Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 266 The frustrated Li Xiaotuan

Isn't that normal? Your mother is getting younger as she lives, isn't it good?!

After hearing this, Wang Yun pinched Li Quan's ear with her right hand and asked with a smile.

Of course! Of course! I'm just afraid that when I go shopping with you, people will say you are my sister.


After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan pretended to cough.

If Wang Yun is Li Quan's sister, does her real sister mean that she is as old as her mother?

Do you have a cold? If you have a cold, go take some medicine.

After hearing Li Xiaotuan's protest cough, Li Quan responded directly.

Li Xiaotuan felt unhappy after hearing this.

However, since today is the day when Li Quan comes back, I won't argue with Li Quan.

Even if they want to quarrel, Li Xiaotuan can't defeat Li Quan.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan can only satisfy his addiction in his heart.

When Li Zun on the side saw this, his whole world view seemed to be refreshed.

The sister who has always been strong, today, is like a little sister. Is this still his sister?

Could it be that this is not his sister, but his sister was switched? !

Therefore, Li Zun walked to Li Xiaotuan's side, and poked Li Xiaotuan's face while Li Xiaotuan looked at him with doubts.

It feels very soft when you poke it, and it has an addictive feeling.

When Li Xiaotuan saw this, he slapped Li Zun's hand away and asked in confusion: What's wrong?

Sister, are you still my old sister?

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he immediately realized what was going on.

In the past, Li Xiaotuan's image as a big sister in front of Li Zun was still relatively aloof.

In front of Li Zun, Li Xiaotuan behaved very maturely.

But now, Li Quan is back.

When Li Xiaotuan accidentally took off his disguise, he happened to be seen by Li Zun.

It was much bigger than what he had shown in the past, so it was no wonder that Li Zun was confused.

You kid, what are you talking about? I'm looking for a beating!

In response, Li Xiaotuan slapped Li Zun on the head shyly and angrily.

Only from Li Zun did Li Xiaotuan feel a little bit of the feeling of being an elder.

Okay, you two, stop making trouble.

Xiaoquan, you won't leave without a disagreement this time, right?

At this time, Wang Yun looked at Li Quan seriously and asked.

Of course not, Mom, am I such a person?!


Well, Wang Yun responded directly, leaving Li Quan speechless.

You kid, you just left without saying a word to us this time. If someone hadn't told us where you went, I'm afraid you wouldn't even be able to see your parents!

It can't be that serious.

As for who told Li Zhen and Wang Yun, it was of course the two top rulers of the Human Alliance: Nuwa and Fuxi.

At the same time, he also took on the responsibility of taking care of Li Quan's parents when Li Quan was away.

It can be said that when Li Quan is not at home, the biggest patron saints are Nuwa and Fuxi.

In this universe, besides the Demon Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor, who else could be Nuwa and Fuxi's opponent?

Of course it's going to be this serious!

You don't know that in those days when you disappeared, I couldn't sit still, couldn't eat well, and couldn't sleep peacefully.

Tell me, if this continues, will I get sick?

It's okay if it's a physical illness. After all, with today's medical standards, it can be cured.

But it's not okay to be mentally ill!

you need to know.

Okay, okay! Mom, I know I was wrong, okay?!

Li Quan's head was pounding after hearing Wang Yun's words.

If he continues talking about this, wouldn't it mean that Li Quan would feel guilty to death?

Hmph! You kid, you are heartless. If I don't tell you anymore, I'm going to cook for you!

Let's go, Yuanyuan, Honghong, let's go cook and ignore these stinky men.

Yeah, I got it, Mom.

After hearing this, the two girls knew that Wang Yun was just complaining. After all, the two girls also had a little resentment towards Li Quan's sudden departure.

However, considering that Li Quan left for the sake of the peace of the universe, I will choose to forgive Li Quan this time.

Li Quan finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Wang Yun leave.

This mother is too strong, and Li Quan is helpless.

What are you laughing laughing.

Li Quan saw Li Xiaotuan who was snickering beside him, and felt unhappy.

He hit Li Xiaotuan directly on the head, making Li Xiaotuan feel aggrieved.

What are you looking at, kid?

At this time, Li Xiaotuan saw Li Zun looking at him. Since he was beaten by Li Quan, he must be in a bad mood.

Fortunately, there is a venting bag here that can be used to vent your anger.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan directly punched Li Zun on the head.

Li Zun was completely stunned.

How is this going?

Is it a crime to take a look at it yourself?

Li Zun felt a little aggrieved after receiving a punch for no reason.

When Fang Rong saw this, she stepped forward with a smile, rubbed Li Zun's head and said with a smile, Sister Tuantuan probably didn't beat you up.

No, thank you for your concern.

After hearing Li Zun's thanks, Fang Rong smiled so happily.

Li Xiaotuan seemed to feel even more aggrieved after meeting Li Zun and Fang Rong.

This boy actually had someone to comfort him!

Even Li Xiaotuan had no one to comfort her! This is not fair!

There were many people coming, and most of them were known to Li Quan.

Of course, there are also many unfamiliar faces.

grown ups.

At this moment, Lord Hu Sheng came to Li Quan.

At this time, Hu Shengjun's strength has reached the peak of the planet level. It is estimated that it will not be long before he can break through to the star level.

Although, Li Quan doesn't like the existence of stellar level at all.

The reason why I cultivate Hu Shengjun is just out of curiosity and novelty.

Well, the improvement in strength is a bit slow, you just need to work harder.

After hearing this, Mr. Husheng was very depressed.

His speed of improvement can be considered top-notch among the dragon clan.

Don't you see, even if he is as strong as Dragon King Ao Shun, he is just entering the stellar level for the first time.

This is even more because Dragon King Ao Shun participated in the demon war, gained experience points and upgraded to achieve his current achievements.

Otherwise, the most that can be done now is to maintain the planet level, or to advance to the planet level that has only been more than a hundred years ago.


At this moment, Ao Xue, the daughter of the Dragon King and a disciple of Li Quan, came over.

At this time, Ao Xue looked one year older than before.

It looks more like a small public lift.

Of course, Ao Xue was originally the princess of the Blue Star Dragon Clan.

Xue'er, it seems that you have gained quite a lot in these hundred years.

Today, Ao Xue is still meditating on the Three Talents Sutra.

The Three Talents Sutra has been understood by Ao Xue for more than a hundred years. At this time, Ao Xue's strength has reached the level of a small galaxy.

It can be said that the person whose strength has improved the fastest is Ao Xue.

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