The clothes Li Quan was wearing turned out to be chosen by Wang Keyuan.

Just now Tang Ruo said that the person who helped Li Quan choose clothes had no vision, which meant that Wang Keyuan had no vision.

This is a big offence.

Subconsciously, Bai Shi took a step back and distanced himself from Tang Ruo.

This woman, it was because of her that he lost face in front of Wang Keyuan.

Now that Tang Ruo has offended Wang Keyuan, if Baishi still stands by Wang Keyuan's side, Baishi himself will probably be implicated.

This lady, what is your surname?

Huh? Who are you? Tang Ruo asked with confusion after hearing Wang Keyuan's greeting.

However, after seeing Wang Keyuan's appearance clearly, the woman became jealous.

The clothes and bags worn by Wang Keyuan are all limited-edition styles from famous brands.

Tang Ruo, who often studies these, can tell at a glance that these are genuine products.

And Wang Keyuan is a great beauty in her own right. In terms of beauty alone, although Tang Ruo cannot compare to Wang Keyuan, she is not bad either.

However, if we compare temperament, ten Tang Ruo can't compare to Wang Keyuan's finger.

My surname is Tang, and my name is Ruo. As he spoke, Tang Ruo pulled Bai Shi aside who was trying to avoid him and continued: By the way, this is my boyfriend.

However, my boyfriend must know you. I hope you won't get close to my boyfriend.

My dear, don't be fooled by this woman, understand?

When Wang Keyuan heard this, she put her hands around her chest and looked at Bai Shi as if she was watching a good show.

That's enough! Who are you? Do I know you? Seeing Wang Keyuan's appearance, Bai Shi panicked immediately.

He pushed Tang Ruo to the ground with one hand. For a moment, the melon-eating passers-by gathered around curiously and pointed at Baishi and Tang Ruo.

Let's go. There's no need to argue with this kind of person. It's not worth it. If you argue with this kind of person, you will only lower your status to the same level as hers.

With that said, Li Quan was about to take Wang Keyuan's hand and leave, but Wang Keyuan stopped where he was.

What's wrong?

Watch a show.

After hearing this, Li Quan sighed helplessly, what's so good about this kind of show?

Shiraishi! What, what are you doing?

I'm your girlfriend! Tang Ruo looked at Bai Shi in disbelief and shouted.

Shiraishi is her long-term meal ticket. She finally managed to catch a real golden husband, but she doesn't want her golden husband to run away.

Miss Tang Ruo, we don't know each other. If you continue to pester me, I will be rude to you.

While Shiraishi was talking, the sound of rapid footsteps came.

Everyone took a closer look and saw that it was the security guards from the mall who had arrived.

Bai Shi! You can't do this to me! Tang Ruo looked shocked after hearing Bai Shi's words.

Hmph! Don't stop me, otherwise, I'll call the security guard.

After Bai Shi straightened his clothes, he was about to walk in the direction of Wang Keyuan. However, Bai Shi only felt his foot being grabbed by a hand.

Looking back, it turned out to be the woman Tang Ruo.

What's wrong with you? Are you annoyed?!

Shiraishi! If you do this to me again, I will be rude to you!

Oh? Tell me, how can you be rude?

I want you to marry me today! Otherwise, I can't be your bride today, so I will be your bride!

When Bai Shi heard this, he was completely stunned.

Since I can't be Shiraishi's wife, I can be Shiraishi's stepmother.

Anyway, Bai Shi's father Bai Zheng has a hobby, that is, he likes to take some wives as wives.

Especially some of the more beautiful wives.

Tang Ruo's appearance is acceptable, and there is a real chance that Bai Zheng will take a fancy to him.

Shiraishi already has four brides, and he doesn't want another one.

Seeing Bai Shi's dazed look, Tang Ruo struggled to stand up, with a disdainful smile on his face and said: Do you think I am lurking next to you just for your money?

You are wrong! What I want is to become the bride of the rich generation!

If you are willing to admit your mistake, I can reluctantly forgive you.

You! Bai Shi got angry when he heard this.

Why did he fall in love with such a woman?

Li Quan, who was on the side, originally thought that the plot would be as bloody as in the novel, but who knew it would be even more bloody.

Broad to.

Miss, let's go, don't fight with these guys. Seeing this, Li Quan smiled at Wang Keyuan.

No, this woman said that I have low standards, and I can't bear this hatred.

The eldest lady also has the temper of an eldest lady. Li Quan did not expect that Wang Keyuan actually had such a side, which was really surprising.

Miss Tang Ruo, although I don't want to pay attention to your affairs, you owe me an apology.

Why do I owe you an apology? After hearing this, Tang Ruo's face was full of confusion.

The clothes Li Quan wore just now were matched by me to yours. I obtained the Master of Fashion and Fashion Matching Certification at the age of sixteen and am a certified celebrity. I feel it is necessary for me to go and ask for an apology from you.

You Tang Ruo was speechless after being retorted, because Li Quan looked really handsome in his outfit.

Even after one glance, I felt the urge to go to bed with Li Quan.

Moreover, Tang Ruo's words just now were just a quick talk. Who would have thought that Wang Keyuan would care about this.

Shiraishi! Look! Your friend is burning! If he apologized here, he would definitely lose face, and Tang Ruo didn't want to lose his face here.

Tang Ruo, isn't it just an apology? Hurry up, do you know who she is?

Wang Keyuan, the daughter of the chairman of the Wang Group, is a group that even my father would not dare to offend.

At this time, Baishi was really a little afraid of Tang Ruo.

This Tang Ruo glanced at the gesticulating passers-by around him, and then at Bai Shi who was urging him to apologize.

In a fit of anger, Tang Ruo left on his high heels.

Of course, because of my strength, I accidentally sprained my foot.

Another joke was made.

Hmph! Wang Keyuan was a little moody at this time when she didn't get Tang Ruo's apology, while Li Lan, whose little hand was held by Li Quan, pulled Wang Keyuan's shirt.

Mom, don't be angry. That old aunt is nothing special. It's not worth being angry with such a person.

After hearing Li Lan's childish voice, Wang Keyuan felt that her whole body had been healed.

The anger caused by Tang Ruo was also washed away.

My baby girl can still make her mother happy. Come on, let her give her a kiss.

With that said, Wang Keyuan kissed Li Lan directly on his pretty face, and Li Lan also gave Wang Keyuan a kiss, which was quite a scene of mother and daughter living in harmony.

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