Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 274 The use of subspace

So, do you have any more questions?

Teacher Li, how is your practical ability?

At this moment, a male classmate suddenly proposed.

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin and said seriously: You may not believe it, but no one in this universe can beat me with the same strength.

Everyone was stunned for a moment after hearing what Li Quan said.

Isn't this too bragging?

No one with the same strength in the universe can beat you, so you are too good at bragging, right?

Don't believe it, I really don't bother to lie.

If it was Li Xiaotuan here, I would believe it 100%.

Because she knew that Li Quan really didn't bother lying, and there was no one in this universe who was Li Quan's opponent.

This is true even if Nuwa and Fuxi come together.

However, Li Xiaotuan knows it, but the classmates here don’t.

Even Li Zun, his younger brother, didn't believe it.

After all, although Li Quan's strength is unfathomable, he is not exaggerated to the point of being invincible in the universe.

Not to mention anything else, these two great gods, Nuwa and Fuxi, are here.

It seems you don't believe it.

Li Quan saw the expressions of the students here and knew that they didn't believe it at all.

However, there is nothing that can be done about it. Li Quan is not trying to express anything, so why does he want to prove that he is truly invincible in the universe?

Li Quan didn't owe these students anything.

On the contrary, it took countless lifetimes for these students to be taught by Li Quan.

You know, even Nuwa and Fuxi, who are at the Hunyuan level, hope to be taught by Li Quan.

However, due to his current status, he did not ask Li Quan for advice.

Okay, you will know about this issue later.

So, do any other students have any questions?

Just as Li Quan finished speaking, another classmate raised his hand.

It seems that this guy is a bit handsome, but he is still not as handsome as Li Quan.

What's the matter with this classmate?

Teacher, I wonder what you can teach us?

I am your practical teacher, what do you think I want to teach you?

ok, I get it.

Okay, since no classmates continue to ask questions, let's end this question.

Now, let Teacher Zhang continue the class for you.

Teacher Li, wait a moment.

Just when Li Quan was about to turn around and leave, Teacher Zhang suddenly said to Li Quan.

What's wrong, Teacher Zhang? What's the matter?

Li Quan asked with a hint of curiosity on his face.

Well. Next is the practical class. In other words, you will be responsible for the teaching of this class.

Uh, is it my turn so soon?

Yes, after all, the class schedule has been arranged. I wonder what you have to prepare, Mr. Li?

If there is any, just say it and see if I can help.

That's it. Li Quan thought for a moment, and then thought of something.

No need, someone will come to help in person when the time comes.

This, that's it.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Teacher Zhang felt a little disappointed for some reason.

If you can help Li Quan prepare, you can have more contact with Li Quan.

And if you get more contact with Li Quan, then you can... Hehehe.

Although Li Quan is already a married man, in this era, it is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines and a woman to have a harem.

So what if Li Quan has two wives?

Teacher Zhang believes that with his own strength, he will definitely become one of Li Quan’s wives!

Okay, since my class is next, students, go to class.

Let the teacher show you what a real practical class is!

After hearing this, all the students were very suspicious.

Are there real and fake classes in practical classes?

A group of students walked out of the classroom silently with curiosity.

When Li Quan was leaving, Teacher Zhang suddenly grabbed Li Quan's sleeve.

What's wrong, Teacher Zhang? Is there anything else?

Um, Teacher Li, I wonder if you are free at noon. Can we have dinner together?

After hearing this, Li Quan smiled and responded: Teacher Zhang, I'm sorry, I have to go home for lunch at noon, so I'm not free.

Besides, I think you are still a very good girl, so you don't need to be obsessed with me.

After saying this, Li Quan laughed with a gentle smile on his face.

Although Li Quan's words directly hit Teacher Zhang's fragile heart, Li Quan's smile directly healed Teacher Zhang.

Okay, okay.

excuse me.

After hearing this, Li Quan turned around and left.

Looking at Li Quan's leaving figure, Teacher Zhang, who looked like a nymphomaniac, covered his heart that was beating rapidly.

How to do how to do?!

I like him more, but what should I do if he doesn't like me?

No! Zhang Fenfen! You have to know! You are the best!

You can definitely succeed!

As the saying goes, when a man chases a woman, he is like a mountain; when a woman chases a man, he is like a veil.

As long as Zhang Fenfen persists, Li Quan will be impressed one day!

So what if Li Quan has a wife?

It’s normal for a capable and handsome man to have multiple women!

After all, many women also like good men~!

If Li Quan knew what Zhang Fenfen was thinking, he would definitely be frightened.

This Fenfen is too scary.

Why are you so persistent?

After Li Quan arrived at the actual combat location, he found that the actual combat location was just a one-kilometer-sized arena.

There are all kinds of equipment on the playing field.

Not only that, this training academy seems to be one class and one actual combat location.

Moreover, Li Quan could find that these actual combat locations were all located in a spatial compartment.

In other words, when Li Quan walked into this actual combat location, it was equivalent to entering a spatial compartment.

In addition, Li Quan also discovered that this space partition is just the most basic space folding usage of subspace.

The lowest level is like this, folding space.

The intermediate level is to create a subspace.

As for the advanced ones, just like the small world that Li Quan pulled Hongtian into before, it is a world of its own.

This is the application of the three levels of subspace: low, medium and high.

This actual combat location seems to be a bit weak in terms of the maximum power it can withstand.

Teacher, please tell me, what is the maximum power that this actual combat location can withstand?

Well, let me take a look.

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