As if to appease their worried hearts at that moment, Li Quan said lightly.

As if solving this Hongtian is easy.

However, when they heard that Li Quan had fought for a full hundred thousand years, both of them were stunned.

One hundred thousand years? !

All they knew was that Li Quan had only been away for a hundred years. Why did Li Quan say it was a hundred thousand years?

Of course, they did not doubt whether Li Quan was telling lies or exaggerating.

After all, Li Quanbing disdained telling lies.


Seemingly realizing that he had made a mistake, Li Quan smiled awkwardly and said: It hasn't been a long time. For an existence of our level, it just passed in the blink of an eye.

Li Quan didn't expect that he would tell the specific time.

However, it’s not Li Quan’s fault. After all, sometimes Li Quan also likes to show off.

This is like a child showing off to his parents when he gets a grade or something, hoping to get their parents' approval or something.

Of course, Li Quan would only say this to his relatives, or in other words, people who care about him.

If it wasn't someone he cared about, Li Quan wouldn't have said a word.

Don't worry, with our current level of cultivation, it is possible to live forever.

Besides, during these 100,000 years, I was just honing my fighting skills.

After all, there are too few beings that you can fight with Li Quan.

Apart from anything else, it is impossible for Fuxi and Nuwa alone to fight Li Quan with all their strength.

Therefore, this guy Hongtian just happened to appear in front of Li Quan.

With the help of Hongtian, who has used it as a whetstone for more than a hundred thousand years, Li Quan's current fighting level, to put it bluntly, no one in the entire universe can beat Li Quan.

After all, this is a fight without sleep for a hundred thousand years.

In addition, Li Quan himself has good fighting talent, and one hundred thousand years of non-stop fighting is enough to give birth to a terrifying killing machine.

Of course, even if Li Quan doesn't exercise, with Li Quan's personal combat power, no one in the entire universe can withstand his full blow.

In fact, if Li Quan used all his strength, the entire universe would probably be gone.

Because it was destroyed by one blow.

This time, the threat from Blue Star is finally gone, so let us get along well in the next time.

Li Quan's smile was a little weird, and the two girls seemed to understand something when they saw it.

Before Li Quan could react, Li Quan was thrown onto the bed by the two women, and started to be teased by the two women with charming looks on their faces.

You guys, what are you doing?!

Li Quan was like a pure little sheep. When he saw the two 'female devils' making moves towards his cute little lamb that seemed to be scornful of him, Li Quan protected his body. He asked with a 'fearful' look on his face.

What are we going to do?!

While speaking, the two women's clove tongues licked the corners of their mouths, and for a moment, they were full of charm.

Very charming.

You guys, don't come over here!

It's a pity that the two girls didn't care about what Li Quan was going to do, and just jumped on Li Quan. Just when they were about to do it, a farmer suddenly came over and pinned him down on the bed.


The two girls obviously did not expect that Li Quan would fight back, and were stunned for a moment.

You two crazy girls, you don't have time now. Your parents have already gone home and it's time to eat.

When I come back, I will teach you two a lesson.

While speaking, Li Quan slapped the two girls hard.

That applause is loud and clear.

The two girls each had red palm prints from the first brother.


This is a pain that goes deep into the soul. Of course, the biggest effect is to stimulate the souls of the two women.

Really? Then let's wait.

Although the two girls were a little hurt, they did not hesitate to fight Li Quan's domineering declaration.

To put it simply, whoever is a coward will have a grandson.

Because he needed to eat, Li Quan quickly took his two daughters, broke through the space, and returned to his hometown.

At this time, the house was extremely lively.

Li Zun and Li Xiaotuan are back.

Moreover, there is a little girl named Fang Rong visiting her home.

In addition to this, Dragon King Ao Shun also came.

Dragon Emperor Dongfang Qingwan also came.

The Lord of Immortal Life Mountain, Hu Shengjun, also arrived.

In addition, this moment has also arrived for Li Quan’s only disciple.

Of course, Li Xiaotuan's friends also came, as well as Nuwa, Fuxi, and of course Ji Xuan, as well as friends of Li Quan's parents and so on.

And Li Quan only has one friend.

Fang Tonghao.

He is also the only friend and best friend who knows Li Quan's true identity.

It's a pity that now he is sitting on the royal frigate and swimming in the starry sky.

If you jump through a space wormhole, you can catch up while eating.

However, it was not easy for the young couple to get together after going through life and death. Li Quan had better not disturb them.

Let their daughter attend in their stead.

Dad, Mom, I'm back.

The moment Li Quan's voice sounded, Wang Yun, who was handling the ingredients, was stunned.

Li Zhen, on the other hand, sat on the sofa, put down the wine bottle, and said to Li Quan, You kid, you are finally back.

After seeing Li Quan coming back, Li Zhen sighed and said.

It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back.

Wang Yun came out of the kitchen. After seeing Li Quan's appearance, she touched Li Quan's face with her hands, as if to confirm whether Li Quan was injured.

What have you been doing after being out for so many years?

Look at you, you've lost weight!

After hearing this, Li Quan was stunned for a moment.

Why are you saying this again?

If it weren't for the fact that Li Quan himself could know his own weight and know why his weight had increased due to his increased strength.

They all tell me that they think they have really lost weight.

It's okay, Mom, I'm just going to deal with an old immortal.

Now I'm back.

Well, just come back.

While saying this, Wang Yun hugged Li Quan directly and refused to let go, as if she was worried that Li Quan would run away again in the next second.

Mom, I miss you so much after not seeing you for so long.

I haven't seen you in a hundred years, Mom, you are young again.

Li Quan was telling the truth. After all, as Wang Yun's strength improves, she will evolve towards perfection.

Just like Nuwa, it can be said that even though Li Quan thinks that his mother-in-law is the most beautiful, if the truth is told, Nuwa is still the most beautiful.

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