Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 278 Enthusiastic Students

Classmate Li Zun, how many times have I told you to call me Teacher Li when you are in school.

As for you asking me if I have to do it this way, of course.

Perhaps you think that the practical lessons you have been taking before are very useful, but in my eyes, the practical lessons you have learned are just performances.

No, it can't even compare to the performance.

At the very least, when others perform, they have fancy martial arts skills, but you are just some students who can show off their skills.

Okay, stupid students, raise your fists and defeat these goblins.

I hope that when I come back, you can kill these goblins.

By the way, I forgot to tell you, this is a battle, a battle involving blood and tears. No matter which side it is, it can only end with death.

Li Quan said with a laugh, then turned around and left the actual combat location, walked outside the door and waited quietly.

Before that, after Li Quan left the actual combat location, he forcibly took out the actual combat location belonging to Class A of the first year.

Moreover, Li Quan directly stamped his marks on the students at the actual combat site.

In this way, as soon as the time comes, the students who have the mark on them will be summoned.

Of course, if they don't come, that's okay.

The reason why there is a mark is that with just one thought from Li Quan, he will be forcefully summoned by Li Quan just like the original game world.

Don't have the slightest doubt, after all, Li Quan can still do this.

After Li Quan forcibly extracted the actual combat location, he moved it to a space aside.

There are infinite points in the universe, and the space compartment that Li Quan just extracted, which is the actual combat location of Class A in the first year, was compressed into a single point.

This point was put aside by Li Quan. No one could notice this point, except those who were about the same strength as Li Quan.

That is to say, other than Nuwa and Fuxi being able to detect it, others cannot discover the existence of this point at all.

For other people, it is basically impossible to find this space.

In the actual combat space, although Li Quan forcibly removed the actual combat location, due to space reasons, the actual combat location did not suffer any spatial fluctuations.

Hey, Teacher Li, what are you doing here?

At this moment, Teacher Zhang's voice suddenly sounded.

Li Quan looked back and found that it was Teacher Zhang.

Hey, Teacher Zhang, why are you here?

No, it's okay. I just wanted to see if you, Mr. Li, are used to teaching. After all, this is your first time teaching students practical courses.

This went very smoothly. The students were crying and shouting, looking very touched.

I didn't expect that these students would be so enthusiastic.

Li Quan did not lie. After all, this group of students was indeed crying and shouting, as if they were moved.


Teacher Li is really awesome. I thought that after changing to a practical teacher, the students would not be used to it.

How is that possible? Maybe they will be a little uncomfortable at first, but they will definitely get used to it later.

And I can guarantee that the students I teach will be the strongest!

Are you so confident?

Teacher Zhang was a little surprised and obviously doubted Li Quan's confidence.

After all, the first time you teach someone, how good can you get?

Don't believe it? Let me show you their results.

Because it was forcibly extracted by Li Quan and transformed, the time flow rate in the actual combat space is ten times faster than that in the outside world.

Therefore, for one minute in the outside world, ten minutes have passed in the actual combat space.

Okay, let me take a look.

After hearing what Teacher Zhang said, Li Quan directly enlarged the space node. After enlarging it to the size of a disk, Teacher Zhang could clearly see the bad environment inside.

Inside, a group of students did not cry. Instead, under the leadership of Li Zun and Fang Rong, they began to counterattack the goblins.

The scene fell into chaos for a while, and for the first time in his life, Teacher Zhang saw that the students he taught could be so cruel.

Even if he is covered in glory, he still has to fight against those green-skinned creatures.

Li, Teacher Li, I, I saw it right, right?

This is my student?!

Yes, these are our students.

I arranged for them to fight the goblins, and now it seems that they are pretty good.

If they heard what Li Quan said, they would definitely cry.

What does it mean to be pretty good? They were forced to do so!

If they don't kill the goblins, then the goblins will kill them.

In order to survive, they had to take action.

Therefore, some ruthlessness has come up.

Even after discovering the Goblins, you can defeat them without any pressure as long as you are fearless.

Therefore, after seeing the first and second goblins being killed, the students were no longer afraid.

They all mentioned their cruelty, and some students even shouted: I want to beat ten of them one by one.

Therefore, in Zhang Fenfen's eyes, this group of students are now high-spirited and ruthless.

Teacher Li, are you asking the children to kill monsters?

Yes, practical courses, practical courses, of course, there must be actual combat, so it is called a practical course.

What is a practical course without actual combat?

Besides, look at the children, how happy they are to kill.

While speaking, Li Quan pointed inside. A student who was laughing wildly after killing a goblin said to Teacher Zhang.

Uh, is this really okay?

Of course there is something.

Students will become stronger and stronger, what do you think?

Li Quan's words almost shocked her.

However, seeing that the students did not have any adverse reactions, they did not say anything.

Well, in that case, the children will leave it to you, Teacher Li.

I hope they can learn something useful from Teacher Li.

Don't worry, you can definitely learn something. I believe that this group of students will not let me down.

Li Quan smiles brightly and handsomely.

When Teacher Zhang saw it, he couldn't help but become a nymphomaniac again.

After all, Li Quan is so handsome when he smiles.

Okay, Teacher Zhang, don't you have anything to do?

If anything, you should go. After all, you will only hinder the children's learning here.

Although Li Quan's words are a bit heartbreaking, he is really handsome when he smiles. Teacher Zhang is once again a nymphomaniac.

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