Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 250 Your husband?

Your family member Li Quan?

Li Zun, who was in class, said with a trace of doubt on his face after hearing the prompt tone of his Universe Network.

Suddenly, Li Zun thought of something.

Li Quan, isn't this the so-called big brother!

Li Zun quickly opened his cosmic network, and when he saw Li Quan's exclusive avatar light up, he realized that this was not an illusion.

Now, Li Zun feels just like Li Xiaotuan back then. He is very curious about Li Quan, this strange big brother.

Moreover, I heard from my family that Li Quan went to a distant place during the space war.

Now, is he back?

Li Zun, what are you so confused about?!

At this moment, sitting in front of Li Zun, was a shy girl who was only one year older than Li Zun.

The cultivation talent is also good, and he is in the foundation building period at the age of sixteen.

Of course, it's still not as good as Li Zun.

After all, Li Zun had only been practicing for a few days and had already reached the foundation building stage.

During the foundation building period at the age of fifteen, it can be said that the talent is very powerful.

It's okay, Sister Rongrong.

After a perfunctory response, Li Zun began to practice.

After all, in high school, apart from explaining the necessary basic knowledge, the rest of the time is spent practicing.

As for Li Zun, the class he was in was an elite class in the whole school. It could be said that there were all the cultivation geniuses of the school gathered in it.

Of course, there are also some students who like to hide their clumsiness and so on. Their spiritual talents are outstanding, but they want to hide them.

Really? But why do you look so surprised?

Sister Rongrong, don't worry, I'm really fine.

Li Zun, if something really happens, remember to tell Sister Rongrong and me. We have been good brothers since childhood. Remember to tell us if anything happens.

The Sister Rongrong mentioned by Li Zun is the daughter of a neighbor not far from home.

Her full name is Fang Rong. I heard that her father seems to be the brother of her eldest brother.

However, because Fang Rong was one year older than Li Zun, Fang Rong used the reason that she was her sister to 'cover' Li Zun everywhere.

Of course, all this is just Fang Rong's wishful thinking.

Li Zun was also helpless about this.

Well, okay, Sister Rongrong, I understand.

After a few perfunctory words, Li Zun began to enter a state of cultivation.

What Li Zun practiced was an unknown technique passed down by his parents, namely Li Zhen and Wang Yun.

Moreover, when introducing this unknown technique, he explained that this technique was also practiced by the two of them.

I have to say that the speed of practicing this nameless technique is much faster than the basic mental techniques issued by the school.

The news of Li Quan's return was known to everyone the moment Li Quan logged into the Universe Network.

As for me, after opening the cosmic network, I suddenly found an S symbol near my avatar.

What is this?

Li Quan curiously controlled the S sign with his own thoughts.

It was discovered that after clicking it, Li Quan actually gained the right to control the entire cosmic network.

What is this?

At the moment when Li Quan was confused, Li Quan felt a wave of fluctuations in the space around him.

When he looked back, Li Quan discovered that the clones of Fuxi and Nuwa had been torn out of the space.

When they saw Li Quan, Nuwa and Fuxi were stunned for a moment.

Not only that, there was a hint of excitement on Nuwa's pretty face at this moment.

You are finally back!



Seeing the excited Nuwa, Fuxi directly shouted to Nuwa to stop. After hearing this, Nuwa also discovered his gaffe.

After slightly bending his body toward Li Quan to apologize, he smiled at Li Quan and said, Welcome back, true dragon.

After Li Quan heard Nuwa's words, he was stunned for a moment.

This Nuwa seemed to be so excited when she saw her face.

Moreover, looking at the expression on this Nuwa's face, it seemed as if she had known him a long time ago.

Fuxi on the side, after hearing Nuwa's words, also quickly congratulated: Welcome back.

You are?

Li Quan asked with a trace of doubt on his face after accepting the two people's respectful greetings.

Not only that, Li Quan expressed his heartfelt gratitude to Nuwa and Fuxi.

After all, Nuwa and Fuxi did not hesitate to become enemies of Hongtian in order to help themselves resist Hongtian.

You know, even if Nuwa and Fuxi join forces to stop Hongtian, they will still have to pay a heavy price.

Of course, although they have done so much for Li Quan, Li Quan has never known their names from the beginning to the present.

I am Nuwa.

This is my brother, Fuxi.

While speaking, Nuwa directly introduced Fuxi.

Are you Nuwa, Fuxi?!

After hearing their names, Li Quan was surprised.

Who is Nuwa and Fuxi? No one in the Tenglong Kingdom is unfamiliar with them.

After all, in the mythical history of Tenglong Kingdom, Nuwa created humans, which is a story that everyone is very familiar with.

Now, the rightful owner appeared in front of him, how could he not be surprised?

Well, I heard that the people of Tenglong Kingdom are the descendants of those people who were left behind when you created humans. Is this true or false?

After hearing Li Quan's question, Nuwa was stunned for a moment, then she realized it and smiled: Of course it is true, but when I created humans, it was not my fault alone.

There is another person whose contribution is not small.

The other person? Who is he?

Li Quan was curious. This was actually different from the myth that Nuwa created humans alone.

This is a secret. You will know it when the time comes.

When asked about that person, Nuwa had a mysterious smile on her face.

With his sleeves and hands half covering his face, those eyes alone have captivated so many men.

It's a pity that Li Quan only feels beautiful and has no original impulse.

By the way, there is another question that seems to involve your personal issues. I wonder if I can ask?

Hmm? True Dragon, feel free to ask questions. If you know, Nuwa will definitely answer everything.

Okay, that's it. As he said this, Li Quan curiously pointed at Nuwa and Fuxi with the index fingers of his right hand and left hand and asked: According to legend, you and Fuxi are brothers and sisters, right?

Huh? Of course this is true.

After hearing Li Quan's question, Nuwa responded hesitantly.

In that case, does Fuxi still have another identity, that is, he is your husband?

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