Okay, okay, Teacher Li, I won't disturb you anymore. I have something else to do, so I'll leave first.

If you need help with anything, just call me.

Although Li Quan's words are very disgusting, when he laughs, he really makes people forget everything.

Goodbye, Teacher Zhang. If you have nothing to do, try not to come over because you will disturb me. Do you understand?

While speaking, Li Quan rubbed Teacher Zhang's head and smiled.

And when Teacher Zhang was touched by Li Quan like this, he felt as if he was floating, and his whole body was filled with fairy energy.

Okay! Okay!

Soon, under Li Quan's gaze, Teacher Zhang left.

Looking at Teacher Zhang leaving, Li Quan silently entered the actual combat location.

At this time, at the actual combat site, a group of students were sitting on the ground talking powerlessly. Some students had never personally killed a humanoid creature before, so it was their first time to try it. They would inevitably feel uncomfortable and then vomited.

After seeing Li Quan's arrival, all the students were so frightened that they stood up immediately.

Old, teacher!

Well, you did a good job, how do you feel?

Li Quan asked with a smile on his face as he smiled at the students.

Feeling, feeling much better

They didn't dare to tell the truth. If they told the truth, what would they do if something was wrong with Li Quan? !

Of course, Li Quan had already estimated that these students would not dare to tell the truth. After all, Li Quan was now almost like the Big Devil in the minds of the students.

But what if he becomes the Great Demon King?

Li Quan didn't know what the future would be like for this group of students.

However, now Li Quan is teaching them their personal practical abilities. In this way, any emergencies encountered in the future will not be like Li Pujing at the beginning.

Because he looked down on two goblins too much, he was bitten by the goblins.

It is estimated that if Li Zun and Fang Rong hadn't taken action in time, they might have been killed by two goblins.

Okay, I already know exactly what you are thinking.

Thirty goblins, it seems, are no match for you.

Except for a few individuals who were timid and fearful and did not face it bravely, the rest of them were pretty good.

After hearing what Li Quan said, the students who had hid in the corner because they were afraid of the goblins were shocked.

He was afraid that Li Quan would suddenly name them and punish them.

After all, no one knew what kind of punishment Li Quan, a cruel teacher, would inflict on them.

Don't worry, this time, it's just to see how your character is.

Now that I have seen some problems, I will naturally prescribe the right medicine.

While speaking, Li Quan asked with a kind smile on his face: I don't know, do you all here know a sentence?

“What’s the best way to face your fears?”

After hearing this, all the students were stunned for a moment, obviously not knowing what Li Quan meant.

Why, don't you know?

Old, teacher, are you overcoming fear?

At this moment, a flat-headed male student silently raised his right hand and said.

Well, this classmate said it right. Of course, the most effective way to face fear is to face it head-on! Defeat fear!

“Don’t let fear hold you back throughout your life!”

While he was talking, the three classmates who had been hiding in the corner as soon as the fight started had not yet reacted, they just felt like they were out of control.

They actually walked out together and came to an open space.

No one knew what was going on, but they saw these three classmates suddenly walking out.

Since you are afraid of fighting, then the most effective way is to face your fear and fight, you young men!

If you don't fight, your fate will be miserable.

You might even be cut into pieces by the goblins.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a transparent wall of air being constructed by Li Quan, locking the three classmates inside.

At the same time, three goblins climbed up from the ground.

It seemed that these three goblins were very hungry.

Teacher! What are you going to do?!

In the wall of air, the three students shouted towards Li Quan with fear on their faces.

And he tried to run towards his classmates, but he was isolated by the wall of air and could not leave.

Didn't I already say that?

“The most effective way to overcome fear is to face it head on.”

Pick up your fists and defeat these three goblins.

On the battlefield, between the enemy and us, only one can survive.

Now, your choice is life or death?!

After hearing what Li Quan said, the three students were so frightened that one even fell into a coma.

Being unconscious in front of three hungry goblins, isn't this looking for death?

Not only that, after seeing one of his companions unconscious, another person was frightened to the point of peeing.

How does the only remaining person face this?

Teacher, you'd better let them go. They really can't do it.

Oh? No? Tell me, why can't they?

In terms of cultivation, their cultivation is at the body-refining level, and they can rank among the top fifteen in this class.

Lun Gu Zi, these three are all boys. Are Gu Gu Zi weaker than this group of girls?

Li Quan's words made everyone feel helpless.

Indeed, the cultivation and strength of these three people are better than most people in their class.

But why be timid?

Mom! I want mom! Teacher! Let me out! I don't want to study anymore!

The frightened classmate frantically grabbed onto the wall of air and tried to run out.

However, Li Quan remained unmoved and looked at the three classmates silently.

The three goblins kept approaching, and hunger forced the goblins into a state of rage.

If no resistance is made, there will only be one outcome waiting for the three students.

That would be becoming dinner for three goblins.

Goblins are also afraid, but fear can make them go berserk.

In this way, goblins who fall into a rampage will lose their fear.

Goblins without fear, versus humans with fear, it is clear who will win and who will lose.

Teacher, you'd better let them come back. If the trouble continues like this, someone will definitely die!

When the students saw the goblins approaching, they began to plead with the two students in the air wall.

Don't worry, even if someone is killed, it won't be a big problem.

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