Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 244 Li Quan is still alive like this?

What's wrong, brother?

Seeing that you look depressed, are you thinking that some mushroom store has gone cold?

Tell sister, she will help you propose marriage tomorrow.

Ahem, sister, you can really make trouble.

After hearing what Li Xiaotuan said, Li Zun was directly frightened.

As expected, she was indeed his sister, and her words were as tough as ever.

Then tell me, why are you depressed?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan held a tall wine glass in his hand. The wine glass contained red wine that had been hidden a hundred years ago.

The taste is so mellow.

Actually, I don't understand why my family always holds a party at this time?

Also, is our eldest brother really still alive?

Of course your eldest brother is still alive~!

After hearing whether Li Quan was still alive, Li Xiaotuan responded immediately.

The reaction was a bit hasty, as if he was eager to prove something.

Sister, what kind of person is our eldest brother?

Li Zun had only seen Li Quan's image in photos and videos.

As for myself, I have never had any contact with it.

Therefore, I am very curious about my eldest brother.

Well, your eldest brother is a very awesome person. Anyway, he is a very awesome person.

Well, no matter how awesome my brother is, you should always tell me where I am, right?

Li Zun was very curious about Li Quan's whereabouts.

Li Zhen and Wang Yun always say that your eldest brother Li Quan is far away and communication is impossible there.

However, no matter how far away it is, with today's technological level, communication across the galaxy network is not a piece of cake.

Where exactly is it that communication is impossible?

Therefore, Li Zun was very curious about Li Quan's life and death.

Not only that, Li Zun personally asked his two sisters-in-law where his eldest brother had gone.

It is a pity that the two sisters-in-law of the family will bring a hint of sadness when they mention Li Quan, but that sadness soon disappears and is replaced by smiles.

However, Li Zun, who was as keen as him, still noticed it.

Therefore, Li Zun had a bold guess that Li Quan had probably died. Moreover, Li Quan was very powerful during his lifetime, but he died in the cosmic war a hundred years ago.

Oh, regarding our eldest brother's matter, brother, you have to know that when you grow up, everything will become clear.

Li Xiaotuan didn't know how to explain it, so Li Xiaotuan directly grabbed Li Zun's shoulders and said seriously.

By the way, sister, I have a question that I want to ask you.

Huh? What's going on?

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan had a trace of doubt on his face.

At the same time, Li Xiaotuan also started to drink the red wine in his glass.

That look is so tempting.

A normal man would find it difficult to maintain his attractive appearance after seeing Li Xiaotuan drinking.

Of course, as the younger brother, Li Zun didn't feel anything at all.

It’s not that Li Zun is not a man.

But since he was born until now, he has met Li Xiaotuan every day, and there are several beauties in his family who can be ranked high on the beauty rankings in the universe, so he has long been immune.

Therefore, Li Zun's heart at this time had no fluctuations.

This even caused Li Zun to have no interest in the opposite sex.

Sister, actually what I want to know is...are you teaching at Imperial Capital Supreme Academy?!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment and responded with a puzzled look on his face: Yes, what's wrong?

But if I remember correctly, the teacher with the lowest strength among the Imperial Supreme Academy must have at least stellar level strength.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan was stunned for a moment, and then responded with a smile: You are such a cute little brother.

Who told you that the lowest level of strength requires a star level?

That’s right, the Imperial Capital Supreme Academy has never said that it requires at least stellar level strength.

Okay, actually, sister, I'm a little curious, what subject do you teach?

Oh, fight.


After hearing this, Li Zun seemed to have three question marks on his forehead.


Is there any such course?

Why didn't he know anything?

If it weren't for seeing that Li Xiaotuan came from Imperial Capital Supreme Academy and was called Teacher Li by others, Li Zun would have doubted whether Li Xiaotuan was lying to him.

To put it simply, it is to teach practical combat.

Don't think your sister and I are weak, but in terms of actual combat experience, even our parents are no match for your sister and me.

Li Xiaotuan has extraordinary talent in actual combat. Therefore, if he is in the same realm, he is basically invincible.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan is known as the Valkyrie.

This is also related to Li Xiaotuan's own weapons.

After all, Li Xiaotuan's weapon, the Dragon Scale Sword, is a rare artifact in the universe.

It can freely transform into various forms, and each form possesses great power.

After the two siblings communicated for a while, Li Zun silently opened the cosmic network.

The cosmic network is the greatest invention of this era.

However, dozens of the top scientists in the universe imitated the communication function of the system originally created by True Dragon.

Of course, compared to the basic communication equipment of the system created by Li Quan, today's Cosmic Network has spread to the entire universe.

Not only that, the functions inside can be said to be diverse, such as the 'second world', simulated reality, etc., they are all available.

At the same time, anyone with spiritual power can directly connect to the cosmic network.

And spiritual power is possessed as soon as one is born.

Of course, if you want to connect to the Cosmic Network, you must go through certain intelligent tests before you can successfully connect.

After all, any life is qualified to access the cosmic network.

In other words, even a creature with no intelligence at all can do it.

The terminal of the cosmic network is located in the Blue Star.

Although Blue Star is the center of the entire universe and the current headquarters of the Human Alliance, its superficial ecological environment has still been preserved.

There are still virgin forests and so on.

After all, Blue Star is a star and is alive.

After connecting to the cosmic network, Li Zun connected to the quantum network at home and entered the home photo album.

Opening the photo album, in addition to the shameful photos of himself when he was born, he soon saw a group photo of his family from a hundred years ago.

Brother, are you really still alive?

At this time, in the small world, the sound of weapons fighting continued...

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