Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 275 Actual combat like children fighting

Li Quan's mental power began to explore the strength that this entire space could bear.

Soon, the entire actual combat location was shaken by Li Quan's exploration of spiritual power.

When one place is shaken, the entire spatial folding layer also begins to shake.

It seemed like it would collapse in the next second.

When all the students felt the shaking scene, they were all frightened and ran outside.

I hope to be able to leave this space and fold the layers.

What are you running for? I'm just here to test the maximum power that the actual combat location can withstand. What are you running for?

Li Quan said with great disappointment when he saw the students who could barely run on four legs.

The mental endurance is really too weak.

Teacher, are you saying that the shock just now was caused by you?

I moved it. What's wrong? Do you have any objections?

No, no objection.

Even if you have an opinion, you should hold it in for me. Do you understand?

Okay, okay.

Li Quan's words were burning. Of course, these rebellious adolescent students were unhappy. Of course, if they were unhappy, they still had to listen to the teacher's words.

There is a saying that goes well.

You must listen to what the teacher says.

This is what my parents said when I was in school.

I am listening to my father and mother, not my teacher!


That's it!


After Li Quan glanced at the student silently, this word suddenly popped into his mind.

Well, the maximum endurance is only half-planet level. Once it exceeds half-planet level, it will collapse.

Teacher, are you serious?

Of course I'm serious, how about we give it a try?

After hearing this, a group of students immediately shouted: Stop! Teacher! We believe you!

It's terrible. If it was really Li Quan who did it just now, that is to say, Li Quan's strength is above the level of half a planet.

A half-planet-level existence is on the same level as their principal.

Moreover, Li Quan's strength may be more than half a planet level.

Thinking about it this way, it’s scary!

This teacher is not to be messed with.

wrong! Shi was not to be messed with from the beginning!

After all, that teacher would suddenly pretend to be a gangster or something, and suddenly beat up the students.

Only Li Quan set this precedent.

If a half-planet-level power suddenly breaks out, then this actual combat location will collapse.

Once it collapses, the people inside will be involved in the space turbulence. Once involved in the space turbulence, those with weak strength will be strangled in an instant.

The more Li Quan spoke, the more horrified he became. After hearing this, all the students shouted to stop: Teacher! We know! Please stop talking!

They were afraid that if Li Quan continued to speak, even the entire Blue Star would be involved in the space turbulence.

Moreover, only students and teachers can enter this actual combat location.

In this actual combat location, except for Li Quan, whose strength may be above the level of half a planet, who else has the ability to destroy this actual combat location?

Therefore, the only thing they were worried about was that Li Quan accidentally destroyed this actual combat location.

Forget it, in order to avoid accidents, I will reluctantly modify the folding layer of this space.

After Li Quan finished speaking, Li Quan snapped his fingers, and his own power began to invisibly interfere with this spatial folding layer.

After a while, the space in the space folding layer was reinforced by Li Quan to the point that even the super galaxy level could not shake its existence at all.

Well, although it is not as good as the space sealed off by Nvwa and Fuxi, it should be safe in this school.

It's done, now let's enjoy the actual combat.

Li Quan only spent three seconds to strengthen the hardness of this space.

The students present had not yet reacted, and thought that Li Quan would need to spend a lot of effort to reform, so that they could open their eyes.

Their horizons have indeed been opened, but the reinforcement speed is so fast that they didn't react at all.

Even some students heard Li Quan's voice in class without knowing what happened.

How did you fight in the past?

Teacher, we used to fight against each other under the guidance of Teacher Wang.

Those with the same strength can easily fight against each other with the same strength.

Also, Teacher Wang will teach us some fighting skills such as fighting skills.

At this time, a pretty girl said with a serious look on her face.

Ah you are?

Teacher, I am the monitor of Class A in the first year. My name is Li Pujing.

Li Pujing?

Okay then, come here first and let me see.

Soon, a group of students started the most basic battle under Li Pujing's arrangement.

However, in Li Quan's opinion, this battle was just like a child's fight, not worth watching.

Although it looks 'very exciting', it is not practical once it is used.

Except for a few, such as my brother and a few classmates who have some strength, the rest are almost no different from those martial arts performances.

Stop, is this your daily practical course?

Yes, teacher, do you have any questions?

After Li Pujing listened, he asked with a hint of curiosity on his face.


Li Quan didn't know what to say, he was too weak.

Are you really not fighting with children?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Pujing was a little stunned.

What does it mean for children to fight?

This is a practical course conducted in high schools in the entire universe today.

The actual combat course was like this, why did Li Quan turn it into a fight between children?

Teacher, what kind of practical course do you think is not about children fighting?

In Li Pujing's mind, their teacher Wang taught very well, and she also found that her strength had improved significantly since taking the practical course.

Apart from anything else, the little bastards who bullied him in the past were now beaten to the ground by Li Pujing.

Okay, let me show you what I have in mind.

Regarding this practical course, Li Quan felt that it was necessary to talk to Ji Xuan and the others.

The practitioners trained in this way have the same practical experience as the students before the demon war.

After Li Quan snapped his fingers, two green creatures suddenly crawled out of the ground.

It looks like a goblin-like creature.

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