Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 280 Li Zun explodes

After hearing what Li Quan said, all the students were frightened.

What does it mean that it doesn't matter even if someone's life is lost?

Could it be that, in Li Quan's eyes, human life is such a worthless thing that can be lost casually?

Teacher! What's the difference between you and a demon when you act like this?!

Then do you know the difference between a demon and me?

Li Quan heard the classmate's rebuttal and responded with a smile.


You and the demon are the same, cold-blooded and ruthless!

At this moment, a classmate suddenly pointed at Li Quan and retorted.

I don’t know who gave him the courage to shout out suddenly.

As soon as these words came out, all the students present took a breath.

Is this guy seeking death?

Very good, you are right.

Sometimes, you have to be ruthless to do great things.

As for the difference between me and a demon, do you know what a demon is?

Li Quan's words made all the students confused.

What is a demon?

Aren’t monsters just monsters?

A hundred years ago, during the war between monsters and demons, the Human Alliance defeated the Demon Alliance. From that day on, the Human Alliance successfully occupied the entire universe.

Those places ruled by demons are occupied by humans.

After the occupation, humans discovered that the places occupied by these demons also had some weak races.

In this place, they were bullied and kept as livestock by demons.

If you like it, keep it; if you don't like it, eat it.

Demons eating people is just a very common thing.

But now, in their eyes, Li Quan's cold-bloodedness is no different from that of a demon.

Since you don't know what a monster is, then I'll let you see what a real monster is.

A real monster won't talk nonsense to you! Just get started!

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a demon-like monster with wings and red body appearing in the middle of the students.

After getting up from the ground, the demon raised his head and roared.

Judging from its strength, it has a foundation-building stage, and it is still at the peak of the foundation-building stage.

There are many subspaces in the universe.

Although the demons have been eliminated in the main universe, there are still many demons hidden in the subspace.

However, due to the rules of the second demon ancestor, these demons are not allowed to show up.

After all, if you show up, you will be killed.

Now, this demon is also a type of demon.

But he was forcibly summoned to this place by Li Quan.

For a moment, the devil was stunned.

However, after seeing that there were so many weak humans here, the devil became excited.

Human? I didn't expect that I would meet a human.

That's great. A hundred years ago, I tasted the delicious food of human beings. Now, I didn't expect that with the blessing of the Second Demon Ancestor, I can eat human flesh again this time!

After talking nonsense for a while, the demon suddenly spread its wings and rushed towards the students.

Li Quan, on the other hand, looked at the students silently and said with a smile: This is the monster, let's fight.

If you don't want to die, raise your fists and defend your right to live.

This is a battlefield full of killing.

From today on, my teachings will turn your worldview upside down.


At this time, Li Quan was like a big villain.

All the students hated and feared Li Quan.

After all, there are teachers in this world who would treat students like this.

This Li Quan, at first glance, seems to be a psychopath, and he is also the undisciplined kind.

How could the school recruit such a person as a teacher?

Is the principal's brain filled with shit? !

This demon seemed not to notice Li Quan and was still attacking the students.

In the air wall, the goblins also began to fight towards the three classmates.

For a time, the scene was very chaotic.


At this moment, Li Zun suddenly shouted.

Li Zun exploded and knocked down the laughing demon with one punch. Then he flipped over the wall of air and successfully landed in front of the three goblins.

How could three hungry goblins care about so many things?

Now they are extremely hungry. Since there is someone who is dying in front of them, then don't blame them for being rude!

The three goblins were about to bite Li Zun, but they didn't expect that Li Zun exploded with a punch, a kick, and an elbow, successfully knocking down the three hungry goblins.

Not only that, Li Zun also took out a sharp knife from his space ring.

The knife was as big as a palm and was a birthday gift from Li Xiaotuan to Li Zun.

Li Zun originally thought that it would never be used for filming, but unexpectedly, it was actually used now.

Holding a knife, he found the right moment and slashed the necks of the three goblins.

The knife was very sharp, and with just one stroke, the throats of the three goblins were slit.

In addition, Fang Rong also broke out.

This demon's strength is at the foundation stage, and based on the strength of the students present, it is no match for it.

Although this demon looks scary, there are many of them!

Fang Rong also stepped forward, raised her fist, and hit the demon.

Apart from anything else, in terms of strength alone, even Li Zun is no match for Fang Rong.

With one punch, the devil was beaten until he screamed in pain.

The scene was under control for a while, and Li Quan silently watched all this.

And, inadvertently, the corners of Li Quan's mouth raised slightly, as if he had achieved his goal.

After taking care of the three goblins, the classmate who was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground waiting for death, and who was so frightened that he peed, looked at Li Zun with moved expressions.

If it weren't for Li Zun, they might really be killed by goblins.

On the other side, after finishing three goblins, Li Zun looked at Li Quan, as if he had something in mind.

Damn it! You stinky bitch! How dare you hit me! I don't want to live anymore!

The demon had an angry look on his face, and he suddenly exploded, all the strength in his body gathered together, and the people who wanted to step forward to suppress him were pushed away.

Before the demon could take action, Li Zun suddenly climbed over the wall of air, soared into the sky, clasped his hands together, and hit the demon's forehead heavily.

For a moment, the demon that wanted to explode was once again suppressed.

Li Zun, on the other hand, took the opportunity to take out a knife and thrust it heavily into the demon's weak spot.

After the demon was pierced by the knife, only a scream was heard, and then he fell to the ground.


Three goblins and one demon died in Li Zun's hands.

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