This, this is Goblin?!

Yes, these are goblins. Are they strong enough? They are at the body-refining level.

With your strength, it shouldn't be difficult to fight this goblin one-on-one.

Of course not, teacher, are you looking down on us?!

They were not curious about Li Quan's sudden summons of two goblins. At most, they felt it was a bit novel.

After all, there are many cultivation systems nowadays, such as the summoning system, and it is a normal thing to have them.

Therefore, there was no big fuss about Li Quan summoning two goblins.

The reason why he was a little angry was because Li Quan actually felt that they couldn't defeat these two goblins who were only at the body-refining level!

This is looking down on them!

As we all know, goblins are the weakest creatures in the universe.

Therefore, Li Quan actually thought that they couldn't even defeat the goblins, which was really annoying!

Yes, I just look down on you.

Except for a few of you who can defeat this goblin, the rest are weak.

If you think you can, you should try sparring with one of the goblins.

Li Quan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a naughty smile and said.

After Li Pujing listened, he patted his chest and said confidently: Teacher, don't worry, it's up to me!

Isn't it just a Goblin? I want to challenge two!

While speaking, Li Pujing walked up to the two goblins who had just crawled out of the ground.

Come on, monitor! Kill these two goblins! Don't let our teacher look down on us!

After hearing that Li Pujing was going to fight two goblins, all the students cheered up.

The two goblins seemed to feel the strange environment around them, and for some reason, they felt fear in their hearts.

In this universe, once goblins become afraid, they will go berserk.

Rampant goblins are not easy to deal with.

Therefore, underestimating Goblins will only make you unlucky.

These two goblins are all dark green, with long noses and a pair of red eyes.

It's not big, only about one meter.

And he didn't have any clothes on him, so everything was exposed in front of everyone.

As for Li Pujing, all she needed to do was defeat these two goblins.

Even... kill!

If Li Pujing cannot kill this goblin, then it will be Li Pujing who dies.

Li Pujing didn't know this either.

Therefore, Li Quan wanted to see how Li Pujing should deal with these two goblins.

Soon, before Li Pujing could move, two runaway goblins, who were frightened because they were in a strange environment, rushed towards Li Pujing.

The two fangs grew larger, and they rushed towards Li Pujing without fear of life or death.

The speed is very fast. Although Li Pujing's strength is considered very strong in the class, his cultivation level is at the level of body training.

However, these two goblins, like Li Pujing, are both conjoined.

When they saw the two goblins suddenly rioting, no one reacted.

Li Pujing's reaction speed was not weak. Although she didn't notice the goblin going berserk at the first time, she still reacted.

First, he dodged the attack of the first goblin, and then when he was about to kick him, another goblin pounced on Li Pujing.

Not only that, the goblin that pounced on Li Pujing actually started biting Li Pujing at this moment.

Two fangs pierced into Li Pujing's body, and blood spurted out for a moment.

Li Pujing, who felt the tearing pain in her back, subconsciously shouted out.

Tears suddenly gathered from his eyes, and he lay on the ground, struggling in pain, like a helpless little girl.

This move can be said to have frightened all the students present.

Li Quan's younger brother Li Zun reacted and took the lead. He strangled the goblin's neck as he was about to take a second bite, and then forcibly separated him from Li Pujing.

Fang Rong on the side did not lag behind and stopped the goblin that missed the target.

Brother! What do you mean?

Obviously, Li Zun didn't know why Li Quan only hurt Li Pujing with this goblin.

Classmate Li Zun, I told you at school that you would call me Teacher Li.

And I just said that you can't defeat these two goblins. Originally, I planned to let Li Pujing fight against one goblin. Unexpectedly, she actually had the audacity to try to fight against two goblins by herself.

Besides, I didn't let these two goblins hurt Li Pujing. These two goblins were just creatures I summoned from somewhere in the universe.

I didn't exercise any control over them, so why did I let them attack Li Pujing?


That's enough, Li Zun, this is a practical lesson.

Furthermore, I've said it from the beginning. Most of you are no match for this goblin. You don't believe it.

Now, do you believe it?

But, the actual combat course is not like this!

So, may I ask the practical course? Why is it called a practical course?

Does it mean that if you just spar with your classmates a few times, you will be invincible after you go out?

Don't be naive, this is not a practical class! This is an acting class!

After Li Quan finished speaking, no one present refuted.

Because what Li Quan said was right, the facts were right in front of him. It was obvious that Li Pujing lost against the two goblins.

Moreover, when Li Pujing was about to be bitten by the goblin, Li Quan did not take action.

Even though he was bitten, Li Quan did not take action. It was Li Quan's younger brother Li Zun and Fang Rong who took action to save Li Pujing.

Perhaps Li Quan would just sit back and watch as Li Pujing was killed alive by two goblins.

Now, do you still think you can fight against goblins?

After hearing Li Quan's words, the students did not speak, because they knew that the vast majority of people were not Li Pujing's opponents. Li Pujing had lost, let alone them.

They're all useless, even two goblins can't beat them.

This is what you call one of the weakest races in the universe, Goblin.

So, let me ask you all here, you can't even defeat the weakest goblin. What kind of existence are you?

After hearing this, all the students fell silent. Some students who were mentally fragile even started crying.

It's so scary, this teacher is not fun!

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