Li Quan is Li Zun's eldest brother and her father's brother. In any case, there is no reason for Li Quan to kill them both.

Moreover, even if they are really killed, how should Li Quan explain to others?

Therefore, although I was afraid of Li Quan, I was not as afraid as other students.

Yes, actually, I feel that my brother seems to be hiding something from me.

Although what he did was very excessive, I always felt like he had an ulterior motive.

I think it would be better if I could really put aside my uncle's approach.

However, although my uncle's approach is cruel, if I think about it carefully, it seems that I have improved a lot.

Not to mention anything else, the combat power alone is more than what I have learned in the previous practical courses.

In the past, practical courses taught how to duel with other people.

However, Li Quan's combat lessons directly overturned their resemblance.


Although there are battles, the actual combat courses in the past are just from point to point.

But Li Quan's will be to play you to death.

Comparing the two, although Li Quan's progress will be greater, if possible, if there is a choice, I am afraid that all students will choose the previous teaching of Teacher Wang.

It's a pity that Teacher Wang took pregnancy leave.

Don't think about it so much. Anyway, I might have ulterior motives.

Let's think about how to deal with it tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Fang Rong was also very depressed.

After all, what Li Quan did was really terrible.

Students who couldn't bear it a little were punished like this by Li Quan.

It's hard to imagine what training will be like tomorrow.

After class, all the students were liberated.

I don't know why, but after they left the actual combat location, everyone became extremely relaxed.

If nothing else, I have never had this kind of experience before.

It's as exciting as successfully hiding from a battlefield to a safe place.

No! I want to drop out of school!

If this keeps up! I don't know when I will die!

At this moment, a classmate suddenly shouted out.

After hearing this, all the students also agreed.

If you want to drop out of school, it is very simple. You only need to go to the Academic Affairs Office and explain the reason for dropping out.

Li Quan's actions simply violated his qualifications as a teacher, so he must drop out of school!

The practical course on the first day is to let them experience the crisis of life and death, but what about the second day? !

If they don't drop out of school, they may not even be alive.

However, when a group of students came to the Academic Affairs Office and threatened to drop out, they were forcibly beaten back.

The reason is simple: you need parental consent before you can drop out of school.

After hearing this, all the students were confused.

When will parents’ consent be required to drop out of school?

However, this is not a problem at all.

Li Quan's teaching process simply didn't treat them as human beings!

As long as you explain it to your parents, you might be able to get rid of it successfully.

After the students left, the principal walked out of the Academic Affairs Office.

Principal, is this really okay?

These guys don't even know they're getting an advantage.

Even if it's me, I want to be treated like this.

The principal's tone was a bit envious and jealous. After hearing this, the teacher in charge of registration asked with a puzzled look on his face: Principal, can you tell me what is going on?

There is a big shot who wants to personally train these students. As for the identity of that big shot, you don't need to know.

Because it's a secret.

Okay, that's all I have to say. I hope these kids can persevere.

This is the opportunity that everyone in the universe wants.

Of course, the first thing for all students to do after leaving school is to go home.

I went home and told my parents why I dropped out of school.

However, what the students didn't know was that when Li Quan came to teach, the parents of these students had already been in contact with people from the school.

When people from the school contact the parents of these students, they only have one sentence: your child is spotted by a big shot and you have to train them personally. This is an opportunity that countless people in the universe want.

For students who can attend Jiangdu's No. 1 Cultivation Academy and are still students in Class A of the first year, their parents are naturally reputable practitioners.

After hearing what the people from the school said, I couldn't be happier.

Although the name of the big shot cannot be revealed, if he can be called a big shot, his status will definitely not be low.

At the very least, this is Blue Star.

What does Blue Star have the most?

The most powerful ones!

It is natural for their children to be favored, which is their blessing.

Therefore, these students are out of luck.

Not only did I not get the consent of my parents, I was also scolded by my own parents.

Of course, when the school staff left, they left a message saying that they could not tell the children about this.

Otherwise, their children will be deported.

Therefore, there is no reason why classes must be taken!

The students felt aggrieved.

We have even planned to skip class tomorrow!

As for Li Quan's warning, it doesn't matter. Whether they go to class or not is their freedom!

In his hometown, Li Zun looked a bit decadent.

After all, it was his first time to experience killing. This kind of thing stimulated Li Zun's little heart.

Hey, my baby, why, you look so downcast.

Wang Yunzai asked curiously when she saw her son's dejected look.

Mom, don't mention it. Big brother is simply a devil.

After hearing this, Wang Yun became curious.

To be called a devil by Li Zun, what did Li Quan do?

If Wang Yun guessed correctly, today is the day when Li Quan will become a teacher.

Come, Xiaozun, tell mom, what did your brother teach you in school?

Wang Yun was curious about what Li Quan had done.

Actual combat, killing.


After hearing this, Wang Yun took a breath of cold air.

Isn't this too harsh?

Li Zun is just a fifteen-year-old child. Even if he wants to be exposed to these things, he should wait until he is older before he is exposed to them.

Mom, you don't know, what eldest brother did today was too much!

Soon, Li Zun seemed to have found an outlet and told Wang Yun everything about today.

Wang Yun was frightened after hearing this.

The kind that makes you more scared the more you listen to it.

This Xiaoquan, how can you do this!

After Wang Yun heard this, she slammed the table hard and said angrily.

That's right, Mom, can you please advise me not to let him be this practical teacher?

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