Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 264 Denunciation

In other words, everything Li Quan did before was all for them.

However, this method seems a bit simple and crude.

As soon as they came up, they punched and kicked Li Zun's classmates, and their words were very angry.

Of course, things are different now.

After knowing the truth, everyone was angry, but after receiving the corresponding 'reward', they also selectively forgot about Li Quan's behavior just now.

Especially that teacher Zhang, after seeing Li Quan's handsome appearance, he has turned into a little fan girl.

Okay, now that everything has been settled, it's time for us to go home.

Dad and Mom have probably gone home, it's time for us to go back.

While speaking, Li Quan directly rubbed the little head of Li Xiaotuan who was hugging him and was unwilling to let go, then turned and left.

When Teacher Zhang saw his 'idol' leaving, he gritted his teeth and shouted to Li Quan: Sir, I don't know you.

However, before he could finish speaking, he was stopped by Li Xiaotuan.

Li Xiaotuan was very clear about the teacher's intention in this picture, which was to become her sister-in-law.

Teacher Zhang, I know your intentions very well, but my brother already has a wife, and there are two of him.

Although they haven't seen each other for a long time, their feelings will never change.

So, if Mr. Zhang wants to find a husband, he can register for a blind date online.

In this case, maybe Teacher Zhang can find the other half of his dream.

After finishing speaking, Li Xiaotuan walked up to Li Zun with a smile, looked at Li Zun and Fang Rong who was standing shyly beside him, and said with a smile: Tsk, tsk, tsk, brother, did you perform well?

Even eldest brother praised you, it's not bad.

And Rongrong, are you okay?

Auntie, I'm fine.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

In terms of seniority, it was normal for Fang Rong to call Li Xiaotuan Auntie, but Li Xiaotuan was a little unhappy.

Although Fang Rong was not wrong, she still felt a little unhappy in her heart.

Ahem, Rongrong, are you interested in coming to our house for dinner tonight?

It just so happens that your parents are not at home either, and you have nothing to do at home alone. It just so happens that the two of you can communicate with each other, so that you can interact with each other in the future.

After hearing Li Xiaotuan's words, Fang Rong's face gradually turned rosy.

Auntie, what are you talking about?

Isn't it?

Aren't you two going to be admitted to the Imperial Capital Supreme Academy in the future?

In this case, you two can support each other in the Imperial Capital Supreme Academy. After all, you are both childhood sweethearts.

After hearing this, Fang Rong realized that she had misunderstood.

But why does she care so much about this?

She only has a sister-sister relationship with Li Zun!

Although in terms of seniority, Li Zun is her brother-in-law.

However, because of his age, Fang Rong has always treated Li Zun as his 'younger brother'.

right! That must be it!

Fang Rong firmly made her 'choice' in her heart. She just regarded Li Zun as a younger brother!

Okay, Teacher Zhang, I will take the two of them away now. Anyway, you are just practicing today. I will teach them these things. I will take a day off today, that's it.

As he said that, before Teacher Zhang could react, he directly took one person with one hand and dragged them away.

When Teacher Zhang reacted, he found that the three of them had disappeared.

Hey! The request for leave must be signed by me in person!

However, no one paid attention to her.

And all the students had heard Li Xiaotuan's words before, saying that Teacher Zhang liked Li Quan.

No, a group of students began to whisper in private. When Teacher Zhang saw this, he was both shy and a little angry.

You guys! Except for the few who fainted, everyone else has been practicing seriously for me!

Tomorrow! I will personally test your strength for you!

Unqualified people! Just wait for me!

As soon as these words came out, all the students were shocked.

Teacher Zhang! What made you so irritated that you treated them like this!

Li Quan didn't know what happened among the students.

At this time, Li Quan appeared in his home.

The home, at this time, has been decorated to be extremely warm.

In addition, Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan also dressed themselves beautifully early.

After all, Li Quan is back.

Honghong, Keyuan, I'm back.

When Li Quan returned home, the two of them heard Li Quan's words, with excitement on their faces, and they fell into Li Quan's arms together.

And Li Quan also caught the two of them perfectly.

It can be said that it is the dream of many men to hold a beautiful woman in their arms. What's more, Li Quan can hold two at once, which is double the happiness.

I'm sorry, I came back late.

Li Quan said with a guilty look on his face.

It doesn't matter, as long as you can come back safely.

After the two girls heard this, Ren Hong responded with a wry smile.

Well, I haven't seen you in a hundred years. You've lost weight.

Wang Keyuan carefully looked at Li Quan's figure, touched Li Quan's face with both hands, and said with a hint of crying.

However, after hearing Wang Keyuan's words, Li Quan couldn't help but complain.

How did Wang Keyuan tell that he had lost weight?

Apart from anything else, after Li Quan's strength increased greatly, his physical fitness also improved countless times.

And, thin?

No, even if thousands, tens of thousands, or several epochs pass, Li Quan will not become thinner.

There's no way, that's why it's so powerful.

Of course, Li Quan would not directly say such disgraceful words.

After not seeing each other for a hundred years, saying these words as soon as we meet is not seeking death.

Li Quan, where have you been in the past hundred years?

I won't be back for so long.

Yes, yes, you guy, don't you know that we will be worried?!

Faced with the two men's condemnation, Li Quan rubbed their heads and slapped their heads to kill them.

The two of them originally wanted to resist, but under the touch of Li Quan's superb skills, they were too lazy to resist.

Sure enough, it is worthy of being called the magical skill of appeasing the head.

No matter what kind of girl she is, as long as she is interested in you, she can solve everything perfectly with just one touch on the head.

In the past hundred years, I have dealt with an old immortal.

It's just that the old immortal is a bit troublesome. Even though it's only been a hundred years, in fact, the old immortal and I have been fighting for a hundred thousand years.

Of course, that old immortal is no match for me at all.

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