Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 273 Li Quan wants to be a teacher

The new teacher has arrived?

After hearing what Teacher Zhang said, all the students looked out the door curiously.

It's a pity that there is no one outside the door.

That's not right. Could it be that the new teacher has forgotten?!

Teacher Zhang was also confused. Logically speaking, the new teacher should have arrived by this time.

But, what time is it now?

Class has already begun, but why hasn’t the new teacher arrived yet?

Maybe. Maybe it's because the new teacher has some things to do. Please wait for a while. Yes, wait for a while.

Teacher Zhang was also a little embarrassed. After all, no one knew that this new teacher would be late on the first day of work.

This is the first teacher in history who is late for the first time.

Moreover, even if you are delayed by something, can you tell it?

Students, please wait patiently. Maybe the new teacher has been delayed due to some things. Please wait patiently for a while, just a moment.

No, I'm here.

At this moment, Li Quan's voice suddenly sounded.

At the same time, at the door, Li Quan's right foot was seen taking the lead, and then his entire body appeared in the eyes of all the students.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment after seeing that the new teacher was Li Quan.

Isn't this the same person who provoked their whole class when they disagreed? !

You can also become a teacher!

Although there was a reason for the initial provocation, and Li Quan also gave some compensation to some of the 'injured' students, and also repaired the practice room and other things.

There are a lot of benefits.

In addition, those students who were beaten by Li Quan clearly felt that they were absorbing spiritual energy much faster than before after being opened up by Li Quan.

Therefore, instead of hating Li Quan, they were grateful to Li Quan for coming.

However, in the eyes of others, thanking others after being beaten is a bit funny no matter how you look at it.

Li, Mr. Li?!

The moment he saw Li Quan, Teacher Zhang was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, he didn't know that Li Quan was actually the new teacher.

After all, the school didn't tell her anything, it just said that there would be a new teacher to temporarily replace Teacher Wang.

Teacher Zhang, we meet again.

Li Quan had a friendly smile on his face.

Seeing Li Quan's doting smile, Teacher Zhang fell into an illusion.

He is so handsome. No one thought that Li Quan could be so handsome.

Of course, this is just Teacher Zhang’s imagination.

However, Li Quan is really handsome.

The stronger the strength, the more perfect it is. Therefore, in this universe, Li Quan is undoubtedly the first. As for the second, it is naturally Fuxi, a strong male at the Hunyuan level.

Teacher Zhang has a problem with being a nymphomaniac whenever she sees a handsome guy.

Teacher Zhang, are you okay?

Seeing this picture, the teacher was in a daze. Li Quan pushed Teacher Zhang's body and asked.

Even the students present couldn't help but start discussing after seeing Teacher Zhang's current situation.

Of course, what was discussed was naturally the things that Teacher Zhang seemed to like about Li Quan.

Under the student table, Li Zun did not expect that his eldest brother would come to Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy to serve as a teacher here.

Li Zun, why did you become a teacher?

I don't know either. Brother didn't tell me anything.

Suddenly, Li Zun seemed to have thought of something.

No wonder his parents would laugh so conspiratorially recently, and would touch him from time to time.

You know, this is a treatment that did not exist before, but now it does.

Okay, classmates, you must also know that I am Li Zun's eldest brother. From now on, you can just call me Teacher Li.

My full name is Li Quan. I will give you more advice in the future.

Li Quan said hello directly and said with a smile.

Teacher Li, I wonder if I can ask you a question?

At this moment, a shy student in the audience asked Li Quan with a hint of shyness on his face.

Li Quan focused his attention on the shy student.

He has a mushroom head and wears glasses, and he looks a bit delicate.

If you look at it normally, you really can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl.

But Li Quan could clearly sense that this was a girl.

I don't know what to call this classmate?

Teacher, my name is Lin Xiu.

Well, this classmate Lin Xiu, do you have any questions?

Teacher, can we know what your cultivation level is?

You know, that day, even Teacher Zhang, who was at the Nascent Soul level, didn't realize what Li Quan had done to her.

Moreover, being able to easily transform the core of the formation, modify the data of the formation, and open up a person's eight extraordinary meridians while appearing to be a blow is not something that ordinary practitioners can do.

Therefore, this female classmate named Lin Xiu was slightly interested in Li Quan's cultivation.

My cultivation level?

You don't need to know this. You just need to know that I am better than your teacher Zhang.

After hearing this, Teacher Zhang didn't know why, even though he was compared with Li Quan, he didn't feel angry at all, and even felt a faint sense of pride.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them. If possible, the teacher will respond to you one by one.

Of course, if the question is too egregious, the teacher will selectively ignore it.

Although this is my first time as a teacher, I will try my best.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Li Zun silently raised his hand.

Li Zun, what's the matter?

Brother, why did you suddenly become a teacher?

Li Zun, in school, you have to call me Teacher Li, do you understand?

As for why I came to the school to be a teacher, it's actually very simple.



I'm just bored, so I came to school to have fun.

After listening to this, all the students felt that for some reason they could not see any bright future for their future.

It's so boring to just come and have fun. Isn't this making fun of their future?

Teacher Li, are you serious?

Of course I am serious, but don't worry, I have experience in teaching other people. Trust me, I am a professional.

While speaking, Li Quan smiled at the students with a sunny smile on his face.

Although he is very handsome, all the students here have been worried about their future for a long time.

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