Fuxi is your husband?

After saying this, Fuxi and Nuwa were stunned for a moment.

After the three of them were silent for a moment, Nuwa's face suddenly turned red.

If Qingluan saw Nuwa like this, he would definitely be amazed.

Because, the always aloof and aloof Empress Nuwa was as blushing as a pregnant girl today.

That's not true! Stop talking nonsense!

Fuxi on the side also reacted violently after hearing this.

No, Zhenlong, where did you hear this?

Aren't all the myths in Tenglong Kingdom like this?

You and Nuwa are husband and wife, and also brothers and sisters.

That's not true! Stop talking nonsense!

While saying this, Nuwa's shy face showed that she wanted to find out the man who wrote the myth that she and Fuxi were husband and wife, and then beat him up.

It almost pissed her off.

Therefore, after hearing Li Quan's question, he quickly explained.

In other words, this myth that you two are Fuxi or something, is it all a lie?

That's for sure!

Don't even think about how brothers and sisters can get married!

Li Quan finally figured it out. It turned out that the myths of Tenglong Kingdom were not necessarily true.

Just like this.

Okay, True Dragon, let's not talk about these topics for now. Welcome back.

Your family has been waiting for you in Blue Star for a hundred years.

After hearing this, Li Quan was stunned for a moment and then smiled and said: That's true, but I really wanted to thank you back then.

Even if the two of us didn't take action at the beginning, you can handle it with the real dragon alone, right?

After hearing this, Nuwa responded with a smile.

Li Quan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and did not answer.

After all, it's a fact.

Although this Hongtian was at the Hunyuan level at the beginning, he was extremely powerful.

It can be said that Hongtian is the strongest person in the entire universe.

As for Li Quan, the aura he showed at the beginning was at the Galaxy Network level after being blessed with the power of the dragon.

Needless to say, it goes without saying that the Galaxy Network level is a dead end compared to Hongtian's Hunyuan level.

Therefore, Li Quan was quite grateful for the actions of Nuwa and Fuxi.

Moreover, Li Quan discovered that Nuwa and Fuxi seemed to have helped him protect Blue Star during his absence.

By the way, Zhenlong, I don't know what Hongtian is like now.

At this moment, Fuxi asked with a trace of doubt on his face.

Logically speaking, this Hongtian's body is very powerful and should be difficult to destroy and can only be sealed.

In this case, this sealing location must be visited.

Don't worry, this guy will never show up again.

Hongtian has been sealed forever?

After hearing what Li Quan said, Fuxi asked curiously.

Li Quan shook his head, and a nine-winged golden pupa suddenly appeared in his hand.

Of course, this is a nine-winged golden chrysalis that is dead and full of cracks.

Is this Hongtian's body?!

Well, this is Hongtian's true form, the nine-winged golden chrysalis.

Fuxi tapped the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis with his fingers and found that the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis was extremely hard. With Fuxi's own strength, it was difficult to shake it at all.

Therefore, Li Quan was very surprised to kill Hongtian and beat him back to his original form.

However, when he thought that Li Quan was a real dragon, his surprise disappeared.

Isn't this normal?

Although Hongtian has existed since the beginning of the universe, its age of existence is unknown to them much older than others.

In addition to this, Li Quan, the origin of the real dragon is even more mysterious.

Being able to clean up this Hongtian is also a matter of cleaning up.

This nine-winged golden chrysalis is extremely hard. I plan to use it to make a piece of armor. I wonder if you have any good suggestions.

The defensive strength of this nine-winged golden chrysalis is comparable to the top existence among Hunyuan weapons.

With just a little bit of practice, you can forge a top-notch Hunyuan weapon.

With the blessing of the Hunyuan Artifact, Zhenlong, your strength will definitely reach a higher level!

Each weapon quality has a corresponding realm.

I suggest you sacrifice the real dragon into a piece of armor and a weapon.

Well, I'll think about it, okay, I won't say so much anymore.

I haven't been back for a long time, and it's time for me to go back.

After hearing this, Fuxi and Xiang had a smile on their faces, they just cupped their hands towards Li Quan and disappeared from Li Quan's eyes.

Li Quan, on the other hand, took the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis into his own space, tore the space apart with his bare hands, and stepped into the torn space.

At the same time, in the sky above Blue Star, the original site of Guangbei Village, the space was suddenly torn open.

Soon, Li Quan's simple figure walked out of the torn space.

I haven't seen it in a hundred years, but I didn't expect that the air in Blue Star would be a lot fresher.

Moreover, the richness of this spiritual energy and the level of energy contained have been improved a lot.

haven't seen you for a long time.

While speaking, Li Quan smiled directly at the empty place in front of him.

Just as Li Quan finished speaking, three loli-like figures appeared in front of Li Quan.

They are the three sisters Li Lan, Li Bing and Li Ya.



The three sisters were very excited when they saw Li Quan.

Especially Li Lan, Li Quan seems to have found a backer after his return.

However, Li Quan is indeed the three sisters' backer.

Although she is an adopted daughter in name, she is also a daughter.

We haven't seen each other for a hundred years, how are you doing?

Thanks to you, Father, now Blue Star has become the core of the universe.

And our three sisters, because of this, our strength has grown by leaps and bounds.

After hearing this, Li Quan felt the auras of the three sisters and found that it was indeed true.

At the beginning, Li Bing's strength was only at the stellar level.

Now, it has been upgraded to the level of a small galaxy.

As for Li Ya and Li Lan, although they are weaker than Li Bing because they have created new bodies, they now have stellar-level strength.

All of this has nothing to do with their original body, Blue Star.

It seems that during the past hundred years, your cultivation progress has not been weak.

The only pity is that the three sisters did not participate in the demon war.

Otherwise, if you pile up your experience directly, you may have to advance to a big stage at this time.

In the past hundred years, I have really worked hard for you.

Okay, let's go home. Can you tell me how my parents have been doing in the past hundred years?


Soon, Li Lan told everything that had happened to his family in the past hundred years.

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