Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 249 Everyone’s reactions!

On the beach chair, Li Xiaotuan's lazy look, coupled with Li Xiaotuan's beautiful face, all the students were almost fascinated.

Of course, they didn't dare to take any action.

After all, everyone knows that in the Imperial Capital Supreme Academy, the principal can be provoked, but no one dares to provoke Mr. Li Xiaotuan.

Of course, even so, it can't stop Li Xiaotuan's suitors.

With outstanding talent, beautiful appearance, and mysterious background, Li Xiaotuan suddenly became the dream lover of many students and teachers at Imperial Academy.

As for Li Xiaotuan, while he was sunbathing, suddenly the Universe Network and the Home Quantum Network suddenly sounded the online notification tone for Li Quan.

The reason why there is Li Quan's online notification sound is naturally because during the construction, Li Quan's personal ID card, etc., including Li Quan's personal information, were recorded in it.

Moreover, as for Li Quan's identity, if the Universe Network has five secret levels, namely S, A, B, C, and D, then Li Quan is the most advanced S level.

S level, this is the most top secret in the universe. But basically, no one can observe except for a small number of people who are marked with S level secret level.

As for that, aren't you afraid of the cosmic network being invaded?

Of course there is no need to be afraid of this.


Because the management of the Universe Network is managed by Nuwa and Fuxi, if someone can successfully invade, then only the Demon Ancestor and Demon Ancestor of the same level, that is, the Hunyuan level, can successfully invade.

As for the Demon Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor, these two existences at the Hunyuan level had retreated for a hundred years following the cosmic war a hundred years ago, and no one knew their whereabouts.

Of course, Fuxi and Nuwa may know.

After all, they are both Hunyuan level experts, but both sides seem to have a tacit understanding and do not provoke each other.

Therefore, the universe has entered an era of great development.

The demon clan was almost completely wiped out, and the remaining demon clan entered the mysterious space built by the demon ancestors and demon ancestors to survive.

The mysterious space is a world similar to subspace.

The subspace constructed by existences at the Hunyuan level can indeed create a world in which other creatures can survive.

In addition, after that battle, the only remaining members of the demon clan were all first-class absolute powerhouses, and their strength was at least at the level of the entire galaxy.

For these levels of monsters, everyone has a very big headache.

However, Jiran and the others retreated, which was the best solution.

Otherwise, a large number of strong men would probably be lost in a big battle.

As for Li Xiaotuan, he was still sunbathing after hearing the sound.

After the saplings passed by, Li Xiaotuan seemed to feel that something was wrong.

After opening his cosmic network and logging into his home quantum network, he found a record.

Your family member Li Quan is online.

Li Xiaotuan wiped his eyes and realized that the person online was not his younger brother Li Zun, but his eldest brother Li Quan. He screamed subconsciously.

However, when such a brother screamed, it could be said that everyone was frightened.

Of course, after hearing Li Xiaotuan's scream, a large number of people subconsciously looked at Li Xiaotuan's position.

Because, Li Xiaotuan's voice is so alluring.

Are there any goddesses from the Supreme Academy of the Imperial Capital?

Whoever dares to provoke the goddess will have a mysterious goddess guard in the dark, silently cleaning up the harassers for the goddess Li Xiaotuan.

For example, the teacher Zhang who had tried to ask Li Xiaotuan out for dinner was found to have stripped off his clothes except for a pair of underwear the next morning, and was hung on the flag-raising platform of the Supreme Academy of the Imperial Capital.

This behavior can be said to be a very evil strategy, but there has been no follow-up to it.

You can only admit that you are unlucky.

Teacher! What's wrong with you?!

After hearing Li Xiaotuan's scream, a pretty girl came out of the class that Li Xiaotuan was taking.

The girl's appearance is good, but she is a bit shy and beautiful like Xiaojiabiyu.

The aura of strength exuding from her body is at the Nascent Soul stage, and she is about thirty years old.

Because after breaking through the golden elixir stage, one's appearance will begin to become fixed. Therefore, although this female classmate is in her thirties, she looks like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

Ah, no, it's okay.

Li Xiaotuan seemed to have noticed that he had lost his composure, and smiled with a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Then he scolded the students who were in a daze: What are you guys looking at? Why don't you hurry up and give me a real fight?

Do you want me to come and train you personally?

After hearing what Li Xiaotuan said, the students quickly turned their heads and started one-on-one combat.

Just kidding, don't think that actual one-on-one combat with Li Xiaotuan is just for enjoyment.

Li Xiaotuan is very serious, and in actual combat with Li Xiaotuan, she will let you see what cruelty is.

Of course, this universe does not lack some weird things.

For example, some people like to be tortured by Li Xiaotuan when they fight against him.

Its name is enjoyment by all.

Li Xiaotuan despised this kind of enjoyment.

Therefore, in order to let them enjoy it more, Li Xiaotuan will behave more caringly for them.

As long as you can't beat him to death, beat him to death.

Anyway, this is how Li Xiaotuan deals with such students.

Of course, this is also related to Li Xiaotuan's background.

After all, even a strong man at the Galaxy Network level was chased and beaten by Li Xiaotuan after provoking him.

You must know that a strong person at the Galaxy Network level is not a strong person who is famous in the universe.

Even such a strong person would still be chased and beaten by Li Xiaotuan.

It can be said that in terms of background, no one in the universe can compare to the Li family.

You also go to the actual training. I have something to do. You can organize them to disband and move freely in a while.

I have something to do and leave first, that's all.

Hey! Teacher! It's class time now.

It's a pity that no matter how much the female classmate shouted, Li Xiaotuan has disappeared.

With Li Xiaotuan's strength, it would only be a blink of an eye to leave.

Moreover, if the space barrier of the solar system was not reinforced by Nuwa and Fuxi, if you want to leave, you can just tear the space apart.

In addition to Li Xiaotuan, Li Zun, who is studying at Jianghai No. 1 Cultivation Academy, also received the message.

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