Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 252 Changes in the Human Alliance

So, you are saying that after a hundred years of not seeing each other, I have a new brother?

No, why should I say it again?

Yes, Dad, you do have an extra brother.

Your younger brother is named Li Zun. In terms of talent, it seems that he is as powerful as your younger sister Li Xiaotuan.

After hearing this, Li Quan touched his chin and responded: Really? However, my parents are really powerful. They said before that they would get a younger brother to pass on the blood of our old Li family. We haven't seen each other for a hundred years, so it's true. Got it out.

Li Quan had to admire him.

Not only that, now, Li Quan's parents, Li Zhen and Wang Yun, are as powerful as Li Xiaotuan, at the planet level.

The planet level may be very weak to Li Quan, even so weak that Li Quan doesn't take it seriously at all.

However, for the current Blue Star people, it is really powerful.

You know, among the Blue Star people, the strongest people are all people Li Quan knows.

In addition to family members, they are just friends.

It is basically difficult for planet-level powerhouses to reproduce their descendants.

Without hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of years, there would be no way it could be conceived.

Therefore, Li Quan admired his parents who gave birth to a younger brother despite not seeing each other for a hundred years.

Listening to what you said, I am actually interested in my younger brother who I have never met before.

Soon, Li Quan returned home with the three sisters Li Lan.

This home is naturally Guangbei Village.

As for his home, it has been turned into commercial land in the past hundred years.

Of course, although it is commercial land, the original location of Li Quan's home remains unchanged and is still located on that small island.

Not only that, the island has become an extremely prosperous place with Li Quan's family as the center.

As for where Li Liquan wants to live, it doesn't matter. After all, Lanxing is his daughter, and no one else can control where she lives.

When Li Quan returned home, he found that no one was at home.

It seems everyone is out.

Huh? Where did my parents go?

At this time, Li Quan's mental power began to sweep across the entire solar system.

Because he was the reason why the space was torn apart, Li Quan did not notice the changes in the solar system.

Nowadays, after using mental power to explore the changes in the solar system, everyone can't help but sigh.

Today's Blue Star can be said to have become extremely powerful.

The universe is centered on Blue Star. In addition to the reason why the Human Alliance moved the center to Blue Star, Blue Star has become the most prosperous planet in the universe.

In addition to the indigenous people, there are also some aliens who have obtained the right to live on Blue Star.

If you want to live on Blue Star, you must have at least 80% human characteristics.

Therefore, ‘human beings’ with the characteristics of other animals can be seen everywhere on the streets.

These can all be called demi-humans.

Of course, these are all people who have gone through cultivation.

According to the ancient mythology of Tenglong Kingdom, this is the demon clan.

The demon clan is a demon clan, and the demons are demons. This still needs to be distinguished.

However, the current name is not the demon clan, but the demi-human being.

After all, the current universe is an existence ruled by the Human Alliance.

But today, the ruler on Blue Star is still Ji Xuan.

In addition to Ji Xuan, Blue Star also established an organization called the Elders Association.

Those who can enter are the absolute top figures in the Human Alliance.

Of course, there are two people who control the Council of Elders.

That is Nuwa and Fuxi.

Both have one vote to pass and one vote to veto.

Who makes these two people the most powerful existences in the entire universe, besides Li Quan, Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor?

The role of the Council of Elders is only to decide on some major matters regarding the future of mankind.

Under normal circumstances, the original will be as if it does not exist and is fictitious.

They will only be dispatched when there are some serious matters.

As for the Human Alliance, the current ruler is Ji Xuanyuan, known as the Human Emperor.

Ji Xuanyuan is not very strong, but he is still at the level of a large galaxy.

Being able to control the voice of the Human Alliance with a strength at the level of a large galaxy can be said to be very powerful.

Of course, in addition to the Human Emperor Ji Xuanyuan, there are two special beings.

The person who has absolute say in Blue Star, Long!

That is Ji Xuan and the Dragon King Ao Shun of the Blue Star Dragon Clan!

The reason why we have this right is inseparable from the fact that the solar system is an autonomous place.

Of course, all of this has something to do with Li Quan.

If it weren't for the fact that Li Quan was a real dragon and Li Quan lived on Blue Star, he would take action if there was any problem with Blue Star.

Ji Xuan and Ao Shun will not have this special right.

Of course, the current Human Emperor Ji Xuanyuan is actually the ancestor of Ji Xuan.

Or the kind of direct bloodline.

However, I don’t know how many generations it has been reproduced. Although it is a bit unfamiliar, blood will not deceive people.

Nuwa created humans, and it was not until Ji Xuanyuan's generation that the power within humans was truly unleashed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to achieve the level of a large galaxy in just a few thousand years.

The changes are quite big, how do you feel?

Li Quan took back his mental power.

Li Quan already knew exactly where his parents, wife, brothers and sisters were.

After seeing the changes in the solar system, Li Quan looked at the three sisters curiously.

After all, Blue Star has a terminal of the Cosmic Network installed inside it, and Blue Star has also been transformed to a certain extent.

With such a big change, Li Quan was a little worried that the three girls would be affected.

Father, please don't worry. Such a small change is nothing more than an itch for us.

Although it is said that Blue Star has become a star life, and the will of the star life is the three women.

However, as long as the core of Blue Star is not damaged by these changes in Blue Star, the three women will not be affected at all.

Therefore, Li Quan's worries can be said to be non-existent.

After explaining it once, Li Quan nodded in approval.

Besides the changes in Blue Star, the one that has changed the most is probably the sun.

The sun can now be said to have become a huge energy collection point.

Now, the Human Alliance has blocked the sun with a special energy collector.

The collector is made of transparent materials, and sunlight will penetrate this special collector, emitting bright light in all directions, and at the same time, the energy will be collected by the collector and stored crudely.

The basic energy sources in the solar system all rely on the solar energy provided by this special collector.

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