Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 254 Emergencies

Have you noticed that your daughter has some feelings for my brother?

After Li Quan said these words, Fang Tonghao was stunned for a moment.

Then he looked at Li Quan seriously and said, Are you serious?

Didn't you notice?

When asked by Li Quan, Fang Tonghao reacted.

In recent years, because he has become the executive officer of Blue Star, he has basically lacked attention to family and other matters.

Because of this, he has no idea about some things about his daughter, such as her ordinary living habits.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Tonghao was stunned for a moment when he heard Li Quan's question.

Wait, you mean, it's my daughter who has some feelings for your brother.

As for your brother, his attitude towards my daughter is very indifferent.

Yes, it is like that.

After hearing this, Li Quan took an apple aside and ate it with a smile.

Isn't this just my daughter who has unrequited love?

As soon as he said this, Fang Tonghao became excited immediately.

The mood seems a bit out of control.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, mouse, why are you so excited? Relax, come and eat an apple, it's quite sweet.

While speaking, Li Quan handed the apple to Fang Tonghao and smiled.

After hearing this, Fang Tonghao took the apple and said with a hint of depression on his face: You guy, you don't know how I feel as a father.

Think about it, how would you feel if you found out that your daughter had unrequited love for someone else's child?


It's like the feeling of raising cabbage at home for more than ten years and suddenly falling in love with the pig next door.

However, when Fang Tonghao said these words, his head was hit hard by Li Quan.

Oh, Li Quan, why did you hit me all of a sudden?

Don't you know what you just said?

I didn't say anything.

At this time, Fang Tonghao felt a little guilty.

Just now he was talking about the pig next door. Doesn't this mean that Li Zun is a pig?

And Li Quan is Li Zun's biological brother. If Li Zun is a pig, what is Li Quan?

No wonder Li Quan suddenly beat him.

Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue.

Okay, I know, but how do you plan to solve this situation?

Also, as a father, you don't even know about your daughter's situation. You are an incompetent father.

Facing Li Quan's 'ridicule', Fang Tonghao was helpless.

There is no way, as a Blue Star executive, the workload is huge, which ordinary people cannot feel at all.

All the Blue Star executive needs to do is to plan the future development of Blue Star, whether it will be beneficial to Blue Star, and allow Blue Star to continue to grow stronger.

It is precisely because of this that the huge workload caused Fang Tonghao to neglect his family.

Even his wife Ji Rong and Fang Tonghao have not seen each other for several galaxies, let alone their daughter.

You kid, it's time to spend time with your family.

Otherwise, if something unexpected happens in the future, it will be too late for you to regret it.

After hearing what Li Quan said, Fang Tonghao also understood that Li Quan was doing this for his own good.

Okay, I'll pay attention.

However, when you come back this time, you won't just tell me that my daughter likes your brother, right?

After hearing Fang Tonghao's teasing, Li Quan knew that Fang Tonghao had recovered.

Of course not. It took a lot of effort to solve that troublesome thing. Of course, the first thing I did was go home and have a look.

It's just a pity that my parents are shopping for groceries right now, and my two wives are still at home doing the cleaning.

No, I'm just going to come and have a drink with you and talk about life.

By the way, when you suddenly disappeared, what kind of existence were you going to solve?

It actually took you a hundred years.

In Fang Tonghao's eyes, Li Quan, as a true dragon, naturally has great magical powers.

Moreover, after the arrival of Nuwa and Fuxi, it can be said that Li Quan's status was regarded as the supreme existence.

Even Nuwa showed from the side that they were no match for Li Quan.

How strong is the enemy that can take Li Quan a hundred years to solve?

Don't you know who the person I solved is?

have no idea.

Fang Tonghao shook his head and responded.

As for the existence of Hongtian Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor, except for the top experts, that is, the experts at the galaxy network level, as well as the individual general galaxy level experts, the Human Emperor and others know this information. It's not clear at all.

After all, an existence of this level is simply too powerful.

Even if they have reached the planet level, in the eyes of the other party, they are just existences that can kill them with just one look.

Naturally, the existence of Hongtian, Demon Ancestor and his party was listed as a top secret file.

That is S-class.

Since you don't know, that means they don't want others to know.

But yes, if you know about an existence of that level, it will only be dangerous to your path of cultivation.

It's just that, don't tell me, that guy is really powerful. Even I am almost no match for him.

How is that guy doing now?

After hearing this, Li Quan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and suddenly took out the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis in his hand, handed it to Fang Tonghao and said with a smile: No, it's right here.

The nine-winged golden chrysalis is covered in gold, and the nine wings behind it are extremely weak, as if they will be torn apart at the slightest touch.

However, these nine wings can easily break through even the strongest armor in the universe.

This is?

Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis is the target I will solve this time.

This guy is extremely hard. In addition to being used to make armor, it can also be used to forge weapons.

The nine wings on it are the best weapons.

Apart from anything else, it is much sharper than the dragon scale sword Li Quan made before.

It took a whole hundred years to fight this thing?!

It's not a hundred years, no, maybe, it's a hundred years in the outside world, but in the small world I built, it's more than a hundred years.

How much is that?

Don't ask, it will take a hundred thousand years to ask.


At this moment, Fang Tonghao's cosmic network suddenly sounded, and it was Ji Rong who came.

Huh? Wife, what's wrong with you?

After being connected, Fang Rong's tone was a little urgent, as if she was doing strenuous exercise.

Husband, Centauri Alpha Beta wants to capture me, and uses this to threaten you to reveal some of Blue Star's secrets!

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