As for why Li Quan was hit with a ring ruler just now, but it was Teacher Zhang who was injured.

It's very simple, that's because Li Quan broke away his hand at the moment when he was about to be hit, and put his hand back to its original position after hitting it.

All of this can be done at ultra-high speed.

Teacher Zhang, on the other hand, couldn't react at all, so he slapped himself.

But now, this teacher is angry.

Since the ruler couldn't work, Najiu took matters into his own hands and captured Li Quan.

She didn't believe that Li Quan could beat her at this Nascent Soul stage.

After all, when a school hires teachers, their strength is inherently higher than that of the students.

In addition to having a high level of cultivation, which is just a lot, it also has another effect.

That is management, suppressing this group of students.

What, is Teacher Zhang going to take action?

I'm really a little scared.

After Li Quan finished speaking, Teacher Zhang felt a little aggrieved.

Death is imminent, but Li Quan is still provoking her. This shows that he does not treat her as a teacher at all.

No, Teacher Zhang is already the best title compared to the previous titles like stinky bitch.

The strength of the Nascent Soul stage is real, so when he moves his hands, he is as fast as lightning.

The students didn't react at all, and Teacher Zhang took action.

The speed was very fast, as if he wanted to catch Li Quan forcefully, and then brought Li Quan to the principal's office.

However, no matter how hard Teacher Zhang tried to catch him, he still could not catch Li Quan.

In addition, Teacher Zhang seemed to be aware of a problem.

You, you are not a student of this school! Who on earth are you?!

Hey, did you finally find it?

After hearing this, Li Quan raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said.

At the same time, Li Quan stopped joking. Anyway, the test was over and it was time to confess.

Soon, Li Quan's face began to return to its original state, returning to the most handsome face in the universe.

Even the angry Teacher Zhang couldn't help but feel a little bit crazy when he saw that look.

Because Li Quan is so handsome, and his special mysterious temperament deeply attracted Teacher Zhang. From the first moment he saw Li Quan, he was already fascinated by Li Quan. .

At this moment, an angry voice suddenly sounded.

Who! How dare you bully my brother!

The voice is mesmerizing, but the words sound a bit vulgar.

Soon, I saw a beautiful woman walking into the practice room, with her hands folded in front of her chest and a cold look on her face.


Li Zun, who was lying on the ground, said subconsciously after seeing the person coming.

Obviously, Li Zun didn't know why Li Xiaotuan suddenly appeared here.

However, it is very simple. There is only one reason why Li Xiaotuan appears here.

Li Quan came back, so he skipped classes and returned from the imperial capital.

When he came back, Li Xiaotuan planned to go to school to pick up Li Zun.

Unexpectedly, he felt that Li Zun was injured and immediately came over angrily.

Li Zun, are you okay?

Li Xiaotuan quickly walked to Li Zun and helped Li Zun up.

Sister, I'm fine, much better.

It's just Sister Rongrong.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan looked at Fang Rong aside, and then took a calm breath.

Tell me, who beat you like this?

It's him!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan followed the position pointed by Li Zun's finger.

That is the figure of a person.

However, this person's figure, for some reason, always has a familiar feeling, as if he has seen it there before.

Moreover, Li Xiaotuan didn't know why, but when he saw this figure, he always wanted to go forward and beat him.

But this is just right. Anyway, her younger brother was bullied. As a biological sister, she is not a biological sister if she cannot avenge her brother.

Are you the one who bullied my younger brother?

Li Xiaotuan kneaded his fists, and Li Zun on the side felt a little moved after hearing this.

Unexpectedly, he, Li Zun, would be protected by his own sister one day.

No, this sister's protection often happened when he was young.

Moreover, it seems that in order to accompany Li Zun's growth, he also deliberately changed his body shape to the same as when he was a child.

After Li Quan heard Li Xiaotuan's voice, he slowly turned his body away.

When Li Xiaotuan saw Li Quan's figure, he was stunned.

Standing still, as if frozen.

Li Xiaotuan was stunned. The situation was awkward for a while, and the entire practice room fell into silence.

Soon, Li Zun saw something was wrong and asked aloud: Sister, are you okay?

Why, girl, don't you even recognize me?

Li Quan saw Li Xiaotuan who looked at a loss, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and said with a smirk.

You, you are the eldest brother?!

As soon as these words came out, Li Zun was stunned.

What did my elder sister say?

Is this person who just beat me up my eldest brother?

wrong! If this is the case, he should recognize it. After all, he recognizes Li Quan's photo.

And when Li Zun set his sights on Li Quan, he was as dumbfounded as Li Xiaotuan.

It really looked like Li Quan, so it was Li Quan who just changed his appearance and beat him?

Li Xiaotuan's words not only dumbfounded Li Zun, but also everyone present was dumbfounded.

What just happened?

Is this a large-scale family recognition scene? !

Li Xiaotuan came and was recognized as his sister by Li Zun.

The person who just provoked the entire class, beat Li Zun, Fang Rong, and provoked the teacher was actually Li Zun's eldest brother? !

In this world, everything happens so fast that they can't keep up.

Li Xiaotuan was a little hesitant. He walked forward and pinched Li Quan's face with his right hand. After confirming that it was genuine leather, he yelled: Brother stinky! You are finally willing to come back!

While saying this, he hugged Li Quan directly in front of everyone.

If this scene were seen by someone who knew Li Xiaotuan, they would definitely feel that their world view had collapsed.

They had never seen Li Xiaotuan look like this.

The Li Xiaotuan they knew would never be as sweet as he is now!

That is the famous iceberg beauty of Imperial Capital Supreme Academy!

The kind that everyone dares to provoke.

However, now in front of Li Quan, she threw herself into Li Quan's arms like a weak little girl.

That scene was so warm.

Now there is only one Ying Ying Ying left.

Sorry, I wasted a lot of time trying to deal with an old immortal.

But, I'm back.

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