Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 277 Real Practical Lesson

Teacher, are you really okay with letting us, a group of students who have never experienced combat, face such a terrifying creature?!

At this moment, the students on the side shouted excitedly.

Obviously, Li Quan's decision made them feel aggrieved.

That's not what you said just now.

Don't you look down on goblins?

What, why are you so timid now that I ask you to fight the goblins?

As soon as these words came out, all the students present did not know how to refute.

Because they are indeed afraid.

I saw this goblin bite their squad leader, and a lot of blood spurted out from the bitten squad leader, which looked very scary.

What a bunch of cowards. I'm really worried about your future.

Is this the practical course you have been taking?

Seeing this, Li Quan was a little disappointed inadvertently.

Forget it, now that I have become your teacher, I will be responsible for you to the end.

After hearing Li Quan's firm words, all the students had an ominous premonition for some reason.

However, I don’t know if I can save Li Pujing first.

The blood from the bite wound on her body had not stopped yet.

Li Quan also seemed to notice something. He moved his fingers in the direction of Li Pujing and saw a faint golden light falling on Li Pujing's body.

Li Pujing's huge wound, which was still bleeding out, was healed instantly.

Of course, everyone here will not be surprised by how powerful Li Quan is.

After all, this is a man who can shake the space that can withstand the power of half a planet.

Isn't it easy to instantly heal a little boy whose strength is only at the body-refining level?

Okay, for the next lesson, you have to give me some tips.

I might as well tell you that in the future, you will see what real combat is.

What you will face is not only low-level creatures like Goblins, but also all kinds of strange creatures from all over the universe.

You will even encounter life-threatening dangers. If you don't want to die, just work hard to become stronger.

Oh, by the way, from the moment you enter this class and are taken over by me, you will have no choice and cannot leave.

Teacher! How can this be done!

Why not? Unless you have the ability to defeat me, otherwise, just listen to me.

If you obey me, I will make you feel better.

If you don't obey me, huh.

Li Quan did not say anything about the consequences. He saw that the two goblins who were suppressed by Li Zun and Fang Rong had not yet reacted.

His body began to expand rapidly.

Not only that, the swollen goblin suddenly exploded, and blood, plasma and other things were scattered everywhere.

Li Zun and Fang Rong, who suppressed the two goblins, were unlucky.

Being forcefully baptized with goblin blood.

Oh, I forgot to tell you, don't think that dropping out of school or skipping school will be useful.

If you are caught by me, be careful you will be punished.

Remember, each time it gets more serious.

Li Quan's tone seemed gentle, but his words could not make people gentle.

Did you hear me!

I heard you, teacher!

All the students were simply frightened.

This new teacher is too scary, isn't he mentally ill? !

They should just stay there and forget it. Besides, if they were late and ran away, what would Li Quan do to them when they left the school?

Can we still kill them?

Of course, Li Quan also knew that although the students at this time were afraid of Li Quan's words, they did not take it to heart.

That's because Li Quan didn't kill them to scare the monkeys.

Waiting for tomorrow, Li Quan doesn't mind implementing the following personally.

If you want to be a teacher, you must be the best teacher.

Okay, next, let me show you what real combat is.

Practical combat classes naturally involve actual combat with the enemy.

Then, your actual target is the Goblin.

Don't think that I will treat you like the squad leader.

There are a total of thirty people in your class. In this case, I will release thirty goblins.

Your goal is to kill these thirty goblins.

If you can't kill the goblins, then the goblins will kill you.

Li Quan's words were strange and sounded very uncomfortable.

However, everyone knew that Li Quan was not joking, he would really do this.

Unknowingly, Li Quan gradually improved a little in the minds of this group of students.

The kind of fear.

Okay, in that case, let's start the actual battle.

I saw Li Quan snap his fingers, and in a certain corner of the universe, there was a planet full of goblins.

On this planet, thirty random and vicious goblins were teleported to Li Quan.

Thirty goblins climbed up from the ground and looked at the unfamiliar environment around them.

This is not a place they are familiar with, and they can feel the threat of death.

Go ahead.

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Quan's figure floated in the air, like a melon-eating crowd, watching the thirty goblins fighting thirty students below.

Goblins are also considered intelligent creatures.

However, the intelligence of this intelligent creature is limited, and because of its very strong reproductive ability, the entire planet is filled with goblins.

For a time, the goblins had no natural enemies and no food, so they began to kill each other and cannibalize their companions to obtain food.

And Goblin has one characteristic.

If they came to a strange environment together and faced other races, the remaining goblins would become unprecedentedly united.

Just like now, the goblins were afraid, but they did not forget to unite despite fear.

This is instinct.

Thirty goblins went crazy and ran away.

Before the students could take the lead in attacking, the group of goblins launched a charge.

The speed is very fast, and the thirty goblins look menacing.

For a moment, most of the students did not react.

The students who reacted resisted and ran away.

The scene fell into chaos for a while.

As for Li Quan, he was still floating in the air, just like a quiet melon-eater.

Brother! Do you really want to do this?

Below, Li Zun, who was fighting with the goblins, shouted to Li Quan with a puzzled look on his face.

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