Wang Ruobin is famous for being ruthless and merciless. How can he have such a side?

Isn't this contrast too great?

Ahem, in short, I have no intention of blaming you. Suddenly noticing his own situation, Wang Ruobin pretended to cough to ease the awkward atmosphere at the scene.

Tell me about it, Li Quan. I'm not afraid to tell you about your background. I've already investigated it clearly. Although you were very romantic when you were young, I decided to give you a chance based on your current character.

Romantic? !

Li Quan was stunned after hearing these two words.

What happened? Why didn't he know when Li Quan had a romantic relationship?

Seeing Li Quan's confused look, Wang Ruobin threw a document in front of Li Quan.

After Li Quan took it, he opened it and was dumbfounded.

Although most of the content described above is true, the fact that he slept with Li Lan's mother at the age of fourteen is too ridiculous, right?

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that after Fang Tonghao learned Li Lan's true identity, he carried out a sneak attack on Tenglong Kingdom's intelligence system.

After some modifications in Li Quan's file, it turned out that Li Quan slept with a strange woman at the age of fourteen, and that the strange woman became pregnant with Li Quan's child after leaving.

After a series of bloody incidents, Li Lan's mother died, and Li Lan was sent to Li Quan's side.

To do this, Fang Tonghao was terrified, and the whole process was breathless.

What? Is what I said wrong? Wang Ruobin looked at Li Quan with an unhappy face and asked.

No, no, you are right, absolutely right. Although Li Quan didn't know why the information Wang Ruobin investigated was this, it better explained Li Lan's existence.

Hmph, do you have anything to say now?

I can give you the opportunity. I, Wang Ruobin, don't have many requirements for my son-in-law. However, good character is the key.

Your character is pretty good after my investigation, and I also like your personality.

Then I will give you a chance now. As long as you pass my test, then I will marry my daughter to you.

Wang Ruobin said with a serious look on his face.

After Li Quan heard this, he was completely confused.

He originally thought that Wang Ruobin came here to ask for an explanation for his daughter, and by the way, he would spend ten million or something to make Li Quan leave his daughter.

Who would have thought that Wang Ruobin would make such a choice, which is really unacceptable to Li Quan.

The contrast was really huge, it was different from what he had imagined.

Moreover, he had no intention of being with Wang Keyuan. Everything was caused by this little girl Li Lan.

When he thought of this, Li Quan set his sights on Li Lan, and after Li Lan felt Li Quan's gaze, he grinned and said, Dad, what's wrong?

What's wrong? How could Li Lan not know what happened to him?

This damn little devil.

Li Quan, make your choice.

Dad, didn't grandma ask dad to find mom within this month?

I like Keyuan's mother very much. Dad, how about you agree? In this case, the three of us can be together.

While speaking, he looked at Li Quan with pitiful eyes, trying to impress Li Quan with his sincere eyes.

Faced with Wang Ruobin's compelling eyes, Li Lan's 'request', and Wang Keyuan who was shyly fidgeting and silent, Li Quan sighed helplessly.

Okay, just tell me what kind of test it is. Li Quan finally gave up.

My requirements are not high. I need you to be able to protect my daughter.

Now you also know that those foreign guys are actually the descendants of demons from ancient times, right?

At this moment, Wang Ruobin suddenly talked about the current world situation.

Well, I know a little bit. After all, Teng Longguo has already made this matter public, and has also made this so-called history public.

I, Wang Ruobin, in your opinion, am a giant in the business world, but I also have another identity.

Jiu Tianren in the world of cultivation, the pulse master of the Jiutian Que lineage.

When Wang Ruobin mentioned this identity, Wang Keyuan, who had been silent because of shyness, was shocked.

Although Wang Keyuan knew that her father was very powerful and could set up a table with just one slap, Wang Keyuan had never been exposed to matters in the world of cultivation.

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