Your skills are good, but why do you want to help these three guys?

Li Quan looked at Li Zun and asked with a half-smile.

Because they are my classmates.


Very well, in that case, then you will take their place and challenge ten times the number of goblins. If you can't do it, just stand aside.

After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students were aroused.

If they guessed correctly, Li Quan is Li Zun's eldest brother.

As the eldest brother, Li Quan actually behaves like this. Is this brotherhood fake?

Teacher! Li Zun is your younger brother!

How about he be my brother?

The state has its own laws, and every family has its own rules. Now, I am the biggest here, and whatever I say is what I say.

Since this kid dares to violate the rules I set and secretly help these three weaklings kill these three goblins, then he will be punished.

Since you helped them kill three goblins, they will face thirty goblins.

your choice?

Should we help them continue to kill, or should we stand by and watch?

While speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers and saw thirty goblins suddenly crawling out of the ground in the wall of air.

Not only that, but the strength of ten goblins among them has actually reached the foundation building stage.

Thirty goblins, this is the number to challenge a class.

Teacher! Why are you doing this?!

You don't deserve to be a teacher!

You devil!

After seeing thirty goblins, a group of students shouted to Li Quan.

Since you are so angry, how about you come to help?

While speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers.

Thirty goblins disappeared.

Just when everyone thought that Li Qiu'an was about to change his mind, three hundred goblins suddenly climbed up from the ground.

At the same time, the air wall was taken back by Li Quan.

Do you know why you are treated like this?

Weakness is the original sin.

If you had strong power, would you be begging like ants like you are now?

Although Li Quan's words hurt his heart, they hit the nail on the head.

Yes, they are too weak.

It was precisely because he was too weak that he was treated like this by Li Quan.

If they had strong power, would they be like this and let Li Quan do whatever he wanted?

Go, this is a life and death battle, either you die or they die.

However, for the sake of being both teachers and students.

Li Quan snapped his fingers again, and all the students discovered that there was a weapon placed in front of him.

The weapon is made of wood, but its structure is very strange to the touch, as if it was born with it, just like its own flesh and blood.

This is your weapon from now on. Don't lose it. Once you lose it, you will be miserable in the days to come.

After finishing speaking, Li Quan waved goodbye to all the students and said, Okay, I hope you all can hold on.

You know, even if you die, you will not escape my grasp. Remember.

After saying that, Li Quan's figure disappeared in an instant.

At the actual combat location, all the students gathered together in fear.

When the number of goblins reaches a certain level, they will not feel frightened even if they appear in a strange environment.

After all, when the number reaches a certain level, they will no longer be afraid.

Now, the people who should be afraid are the thirty people in Class A of the first year.

Because what they have to face is goblins that are ten times more numerous than them.

Three hundred goblins, what is this concept?

Perhaps, to a strong person, these three hundred goblins are no less than three hundred ants, and no amount of them is of any use.

However, for this group of children whose strongest strength is only in the foundation building stage and whose basic strength is still at the body-training level, this is a disaster.

Li Zun, is this really your eldest brother?

How could this person do this! She is committing a crime!

After seeing Li Quan leave, all the students fell into despair.

This is the rhythm to keep them together.


Li Zun didn't know what to say, but his intuition told Li Zun that Li Quan was not that simple.

However, this is true.

All in all, Li Zun doesn't know what to do now.

But the most important thing right now is to survive.

In front of him, a group of goblins were gradually approaching. If he wanted to survive, he could only pick up the wooden stick in his hand and fight these goblins to the death.

The moment Li Zun grabbed the wooden stick, Li Zun only felt that there was a slight connection between himself and the wooden stick.

In addition, Li Zun also found that his strength and other things had obviously improved a little.

This is thanks to Li Zun's bullet time, which allows him to be keenly aware of it.

Students, if we want to survive, we need to cooperate!

Since Teacher Li looks down on us so much, let's prove it to him! We are not weak!

If you want to survive, just like me, pick up the weapons in our hands! Fight with these goblins!

As for the rest, we will decide later!

The most important thing now is to survive~!

At this point, looking at the goblins getting closer and closer, they could only do this.

I saw Li Zun suddenly burst out, holding a wooden stick in his hand and moving forward with all his strength. A Goblin whose strength was only at the level of Qi training was knocked down by force.

The stick was so hard that the Goblin's head was blown open.

When the students saw this, they had no choice but to become violent.

If you want to survive, you must kill these goblins.

For a moment, the scene fell into chaos.

Li Zun and Fang Rong, the two most powerful ones, flew up in mid-air and fought to the death with the twenty foundation-level goblins among the goblins.

Among human practitioners, as long as they reach the foundation building level, they can rely on spiritual weapons to fly.

Li Zun and Fang Rong happened to have spiritual weapons that could fly.

Although Li Zun has not obtained a flight certificate yet, in this actual combat location, a flight certificate is not required.

The Goblins who are at the foundation level all look very majestic, with muscles all over their bodies and a height of about two meters, making them look like muscular men.

The skin all over his body is dark green, and there are some special lines on his body, which looks very extraordinary.

Let's go!

Although the two are the strongest, their actual combat experience is not much different from that of the other students in the class. If there is a difference, it is that they are bolder.

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