Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 268 The Three Dragon Emperors of the Dragon Clan

Okay, when you make a breakthrough, just remember to come find me.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Dongfang Qingwan was excited.

In this universe, apart from those whose hearts are completely dead, who else wants to die?

Why do so many people practice cultivation?

Just to become strong!

In order to get a longer life!

In order not to die!

Therefore, who wants to die if he can live?

As for why Li Quan agreed to Dongfang Qingwan, he naturally had his own considerations.

First, Dongfang Qingwan's strength has become stronger, and naturally, she can better protect the galaxy.

Although the Milky Way has become more powerful today, no one will provoke it without Dongfang Qingwan's protection.

Second, Dongfang Qingwan's strength has become stronger. Naturally, the dragon clan's strength will also be improved accordingly.

Today, according to Li Quan's perception, there are very few dragons with strength at the Galaxy Network level.

Except for the nine-headed dragon power who was unlucky enough to be killed by Hongtian and used to create the galaxy network, there are still three dragon power left in this universe.

They are the Space Dragon that controls space, the Red Refined Dragon that controls flames, and the War Dragon that controls killing.

Perhaps it was because these three dragons were special, or perhaps because they had just enough numbers of nine, Hongtian did not kill them, but escaped.

Among the Dragon Clan, Li Quan would be more proud if he could grow a little stronger.

Thank you, sir!

At this time, Dongfang Qingwan almost knelt down to save her.

I was so excited that I couldn't help it. After all, this was a rare experience among dragons.

Who can ask the real dragon to protect the law personally?

As a member of the Dragon Clan, Dongfang Qingwan couldn't even think about it.

It was already good luck once, and now it was the second time. Dongfang Qingwan was thinking about whether he could become the Dragon Emperor in the next step.

The Dragon Emperor is an existence that is one level higher than the Dragon Emperor.

However, if you want to be called Dragon Emperor, you must have corresponding strength.

Don’t you see, there are only three Dragon Emperors among the Dragon Clan now.

That is, the space dragon, the red refining dragon and the war dragon.

These three people were hiding a bit deep and seemed to have entered a dormant state. Therefore, they did not feel Li Quan's presence.

If you know that Li Quan has appeared, no matter how far away you are, you will run over and pay homage to Li Quan.

Okay, everyone will not come home until they get drunk today!

After Dongfang Qingwan passed, more and more guests came forward to communicate with Li Quan, and Li Quan was very busy.

In desperation, Li Quan could only respond directly by not getting drunk and not returning.

As for Li Zun, when he saw Li Quan being embraced by the stars, he curiously asked Li Xiaotuan: Sister, what is the identity of our eldest brother?

So many guests are fawning over my eldest brother and even call him lord.

Your elder brother's status is very powerful, but at your current age, you are not old enough to know these things.

Li Xiaotuan said to Li Zun seriously.

After all, even Li Xiaotuan only found out about Li Quan's true identity on the day he came of age.

The rest of the time, just like Li Zun now, he was curious about Li Quan's identity.

Anyway, you kid don't have to worry about your eldest brother's identity.

You will know when it's time for you to know. If I don't want you to know, even if you desperately want to pry, it will be of no use.

When the time comes for you, you will know everything.

Li Zun was a little confused after hearing Li Xiaotuan's tongue-twisting words.

Having said that, he became even more curious about Li Quan's identity.

Soon, dinner was ready.

Because I didn't expect that so many people would come, I ordered takeout from one of the largest hotels in Jiangdu City.

In addition to being able to eat home-cooked meals, Li Quan can also try today's delicious food.

And this meal lasted all night long and was very lively.

The main subject of everyone's chat was Li Quan.

After all, this banquet was mainly held for Li Quan.

Enough time has been wasted at Li Quan's house, and everyone has a lot of things to deal with.

After all, everyone has important responsibilities and cannot take too much time off.

Soon, the originally lively banquet returned to normal.

I'm really tired.

After starting the household cleaning robot and asking it to clean up the debris and tableware at home, Wang Yun stretched out her waist and said.

Dad, Mom, it's not long and it's time for me to go back.

Huh? Where are you going back to?

Go home.

You silly boy, isn't this your home?

After hearing this, Li Quan was stunned for a moment, and then explained with a smile: Mom, when I say go home, I mean go back to my little home.

This is everyone.

After hearing this, Wang Yun seemed to understand something. She stepped forward and patted Li Quan's chest and said with a smile, Okay, kid, go back.

Remember, try harder.

By the way, Yuanyuan, Honghong, you two should work harder.

The two of them were sitting on the sofa enjoying life. When they suddenly heard Wang Yun's words, they were stunned for a moment.

When he came to his senses, he discovered what Wang Yun was referring to.

Thinking of this, the two women couldn't help but blush with shame.

Although this was not the first time, the number of times they had experienced it was too few. Being interrupted by Wang Yun in this way, the two women were also very embarrassed.

However, when the elders speak, as juniors, they have to respond.

So the two girls nodded shyly as a response.

But when the two women focused their attention on Li Quan, they found that Li Quan was looking at the two women with a smile that didn't want to be beaten, which made the two women couldn't help but hit Li Quan with their 'little fists'.

Dad, Mom, let's go first.

While speaking, Li Quan directly hugged the two women's thin waists and shouted towards home.

Yeah, okay, be careful on the road.

And when Li Quan, Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong left, there were only a family of four left in the family.

Of course, if the robots were human, they would be a family of five.

Speaking of which, what is Big Brother's house like?

What, you kid wants to take a look?

Yes, I have grown up so big that I don't even know where my eldest brother lives.

When you were not married, your eldest brother lived here. After getting married, your eldest brother moved out and only spent a small amount of time at home.

Li Xiaotuan, who was holding a drink in his hand, took a sip of the drink and said silently.

I see.

By the way, what's going on with you and Rongrong?

At this moment, Li Xiaotuan came over curiously and asked.

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