Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 253 Blue Star Executive Officer: Fang Tonghao

Returning after a hundred years, when I returned home, I found that no one in my family was at home.

However, just after Li Quan used his mental power to sweep away, he discovered that his parents seemed to have gone shopping for groceries.

And my sister seems to be on her way back.

As for his own younger brother, he seems to be practicing.

He is quite handsome, but it's a pity that he is still not as handsome as your elder brother and me.

After Li Quan observed Li Zun with his mental strength, he silently uttered a sentence.

After hearing this, the three sisters Li Lan, Li Ya, and Li Bing covered their mouths and laughed.

Huh? That's incredible, this kid.

At this moment, Li Quan seemed to have discovered something, with a hint of amusement on his face.

I didn't expect that this rat would also have descendants.

And she's still a little girl, but this girl seems to have some interest in this guy Li Zun.

It's just a pity that this guy Li Zun doesn't seem to have much interest in this girl.

They haven't come back anyway, let's go see what that kid does.

After Li Quan muttered something to himself, he said to the three Li Bing sisters on the side: I'm going out for a while and I'll be back later.

It's dad!

Yes, Father.

After hearing what Li Quan said, the three sisters responded.

Li Quan, after hearing what the three sisters said, also smiled and left.

Soon, Li Quan came to his best friend Fang Tonghao.

At this time, Fang Tonghao could be said to be focusing on one thing.

It looked like he was reviewing some documents or something.

But Li Quan curiously went over to take a look and found that what Fang Tonghao was reviewing seemed to be about Blue Star's future report plan.

Seeing this, Li Quan couldn't help but nodded.

This kid is not simple. I didn’t expect that he has already reached this level after not seeing him for a hundred years.

Of course, at this time, Fang Tonghao, in addition to his rising status, was also very strong.

Although, to Li Quan, it is still nothing, but to the Blue Star people, this planet-level strength is a bit astonishing.

However, this is also because Fang Tonghao has pure human blood.

Because of this, Fang Tonghao was protected by Li Quan's true dragon and practiced the skills given by Li Quan back then, so he has the strength he has today.

As for Fang Tonghao's wife, Li Quan didn't see it.

It seems like he went to another planet or something.

After all, as a Blue Star person, sometimes you need to go to other planets for diplomacy.

Of course, there is no such thing as diplomacy as to why a universe is a country now. At most, it is just to be considerate of other planets.

Li Quan looked at Fang Tonghao, who was attentive, and suddenly patted him on the shoulder.

Fang Tonghao, who was looking serious and paying attention to how to plan for the future, was frightened by Li Quan's sudden slap.

You know, this place is not accessible to ordinary people.

As for the solar system, because Nuwa and Fuxi worked together to block space and strengthen the space barriers, it would be difficult to tear apart space unless they reached their level.

This also resulted in the Blue Star's space being unable to be torn apart by anyone except the two of them.

Others naturally include the powerful ones at the Galaxy Network level.

But, who is Li Quan?

Trying to tear this space apart is almost like playing.

In addition, due to the 'passive skill' Long Yin carried by Li Quan, Li Quan's arrival was not noticed at all.

Therefore, it can be said that Fang Tonghao, who was so focused, was quite frightened by Li Quan's slap.

Damn it, you Li Quan! You kid, you're finally back!

After being startled, Fang Tonghao was about to take a clear look at the visitor, and when he was making a decision, he discovered that the visitor turned out to be Li Quan.

This is exciting.

He naturally knew Li Quan's true identity.

Not only that, Li Quan is also his buddy and best friend.

Even if we haven't seen each other for a hundred years, the feelings still exist.

You are a good boy. I didn't expect that you would get this position.

Blue Star Executive.

This is the position that Fang Tonghao currently holds.

Of course, all this was arranged by his father-in-law, Ji Xuan.

After all, Ji Xuan only has a daughter and no other descendants.

In addition, Fang Tonghao himself is of pure human blood, so the future leader of Tenglong Kingdom will naturally fall on Fang Tonghao.

Oh, don't mention it.

I thought it would be easy to be an executive, but I didn't expect that I would have to worry about everything about Blue Star.

You kid, you've got an advantage and you act like a good boy. Are you really not afraid of being beaten if you tell me?

Tsk, tsk, tsk, I'm really not afraid of this.

Except for those who are stronger than me, who else dares to beat me?

Moreover, there is a civilized rule on this Blue Star that prohibits the use of force.

Once force is used, the consequence will be that you will be imprisoned in a prison.

The Heavenly Prison is located on Venus.

After all, the predecessor of Venus was the former site of the ancient Heavenly Palace. Therefore, the current Venus Heavenly Prison has been renovated.

In addition to renovation, the Tianlao was also reinforced a lot.

Basically, the people imprisoned in Tianlao now are all people with stellar strength.

As for existences above the star level, such as the small galaxy level, they are imprisoned in the void cage established by Nuwa and Fuxi.

Once there is no common enemy, naturally, all kinds of guys vying for power will appear.

There is no doubt about the strength of a guy who can fight for power.

Thus, Void Cage was born.

The guardians of the void cage are Nuwa and Fuxi.

Until now, the Void Cage has only imprisoned three powerful people whose strength is above the level of a small galaxy.

Okay, you know how to use the law to protect yourself.

But what would you do if I beat you?

Are you willing to do so?

Why can't I let go?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Fang Tonghao was stunned for a moment, yes, why can't he let go?

They are buddies who have been playing together since they were little. They play rough and tumble, etc., which are all the most basic operations.

Okay, don't talk about this, you kid is fine.

I actually have a daughter.

Huh? How did you know?

After hearing Li Quan say that he had a daughter, Fang Tonghao was stunned for a moment.

Do you think, with my strength, it is difficult to collect information as soon as possible?

Well, it's really not difficult.

In one thought, everything about the solar system appeared in Li Quan's mind.

Naturally, Li Quan also knew everything about Fang Rong's existence.

That's right. After all, with your status, it's easy to know.

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