Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 267 Jade Dragon Sword

Hehe, isn't this all thanks to your three talents, Master?

Without the Three Talents Sutra, Xue'er wouldn't have been able to improve so quickly.

Although it was at the level of a small galaxy, it was still nothing in Li Quan's eyes.

However, among the Blue Star Dragon Clan, the strength of this small galaxy is already at the top.

Well done, well, let's do this. Seeing how hard you have worked so hard in the past hundred years, if you give me a good face, master, master will give you something.

Master! What do you want to give Xueer?!

Hearing that Li Quan wanted to give him something, Ao Xue had a hint of curiosity on her face.

Not only Ao Xue, but also everyone on the side was curious.

After all, Li Quan is a real dragon, and at the same time, he is currently the most powerful being in the universe.

Naturally, at the very least, the price of the gift should not be reduced.

Therefore, after Li Quan transformed a sword embryo, everyone was confused.

What is this?

Xue'er, I'll give this sword embryo to you, just think of it as a gift to you.

Master, what kind of sword embryo is this?

Why does Xue'er look like an ordinary mortal?!

This is not an ordinary sword embryo. This is the sword embryo that your master and I got after killing old man Hongtian.

Old man Hongtian is a master of swordsmanship.

And the sword embryo in his hand is naturally not a simple thing.

As for Hongtian's natal sword embryo, the Stardust sword embryo, it was smelted by Li Quan and turned into a piece of raw material.

As for this piece of sword embryo, Hongtian had not touched it.

However, seeing that the sword embryo had no attributes, Li Quan thought of three possibilities.

Or it has all attributes, but there is no reason for activation, so it is impossible to detect the attributes of this sword embryo.

The second one is that the sword embryo will change according to the attributes of my body.

The third one is that this is a sword embryo without attributes.

Just like today's super high-tech, although it can erupt with powerful destructive power, it does not have any attributes.

Therefore, Li Quan didn't know what the attributes of this sword embryo were.

However, this was the trophy obtained from Hongtian. Hongtian would not leave some garbage on his body.

Thank you Master!

Although I don’t know what the function of this sword embryo is.

However, this was a gift given to her by Li Quan, and it could not be wasted.

Therefore, Ao Xue directly dripped blood to recognize the master. After the blood was dripped on the sword embryo, the sword embryo absorbed Ao Xue's blood and gradually turned into a dragon form.

A seemingly ordinary sword embryo can actually absorb the blood of its owner and gradually transform into an image that fits its owner.

I have to say, this sword embryo is very powerful.

Moreover, after Ao Xue obtained the sword embryo, she found that she had a blood connection with the sword embryo.

Not only that, Ao Xue could feel that this sword embryo was alive.

This is a living sword embryo!

Although, in this universe, there is no shortage of living treasures.

But, remember, it is in the universe.

It does not refer to a certain area.

From now on, I'll call you Jade Dragon Sword.

Ao Xue is a little white dragon herself.

To be precise, it is a jade dragon. Therefore, it is normal to call this sword embryo that takes its own dragon form as a sword as the Jade Dragon Sword.

It seems that because he was given a name, Jade Dragon Sword trembled a few times, as if he acquiesced in the name given by Ao Xue.

Okay, just work hard from now on. If you continue to make progress, Master will have many treasures for you.

Li Quan does have this capital.

In this universe, whether there are some or not, Li Quan can get them into his hands.

Little dragon, see the real dragon.

At this time, Ao Shun also came over. Of course, when he said this, he was transmitting the message secretly.

After all, there are two children at home now who don't know the identity of everyone here.

grown ups!

Well, you gave birth to a wonderful daughter.

Ao Shun was overjoyed to hear Li Quan's praise.

To be praised by a true dragon is the highest honor among the dragon clan.

And Ao Shun was even more proud of Ao Xue.

This is his daughter!

The true dragon's apprentice!

True dragon disciple!

This identity is not comparable to other dragon clans.

Therefore, some dragon masters in the universe also want to send their sons, daughters, etc. to Li Quan's sect to learn skills.

It's a pity that Li Quan came and went without a trace.

Coupled with the passive skill of Long Yin, unless Li Quan takes action, there will be no trace of Li Quan at all.

Even Fuxi, who was at the Hunyuan level, could not find any trace of Li Quan.

This is the power of Li Quan's Long Yin.

Sir, welcome back.

Dongfang Qingwan stepped forward and said respectfully to Li Quan.

After all, it was Li Quan who gave Dongfang Qingwan her current status.

If it weren't for Li Quan, Dongfang Qingwan would have exploded and died because she couldn't bear the huge spiritual energy in her body when she was promoted.

At the beginning, Dongfang Qingwan was still trying to replace the real dragon. Fortunately, the investigation had not yet been carried out. She only had the thief's heart but not the thief's courage.

It was pretty good now, but when Dongfang Qingwan thought about her original decision, she felt ashamed and angry.

Well, try to improve your strength.

Dongfang Qingwan had seized the opportunity and participated in the demon war, killing many super-galaxy level demons.

Therefore, today's Dongfang Qingwan's strength has reached the peak of the super galaxy level, and is only one step away from breaking through to the main galaxy level.

However, it is difficult to break through to the main galaxy level.

In fact, the success rate of breakthrough is so low that it makes people tremble.

Therefore, this time Dongfang Qingwan came here because she actually wanted something.

Sir, I wonder if I can ask you a favor?

Hmm? What's going on?

After hearing this, Li Quan asked with a trace of doubt on his face.

Sir, I have recently felt that I am about to break through to the main galaxy level, but...

No need to go on, Li Quan also knew what Dongfang Qingwan was going to do.

Although at the main galaxy level, in Li Quan's eyes, they are still no different from ants.

However, it is enough to suppress the vast majority of Xiaoxiao.

At the very least, Dongfang Qingwan is a dragon clan born in the galaxy. Among the dragon clan in the galaxy, Dongfang Qingwan is undoubtedly the strongest.

Of course, if it were Li Quan back then, he would only be thinking about how to make the Blue Star Dragon Clan grow stronger.

However, now that my horizons have improved, I can see more things.

When he broke through to the Nine Palaces realm, Li Quan felt something.

Now, what Li Quan wants to do is to make the universe stronger.

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