Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 288 Simple Squat

Hey, how are you guys?

Li Quan looked at the ten students who were teleported in front of him and said with a smile on his face.

The ten students looked familiar to the surrounding scene. Isn't this the actual combat location?

After hearing Li Quan's voice, his whole body felt bad.

If they remember correctly, Li Quan once said that anyone who dares to be late will be punished.

Now, ten of them are late. According to what Li Quan did yesterday, the consequences will be serious!

Old, teacher, morning, morning.

Among the ten classmates, one male student said to Li Quan with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Everyone here is so brave. You even dare to skip my classes.

Who gave you the courage?

Just let me come for a moment.

While speaking, Li Quan pretended to be thinking and guessing, as if he had thought of something, and said to the ten students with a smile on his face: If I guessed correctly, will he be your class teacher? Where is this courage given to you?

After hearing this, the ten students looked panicked.

Yes, it’s Zhang Fenfen.

It was precisely because Zhang Fenfen came to the teachers and threatened that as long as she was around, she would no longer be afraid of Li Quan, the big devil, and torture them again.

However, the sad thing is that they believed Zhang Fenfen and actually stayed in the classroom, seven minutes late.

Old, teacher! We were wrong!

Do you really know that you are wrong?

After hearing this, Li Quan pretended to be surprised and said to the ten classmates.

Seeing Li Quan's surprised look, all the students present were stunned for a moment.

I was thinking in my heart, is this Teacher Li too exaggerated?

With this look, do you want to do this?

Okay, now that you know you were wrong, as this is your first time making a mistake, I'll just deal with it.

Seven times the punishment will be waived.

Just follow the normal punishment.

By the way, you don't seem to know what the punishment is, right?

Li Quan asked with a smile on his face.

After hearing this, all the students nodded silently.

They really didn't know what Li Quan's punishment was. After all, Li Quan didn't say anything about it.

However, according to Li Quan's style of doing things last night, it must be serious.

Well, then I'll punish you by doing ten squats.

After hearing this, all the students were already prepared to bear it.

However, after hearing Li Quan's words, they were stunned for a moment.


Did they hear this correctly?

Are squats punishment?

Apart from anything else, with their current physique.

It’s not that they look down on squats, it’s that squatting ten times is not as good as the training tasks they entered the competition with.

Therefore, after hearing what Li Quan said, all the students were dumbfounded.

The penalty for being late is ten squats, and if nothing else, they can do it!

Teacher, are you sure you want to squat ten times?

Well, does it mean that you want to continue to make things worse?

Yes, as long as you are willing.

No, no, no! Teacher, just squat ten times! We are willing to do it!

Just kidding, you can do these ten squats in the blink of an eye.

This punishment is simply beyond what others expected.

After seeing the reactions of the students, Li Quan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a naughty smile.

I thought to myself, fool, do you just think it is an ordinary squat?

Although Li Quan said he wanted to do deep squats, there are ordinary and extraordinary squats.

If nothing else, now that you know the content of the punishment, go ahead and do it.

If you don't finish ten in ten minutes, you can just wait to do one class of squats in this class.

After hearing what Li Quan said, the students laughed and said, Teacher! You are looking down on us! Look at us!

While speaking, the ten students held their heads in their hands, and then squatted down deeply.

Seeing this, Li Quan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then silently moved his fingers.

And the moment Li Quan moved his finger, something seemed wrong on his expression.

After reacting, the ten people only felt that there seemed to be a huge mountain of pressure on their bodies.

Go on, why don't you continue?

Li Quan's smile was a bit evil, and the students who were watching were also curious. Isn't it just a simple squat? Why didn't they continue?

However, what the onlookers didn't know was that the moment they squatted down, gravity was already added to them by Li Quan.

The gravity is ten times their own. Naturally, it is difficult for them to stand up.

Ten times the gravity was suddenly applied to them, and before they could react, they didn't fall to the ground, so their physical fitness was considered good.

Still want to stand up? What a joke.

Old, teacher! What are you doing?!

What did I do?

I didn't do anything.

However, looking at the smile on Li Quan's face, who would believe him if he said he didn't do anything.

Hurry up, you've already wasted a minute, there are still nine minutes left.

If you can't get up in the remaining nine minutes, you're going to have to double that.

After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students were frightened.

Just one squat has tortured them so much that they can no longer stand up. If they have to do this squat for a whole class, do they need their legs?

Therefore, after hearing Li Quan's words, the ten students forced themselves to stand up.

Sure enough, under pressure, people's explosive power is infinite.

Finally, one classmate relied on his own perseverance and stood up!

I saw one of them stand up, and the others were not far behind. They forced themselves to stand up and complete a deep squat.

Oh, that's good, but there are nine more. You still have eight minutes. Come on, I believe you can do it.

Li Quan encouraged everyone.

However, what Li Quan didn't know was that these ten students were very depressed.

To cheer them up, it is better to spare them this punishment.

You know, completing a deep squat has already consumed nearly half of their strength.

There are still nine squats, this is a rhythm that will make them commit suicide!

Of course, no matter how hard they squeezed Li Quan, the punishment would still continue. After all, this was the majesty of being a teacher.

Although it is difficult to go up, it is easy to go down.

Because of the pressure of gravity, it is easy to squat down.

However, in this case, it is easy to let the butt fall to the ground.

Hey, hey, don't sit down, keep sitting, there are nine more.

You still have seven minutes. If you can't finish it, you can just do squats for the whole class.

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