Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 282 Drop out of school!

The battle was about to break out, and for a while, the scene was very chaotic, with the sounds of fierce fighting, yelling, and crying everywhere.

Here, the weak have no human rights. If they die, they are really dead.

Outside, Li Quan was sitting on a recliner, silently waiting for the final result.

And at this moment, Nuwa appeared.

Nuwa, who had been dressed up in disguise, could no longer hide her amazing temperament.

Is this really a good thing?

What's wrong?

It's just to cultivate their actual combat capabilities.

Aren't you afraid that these children will hate you?

Nuwa was curious about the reason why Li Quan did this.

This approach really attracts hatred.

Not to mention anything else, just Li Quan's behavior made even Nuwa, a bystander, feel a little angry.

After all, what Li Quan did was really too much.

Hate? There are so many people who hate me in this universe. Do you think if someone wants to hate me and I have to express it, wouldn't I be exhausted?

Not to mention anything else, the entire ranks of demons and monsters hate Li Quan, the real dragon.

Because it was Li Quan who made their demon clan become so embarrassed.

Don't worry, this is just to train this kid.

This boy is going to do big things in the future. If we don't get some confidants for this boy, it will be very difficult for him to go forward.

At this moment, Li Quan suddenly said something, and Nuwa was stunned for a moment before she came to her senses.

Human Emperor?

Well, now this kid doesn't have the blood of dragons. After all, you know that my parents are also pure human beings, except for me, of course.

In the future, the human emperor of mankind will be this boy. I can see from the void that this boy will become the emperor in the future.

Of course, there can only be one Human Emperor in a universe.

Nuwa was stunned for a moment. Does this mean that there will be a war among humans in the future?

As a result, is this good situation about to disappear?

Don't worry, even I can't see through what's going to happen in the future.

Maybe I'm wrong.

Seeing Nuwa's deep look, Li Quan responded with a smile.

Well, cultivating them is really troublesome. I really want to get some ready-made ones.

that's all.

After saying that, Li Quan continued to enter the actual combat location.

The war is over.

When Nuwa saw this, she nodded silently. It was not clear whether she took it to heart.

After all, women's hearts are as deep as the sea, and Nuwa is also a woman.

When Li Quan entered again, the actual combat location was filled with the smell of blood.

Apart from this, there were no deaths among the thirty classmates.

However, more than half of them were seriously injured, including Li Quan's younger brother Li Zun.

After Li Quan stepped into it, he took a look at the surrounding environment.

The corpses of the goblins were crisscrossed, and their dead faces were extremely ugly. The dead goblins' eyes were wide open, as if they were unwilling to rest in peace.

There were twelve girls. Except for Fang Rong, the other girls were squatting together silently, as if they were hugging each other and crying.

As for the boys, they were sitting next to each other, seemingly taking a rest, feeling a bit like they were surviving a disaster.

Well done.

Li Quan's voice suddenly sounded. After hearing Li Quan's voice, all the students looked in Li Quan's direction with fear.

It seems that your strength is quite good.

It's just that the processing is a little slow.

The classmates did not speak, but looked at Li Quan silently, with fear in their hearts.

Okay, actually, I am a very good talker. Of course, this is based on the fact that you abide by the rules.

However, looking at the way you are now, it seems that you are no longer able to continue. So, today's training will end here.

After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students cried.

Especially the girls, they really cried.

Li Quan was so terrible that they never wanted to take Li Quan's class again.

Other people's practical courses are extremely easy.

However, Li Quan has already put them through a life and death crisis.

If they continue, they don't know how many more years they can survive.

But you have to continue tomorrow.

However, after hearing Li Quan's words, all the students collapsed and cried even harder.

Unknowingly, Li Quan felt like he was a big devil.

Regardless of the current situation of the students, after Li Quan snapped his fingers, the goblin's body began to turn into light spots and dissipate.

At the same time, the injuries on the students were also beginning to heal.

After a while, the students who were seriously injured had recovered as before.

This way, you don't have to worry about delaying tomorrow's training.

After hearing this, all the students almost cried.

It was so scary that they had to drop out of school!

Just drop out of school! You can get rid of the big devil Li Quan!

Li Quan glanced at the status of the students, as if he had anticipated something, and responded with a smile: Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you.

Don't try to escape, otherwise, tomorrow's training will be doubled.

Okay, now you can leave.

While speaking, Li Quan waved his hand, and a group of students appeared in the classroom instantly.

After the students reacted, they started to get excited.


They finally left this devilish place!

As a result, students began to leave the school!

wrong! It’s time to apply for withdrawal from school!

Of course, Li Zun did not apply.

After all, Li Quan is his brother, and Li Zun still knows this.

Therefore, Li Zun knew that no matter what he did, it would be useless.

But this group of classmates is different.

Sister Rongrong, do you want to drop out of school?

With such a terrifying big brother serving as a practical teacher, it would be strange not to run away.

If you don't leave, I won't leave either!

As if she had made up her mind, Fang Rong decided not to leave.

However, when I think of Li Quan, the big devil, I can't help but be a little scared.

This Li Quan looked like a completely different person from the Li Quan she had seen before.

It's really terrible.

Sister Rongrong, I can't leave, but you are different. You can leave.

Needless to say, we are childhood sweethearts! We share blessings and hardships together!

Besides, he is your eldest brother, he can still kill us!

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