Looking at Fang Rong who was reluctantly walking towards him, Li Quan smiled vaguely.

Sure enough, there is an unknown secret between these two guys.

It's a pity that Li Zun didn't notice that Fang Rong was interested in him.

If it was not interesting, how could he drag his injured body to stand in front of Li Zun.

It seems that being a villain this time has unexpected rewards.

What, you stinky bitch, do you still want to keep coming?

Li Quan's tone was very arrogant, and he started saying stinky bitch.

Although Fang Rong was angry, she also understood that the gap between herself and Li Quan was really too big.

She could only hope that she could scare Li Quan away with harsh words.

It's a pity that Fang Rong's harsh words have no effect at all.

Get out of the way, or I'll beat you up too.

After hearing this, Fang Rong's face became extremely firm, and she stood in front of Li Quan, preventing Li Quan from getting close to Li Zun.

Seeing this, Li Quan hit Fang Rong on the shoulder. Fang Rong was knocked away by the sudden slap.

After the figure hit the wall, he fell to the ground unconscious.

After everyone saw Li Quan taking action without hesitation, they all secretly said that he would destroy the flower with a ruthless hand.

If nothing else, Fang Rong is recognized as the campus beauty of Jiangdu No. 1 Cultivation Academy.

Not only relying on her personal appearance, but also her outstanding talent.

However, such a person was attacked without hesitation by the guy who called himself Guo Dong.

It's so inhuman.

You weaklings, what are you looking at? If you look again, I'll beat you to death.

Being threatened by Li Quan, all the students were so frightened that they did not dare to speak.

When Li Quan came to Li Zun, Li Zun was still stuck in the problem of small breakthrough.

It seemed that he had encountered some difficulty.

In response, Li Quan's eyes were slightly half-closed, as if he saw something, and suddenly he hit Li Zun on the shoulder with a palm.

Li Zun vomited blood and flew backwards. After rolling on the ground for a while, he finally woke up from the predicament.

Cough cough cough!

Although he woke up, Li Quan's palm was merciless, and Li Zun almost cried out in pain with one strike.

Who are you?! Why did you attack me!

Master! This guy is here to collect protection money!

Not only did he knock your childhood sweetheart unconscious, but he also extorted a bunch of elixirs from us!

Li Zun is stronger than Fang Rong.

Perhaps, Li Zun can beat Li Quan.

Moreover, one of them had already sneaked out and reported it to the teacher, asking him to come and deal with it.

After hearing this, Li Zun looked at Fang Rong not far away, who looked a little embarrassed and fell unconscious on the ground.

You did this?!

Li Zun's tone seemed a bit flat, and no emotion could be heard.

However, anyone who is familiar with Li Zun knows that Li Zun is angry.

This is the calm before the storm.

So what if I did it?

Since she chose to stand in front of you, I can only knock her down.

Oh, it's just a pity that this stinky bitch is useless at all. She couldn't even hold me back and fainted after a few strokes.

Li Quan's tone was very arrogant, Li Zun was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Good, you'll pay for it.


Do you think that with your own strength, you can defeat me?

Li Quan's sarcastic look aroused everyone.

Great God! Defeat him quickly! Avenge us!

My God, come on!

A group of people started shouting on the sidelines, clamoring for Li Zun to come forward to confront Li Quan and avenge them.

Li Zun, on the other hand, took a deep breath and his eyes became sharp.

At this time, in Li Zun's field of vision, everything became extremely slow.

Bullet time!

This is a unique ability of Li Zun.

In this universe, there are some people who are more lucky and have abilities that are different from ordinary people when they are born. If they are trained a little, they will become what was said before the era of universal cultivation.

As for supernatural powers, in practice, they are called innate supernatural powers.

Li Zun's innate magical power is called bullet time.

Everything became extremely slow, as if time had been slowed down.

Soon, Li Zun started to move.


The speed was like a phantom, and in just the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Li Quan.

Not only that, because Li Quan's sudden palm allowed Li Zun, who was originally in trouble, to successfully break through.

At this time, Li Zun's strength has reached the middle stage of foundation building.

The strength shown is much stronger than before.

Li Zun's strength also surprised Li Quan a bit.

This speed is really much faster than Fang Rong.

Moreover, when Li Zun used bullet time, Li Quan discovered that the mental power was flowing crazily between Li Zun's eyebrows.

Innate supernatural powers do not use spiritual power, but consume mental power.

How to replenish mental power? Naturally, just sleep.

Of course, there are also special techniques that can quickly restore your mental strength through meditation.

This technique is called meditation by the public.

Meditation is the basic skill of the magic system. They convert the spiritual power they absorb into spiritual power and strengthen themselves.

Although Li Zun has not practiced any skills related to mental power, due to the frequent use of bullet time, Li Zun's mental power is much stronger than those of the same level.

In bullet time, Li Zun's speed is undoubtedly the fastest among the same level.

However, when Li Zun was about to approach Li Quan and use Landslide to kill Li Quan with one move, Li Quan's eyes turned to Li Zun himself.

And, at the moment when Li Zun was surprised, he laughed.

Very strange.

However, Li Zun couldn't control that much. Just when he was about to catch Li Quan and cause a landslide, Li Quan took action.

The shooting speed is faster than Li Zun in bullet time.

Li Zun could only watch as his body was directly grabbed by Li Quan's hand, and then the center of his right elbow was pressed against Li Zun's chest.

The sudden and powerful force sent Li Zun flying backwards and hit the wall heavily.

The force was so strong that the wall hit by Li Zun was slightly dented, and several tiny cracks were left on the wall.


He was hit by Li Quan's palm, and blood accumulated on his chest.

Now, Li Quan hit him in the chest again, hit the wall, and suffered a second injury.

Even someone as strong as Li Zun at the foundation stage would be unable to withstand such a high-intensity attack.

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