Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 290 Did you know that there is a magic in this world called Longyin?

After hearing Jiuli's words, Li Quan laughed subconsciously.

why are you laughing!

Obviously, he didn't understand Li Quan's sudden laughter.

Could it be that he was frightened by her?

Impossible. Judging from Li Quan's appearance, he seemed to really know him.

Could it be that she really knew Li Quan? !

wrong! If you know Li Quan, Li Quan's handsome face is enough to make you remember the first time and never forget it the second time.

However, in Jiuli's memory, he has not seen Li Quan, so the question is, who is Li Quan?

I know you, but I don't know you.

It's just that I didn't expect that you would actually get that thing.

Forget it, it was just an unintentional move. If you leave now, I can let you go.

Otherwise, you can stay with me and be my assistant coach.

The corners of Li Quan's mouth raised slightly, revealing a naughty smile.

When Li Quan saw him like this, Jiuli felt a little panicked for some reason.

At this time, the aura exuding from Li Quan's body was only at the level of half a planet, but why was she afraid?

wrong! It's all an illusion!

This is all the words of this man named Li Quan that have deceived you.

Hmph! I don't know what you are talking about! I'll take you down first!

Jiuli's figure moved quickly, and in an instant, it transformed into a storm and struck towards Li Quan.

The destructive power of the storm was extremely strong, and it appeared next to Li Quan in just an instant.

In the surrounding area, all the flowers, plants and trees whose defenses were lower than the stellar level were torn apart.

Of course, Jiu Li was very measured in his actions.

At the very least, Jiu Li has strong control over himself and can control the fluctuation range of his power without affecting innocent people.

After all, the power of the spells cast by the wind attribute is too great.

Transformed into a hurricane and struck towards Li Quan.

The intention is to involve Li Quan in it, teach Li Quan a lesson, and let him know what it means to have someone outside the world.

However, Li Quan, who was in the center of the hurricane, was not affected at all by the hurricane.

Not only that, Li Quan was at the center of the hurricane and only slightly snapped his fingers.

The hurricane that was running fiercely dissipated in an instant.

And Jiuli's figure also appeared in front of Li Quan.

At this time, Jiuli was dumbfounded by Li Quan's sudden hurricane.

what on earth is it?

She only felt that an absolute force suddenly acted on her body, and she was forced to exit the hurricane state.

When he reacted, he had already appeared in front of Li Quan.

What's going on?! Why can you break my spell?!

What do you think?

After hearing this, Li Quan asked funnyly.

The Jiu Li in front of him was that when Li Quan was killing the Jiutian clan, he was stopped by Jiuyan Ancestor and left behind a wind attribute inheritance.

The one who picked up Li Quan's wind attribute inheritance was Jiuli in front of him.

In addition, because Jiuli himself became stronger and survived, his own talent was quite outstanding, which directly allowed Jiuli to achieve star level in just a short period of a hundred years.

Of course, the most important thing is that Jiuli also participated in the original demon war.

It is precisely because of his frequent outstanding performance in monster battles that he has been promoted one after another and achieved star-level existence.

It can be said that everything Jiuli has was given by Li Quan.

Of course, there is also the spirit of Jiuli’s struggle in it.

If Jiu Li doesn't fight, even if there are huge benefits for Jiu Li, Jiu Li won't know how to use them.

Unless, you can become the strongest existence in an instant.

Of course, this can only happen in a dream.

However, you may not necessarily be the strongest in a dream.

Dream Maker to find out.

Invade dreams, practice in dreams, and kill enemies.

you lose.

Impossible! How could you break my spell!

You must know that the hurricane transformation used by Jiu Li just now is one of the moves in the inheritance. It turns oneself into the wind element and attacks. This is an advanced technique.

But Li Quan cracked it in an instant.

After hearing this, Li Quan did not answer, but just laughed silently.

Couldn't he still find the weakness with his own magic?

Although Jiuli worked very hard during the past hundred years, and even developed the inheritance technique that was much stronger than Li Quan's.

It's just that the difference between Li Quan a hundred years ago and Li Quan today is not even the slightest bit different.

Li Quan a hundred years ago could be solved with just one look in front of Li Quan today.

Therefore, it is not easy to break the Jiu Li spell.

Okay, you have lost, just feel free to be my assistant coach.

What a joke!

It just happened to be broken by Li Quan!

right! It just happens!

Her inheritance came from a mysterious existence, how could she lose!

Since the hurricane transformation was broken by Li Quan, then use other spells!

Storm sea!

It's too late, but it's soon.

It was seen that Jiuli was controlling his own wind element, and at the same time, he began to affect the weather of Blue Star.

For a time, the sky above the entire Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy was shrouded in dark clouds.

Lightning flashed and thunder began, and strong winds began to blow.

Jiuli, on the other hand, controls the scope of the storm sea, locking it within a hundred meters of her range.

Within a hundred meters, the power of the explosion reached stellar levels.

Obviously, Li Quan was once again trapped by Jiu Li's magic.

This is a sea of ​​storms at the level of a star, and it is not something that a small and half-planet level existence like you can withstand!

Now that you admit defeat and release the children, I can consider letting you go.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel!

After hearing this, Li Quan sighed silently.

Why, do you like doing useless work so much?

Isn't it good to just accept the reality?

Li Quan waved his hand casually, and the stormy sea that was originally like a scene of doomsday was shattered by Li Quan at this moment.

The dense dark clouds in the sky were blown away at this moment.

The sun shines directly on the earth, looking so beautiful.

Jiu Li, who transformed into the wind element, was once again forced out of the wind element state by Li Quan.

This, this is impossible!

Jiuli's neck was pinched by Li Quan's hand.

Li Quan didn't say anything, he just pinched his neck silently.

Did you know that there is a technique in this world called Long Yin.

While speaking, under Jiuli's perception, Li Quan's cultivation level continued to improve from the half-planet level to the small galaxy level.

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