Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 287 The true identity of the principal

Soon, Zhang Fenfen told the principal what Li Quan had done.

After hearing this, the principal showed no other expression and just laughed silently.

When Zhang Fenfen saw that the principal was not angry, she laughed instead. She was obviously very incomprehensible.

This is a very serious matter, why is the principal still laughing?

Principal, what do you mean?

Teacher Li did such an outrageous thing to the students, are you just going to let Teacher Li do nothing?!

Obviously, Zhang Fenfen is very angry now and a little unhappy with the principal's attitude.

Teacher Zhang, I actually don't know what to tell you about this matter.

Well, you just need to know that everything Teacher Li does is for the students.

As for you, you don't need to worry about so much.

If something happens, just come to me.

Do not worry.

There was a smile on the principal's face, and then he knocked on the table. Before Teacher Zhang could react, he had already appeared outside the door.

This, principal! This is you!

Obviously, Zhang Fenfen didn't understand the principal's attitude.

What Li Quan did was outrageous to everyone!

Such abuse of students, the principal ignored it!

How can this be done!

No! My students! I must save them!

Now, class is about to begin.

And the students were about to take practical courses, so the only thing she could do was to stop Li Quan!

As for how to stop Li Quan, of course it is to stop him personally!

She doesn't believe it! Li Quan can also treat her as a student!

Teacher Li! Just wait for me! I will definitely stop you!

I hope you can change your ways!

Zhang Fenfen looked serious, and Li Quan naturally noticed it.

Lord True Dragon, is there really no problem with doing this?

At this moment, in the principal's office, the principal's face suddenly changed.

It turned out to be Hu Shengjun!

Hu Shengjun, the Lord of Immortal Life Mountain, and now also serves as the principal of Jiangdu’s No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

Cultivation is at the planet level.

Don't worry, there are laws for everything, and they will know it in the future.

As for Teacher Zhang, I'm sorry to trouble you.

Please rest assured, Master Zhenlong, leave everything to Mr. Hu Sheng to handle.

‘You will definitely be satisfied, Lord True Dragon. ’

Hu Shengjun said to Li Quan with a hint of flattery on his face.

Well, since you know, that's fine, I'm going to class too.

I don't know how many students will skip class today.

The corners of Li Quan's mouth raised slightly, obviously he had another 'bad idea'.

At this time, there were very few people coming to the actual combat location, and they were basically all girls.

There were also five boys. Except for Li Zun, they were all the boys who had been beaten by Li Quan before.

They had personally seen the terrifying aspects of Li Quan, so they abided by Li Quan's rules and arrived at the actual combat location on time for the actual combat course.

Time passed bit by bit, and five minutes had passed. Li Quan's figure appeared in front of all the students in an instant.

Li Quan didn't say much. He just glanced at the students present. There were twenty people here, which meant that there were ten people who were late.

You dare to skip my classes. Do you think I'm not dignified enough?

Old, teacher, your majesty is enough. However, they may have been delayed due to some things, so...

On the side, Li Pujing, the squad leader, came to Li Quan and tried to quibble.

However, after being looked at silently by Li Quan, he immediately flinched.

Although there was no other meaning in Li Quan's eyes, because of yesterday's incident, Li Pujing felt a sense of fear towards Li Quan.

Of course, Li Quan also noticed this.

As for Li Pujing's attitude, Li Quan was also very helpless.

However, this was also within Li Quan's expectation.

After all, I did something very excessive yesterday, so it is just a normal thing for these students to be afraid of themselves.

How did you feel after you went back yesterday?

Li Quan did not continue to respond to this question, but asked the students present how it felt to go back last night.

Obviously, these students were very depressed when they heard what happened after they returned last night.

I originally planned to go back and discuss dropping out of school with my parents, but my parents unanimously refused.

He also claimed that he must abide by the school's rules, endure hardship, and listen to the teacher's instructions.

No matter how much they talked about what happened yesterday, their parents just frowned, and they still had to go to school.

Some parents even personally supervise their students to come to school today.

It can be described as depressing.

Old, teacher, we are fine.

When asked by Li Quan, all the students gave duplicitous answers.

Obviously he didn't want Li Quan to know what happened at home yesterday.

Of course, Li Quan knew all this clearly, but he didn't reveal it yet.

After all, students of this age care about face.

These ten boys are quite courageous.

If you are one minute late, the punishment will be doubled.

It's already seven minutes late.

Seven times the punishment.

I guess if we add more, these guys won't be able to bear it. Forget it, come back.

I saw Li Quan snap his fingers.

In the classroom, Zhang Fenfen looked at the ten male students in the classroom and said seriously: Don't worry, I'm here! Teacher Li will never hurt you!

Believe me!

Teacher Zhang! You are so kind! Why did we only discover how great you are today!

After hearing Teacher Zhang's words, the ten students were so moved that they didn't know what to say.

Can it be said that you guys only now know how great I am?!

After hearing what these classmates said, Zhang Fenfen pretended to be a little unhappy, crossed her waist, puffed up her cheeks, and looked at the boys like an angry little hamster.

Of course not! Teacher Zhang, you must have heard wrong!

Hmph! I guess you guys are wise!

Don't worry, Teacher Li won't do anything to you while I'm here.

Now, let us wait for Teacher Li's arrival.

However, before Teacher Zhang could finish speaking, the ten male classmates in front of him disappeared at this moment.

Tong, where are the classmates?!

Oh my god! Where have you been! Don't scare the teacher!

At this time, in the actual combat location, the figures of ten boys appeared in front of Li Quan in an instant.

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