Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 261 The wronged Teacher Zhang

Although he couldn't bear it, Li Zun did not pass out. Instead, he forced himself to stand up.

However, Li Quan stepped forward, looked at Li Zun, and suddenly kicked him out. Li Zun felt a tightness in his chest and vomited black blood.

This is congestion.

At this moment, a female teacher who seemed to be from this class finally arrived.

The strength of the female teacher is a bit touching, and she is only in the Nascent Soul stage.

However, in the Nascent Soul stage, it is enough to serve as a teacher for these students who have just come into contact with the path of spiritual practice.

After all, before Li Quan started the era of national cultivation, the Golden Core Stage was already the top existence in the cultivation world.

Where will it be like now?

Stop! This classmate! Do you know what you are doing?!

Seeing this, Li Quan casually kicked Li Zun to the next door to Fang Rong. Then he smiled playfully at the approaching teacher and said, What I can do, of course, is to teach them what strength is. .”

After hearing this, the female teacher became angry.

The female teacher is about seventy years old. She is in the Nascent Soul stage at seventy years old. It can be said that her talent is at the genius level.

Although he cannot compare with the monsters at the Imperial Capital Training Academy, among some small planets, his strength is already considered a genius.

And this female teacher looks very petite, about one and a half meters tall.

She looks like an underage girl with pink and white eyes.

Of course, it would be a big mistake to underestimate her just because of this.

After all, they are in the Nascent Soul stage.

Even among the Blue Star people, they are still average.

This classmate, I now force you to apologize to the classmates in our class!

Otherwise, you have to wait for me to take action personally and send you to see the principal.

When the time comes, what awaits you is expulsion from school!


In that case, I want to see how you take action yourself, teacher.

Li Quan's tone was very frivolous. It sounded unacceptable and made people want to beat Li Quan.

Teacher Zhang! This guy is so arrogant! Teach him a lesson!

That's right! If we don't teach him a lesson, we simply can't swallow this breath!

Stop, you guys, I have one foundation building period to fight against thirty of you.

You guys can't beat me, you've really embarrassed me!

As for why Teacher Zhang is embarrassed, it is naturally because Teacher Zhang is the teacher who teaches them. As the teacher of their class, his own students can't even pass a foundation building period.

If you are not ashamed, who is?

However, since this classmate you have such disrespect for the teacher, then the teacher will teach you on your behalf what it means to respect the teacher!

As soon as these words came out, a ruler suddenly appeared in the hand of Teacher Zhang, who was in the Nascent Soul stage.

And slowly walked towards Li Quan.

Ruler, teacher, slow down and come here.

If it were Li Quan when he was a student, he might be a little scared.

But will Li Quan be afraid now?

The one who should be afraid is this Teacher Zhang.

Because she had no idea that what she was facing was not a student at all, but the most powerful existence in the entire universe: the true dragon!

When Teacher Zhang came to Li Quan, Teacher Zhang's height only reached Li Quan's chest.

Well, very short.

He probably had to jump up to barely be able to touch Li Quan's head.

Of course, if you jump up to the level of Nascent Soul stage, you can't reach a height of 100 meters, so don't call yourself Yuanying stage at all.

Hand out.

After hearing this, Li Quan smiled and stretched out his right hand.

Teacher Zhang saw this and with lightning speed, he grabbed Li Quan's right hand with his free hand.

Well, it feels a little soft when caught. Obviously, this teacher has taken good care of it.

At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded.

The ruler suddenly fell down, and only a snap was heard.

The sound was so loud that it made people's heads tingle.

Not only that, but the sound of screams suddenly sounded.

However, there was something wrong with the scream.

Not a male voice, but a female voice.

When everyone focused their attention on Li Quan and Teacher Zhang, they discovered that Teacher Zhang did not hit Li Quan with the ruler, but hit his own hand.

As for Li Quan, he stretched out his hand.

Hey, Teacher Zhang, you are setting an example by trying the power of this ruler yourself, so you can warn me?

You are really great.

There was a hint of frivolity on Li Quan's face.

Seeing this, Teacher Zhang almost wanted to cry.

This ring ruler is a special spiritual weapon. As long as your strength is at the Nascent Soul stage or below, you can feel pain.

And it just so happened that this teacher's strength was suddenly changed by Li Quan during the Nascent Soul stage, and he got it in his hand by some mysterious trick.

The pain came all at once.

Because he suffered a huge blow, he wanted to cry a little bit. Now that he was ridiculed by Li Quan, tears had already gathered in his eyes.

He looked aggrieved, as if Li Quan had done something sinful.

You, you bastard!

Tsk, tsk, tsk, teacher, do you want to continue?!


While speaking, she grabbed Li Quan's right hand. This time, she would use all her strength to grab Li Quan's right hand and prevent him from leaving.

She didn't believe it!

Why bother.

Li Quan sighed helplessly when he saw this.

Teacher Zhang, on the other hand, raised the ruler high and slammed it down.

There was another crisp sound.

The scream sounded again, just like last time, it was a female voice.

you you!

Teacher Zhang, I didn't hide.

Besides, your ruler hit my hand, not yours. What's your name?

Li Quan's expression felt a little like he wanted to be beaten. After hearing this, Teacher Zhang thought, yes.

The ruler hit Li Quan's hand, but why was his hand injured?

Teacher Zhang, are you coming again?

If you don't come, then I will have to collect my protection money.

Asshole! You still refuse to change your ways!

It seems that you are the one who wants to force me to take action!

The gap between the foundation building stage and the Nascent Soul stage is huge.

Although she didn't know why, when it hit Li Quan's hand, she felt like she was being hit.

However, if she really takes action, Nascent Soul Stage versus Foundation Establishment Stage will be a multiple-choice question without any suspense.

Of course, all this is just Teacher Zhang’s imagination.

After all, this is based on Li Quan, a real foundation-building period.

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