After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students were frightened.

Doing one of these would almost cost them half their lives. This would cost them ten lives to complete even a single class of squats.

Therefore, a group of students burst out their own little universe, no matter whether they would be injured or not, as long as they could complete ten squats in ten minutes.

After Li Quan saw the students doing explosive squats, he nodded his head with satisfaction.

Sure enough, human potential is endless.

Especially in this oppressed environment, the greater the intensity of oppression, the stronger the potential that will naturally be unleashed.

Ten minutes passed, and finally, the ten students finally completed ten squats at the last moment.

At this time, they were thinking that they had probably finished all the squats in their lives in one go.

Stand up, it doesn't matter if you lie on the ground.

Teacher, we are so tired, let us take a rest.

After ten students did squats last night, they immediately collapsed on the ground, like dead fish.

Doing squats under ten times the force of gravity is simply not what people should do.

It's just ten squats. Looking at you, you look like you have kidney deficiency.

Remember to ask your dad to prepare some food to replenish your kidneys and kidneys when you get back.

Li Quan looked at the ten people lying on the ground with contempt and said.

The ten classmates ignored Li Quan, as long as they could rest for a while.

I'll give you a five-minute break. After five minutes, class will begin.

Of course, this is just the punishment on the first day.

From now on, if anyone dares to be late for my practical courses, it will not be as simple as ten squats.

Did you hear me!

I understand, teacher!

Just kidding, if you do ten squats under ten times gravity on the first day, wouldn’t it be bad if you’re still late the next day?

Their punishment for Li Quan was simply unimaginable.

Okay, you guys should take a rest first.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan turned around and left the actual combat location, and appeared outside the door.

At this time, Zhang Fenfen's figure happened to arrive outside the door.

Teacher Li! Where are my students?!

The moment Zhang Fenfen saw Li Quan, she asked Li Quan with a cautious look on her face.

Oh, students, of course we have classes inside.

After all, this afternoon is my practical course.

Li Quan responded with a smile.

Teacher Li! I ask you now! Release all the children! Otherwise, I will take action!

Oh? Seriously?

After hearing this, Li Quan was full of curiosity.

He wanted to see how this Fenfen would actually act.

With Zhang Fenfen's strength, is it possible that she can defeat Li Quan?

Moreover, not to mention this, Zhang Fenfen had hit a wall in the principal's office before.

Zhang Fenfen is just a lonely person, so what means can she use to deal with Li Quan.

Li Quan was quite curious about this.

Teacher Zhang, you must understand that this is my practical course.

And, are you sure you can snatch the students away from me?

I, although I can't! But, I have a master!

I tell you! My master is a very strong man!

Your master?

I didn't expect you, Mr. Zhang, to have a master. But, do you just rely on your master to defeat me?

Are you sure your master can do it?

Li Quan looked at Zhang Fenfen with a half-smile but asked with a smile.

Hmph! How will you know if you don't try!

This time, my master was very angry when he heard what you did, so he worked with me to stop you!

Teacher Li, it's safe to turn around!

Don't force my master to take action! You know, even I can't stop my master from getting angry!

Zhang Fenfen tried to persuade Li Quan to release all the students and stop continuing his education in this practical course.

It's a pity that Li Quan didn't take her words to heart at all.

Hmph! My master is already here. After seeing the fruitless argument with Li Quan, Zhang Fenfen suddenly said to Li Quan.

After hearing this, Li Quan was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to notice something, and the fingers of his right hand slightly pointed towards the front of him.

A sudden energy beam hit Li Quan's finger.

Unfortunately, this energy beam had no effect on Li Quan at all.

It was easily bounced away by Li Quan.

Sneak attack is not a good thing.

After Li Quan finished speaking, he saw a storm suddenly coming in the air.

Not only that, the gathering storm turned into a human being at this moment.

She seems to be a cold lady.


After Zhang Fenfen saw the imperial sister, she shouted directly at the person who suddenly appeared.

Well, Fenfen, is this the man who imprisoned the children you said?

Yes, master! It's him!

While speaking, Zhang Fenfen said weakly to her master: Master, if you can, please don't strike too hard.

After hearing this, the woman was stunned for a moment, apparently not understanding why her apprentice would make such a request.

However, after seeing Li Quan's face, he understood why.

This Fenfen is attracted to Li Quan.

Fenfen, this kind of person would do this to children, why do you still want to plead for him?

Master, there is just something wrong with his education method. I believe he is still a very good person.

Fenfen, you.

Okay, for your sake, my master, please be gentle with this man today.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the woman falling from the air. Her delicate face and the charm she exuded could charm many men.

The woman's name is Jiuli, and she is Zhang Fenfen's master.

The strength is very strong, reaching the stellar level.

Not only that, this Jiu Li is too young, only one hundred and thirty years old.

At only 130 years old, he is already a star-level expert. It must be said that his talent is too strong.

Of course, anyone who is familiar with Jiuli knows that the reason why Jiuli is so powerful is inseparable from a mysterious inheritance.

My name is Jiuli. I never fight against unknown people. Tell me your name.

Li Quan.

After hearing this, Li Quan responded quietly.

Not only that, Li Quan had already seen through Jiu Li's life experience from the first moment he saw him.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect it to be you.

Is this considered fate?

Huh? Li Quan, what, you want to build relationships and beg for mercy?

I'm telling you! No way! What I hate the most is people who abuse children!

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