Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 245 Breakthrough!

In the small world, the flow rate of time is different from that in the outside world. Therefore, one hundred thousand years have passed in the small world while one hundred years have passed in the outside world.

In one hundred thousand years, Li Quan's combat experience has reached a terrifying level.

Even Hongtian, who was fighting with Li Quan, felt Li Quan's terror.

The more he continues, the probability of Hongtian's counterattack becomes infinitely close to zero.

In addition, Hongtian had been fighting with Li Quan for a hundred thousand years, so Hongtian never rested at all.

As for Li Quan, he naturally didn't rest. However, because Li Quan's own physical fitness was too strong, Hongtian couldn't compare with him.

If it were a protracted battle, Hongtian would not be his opponent at all.

As for Li Quan, the eighteen weapons in his hands were changing crazily, and finally turned into the most primitive Pangu Ax.

Pangu's ax was in hand. The moment Hongtian held the Star Sword and slashed out, he seized the opportunity and struck the weak point of the Star Sword with an axe.

The Sword of Stars was directly chopped into pieces by Li Quan.

The Sword of the Stars itself is a sword forged based on the power of old man Hongtian.

The quality itself is naturally very strong.

However, no matter how powerful it is, it cannot withstand this non-stop battle that lasts for one hundred thousand years.

After a hundred thousand years of beating, no matter how strong it is, it will still be broken.

Therefore, after seeing the broken Star Sword, Hongtian's cold face finally panicked.

The Sword of the Stars itself was an artifact constructed by Hongtian with great power, but now, it was destroyed.

Of course, without weapons, Hongtian can also perform surgery and the like.

However, in this small world, the suppression of magic has reached a limit.

If Hongtian wanted to use magic to attack, he would have to pay three times the price.

One hundred thousand years of non-stop fighting, because part of the strength has to be spent to strengthen oneself to the point where it can compete with Li Quan, so the speed of consumption can be said to be very alarming.

One hundred thousand years have passed, and not much has been recovered yet. Therefore, Hongtian's strength is now almost dry.

It is precisely because of this that the Star Sword strengthened by Hongtian's strength was broken into pieces by Li Quan Kaitian's blow.

It seems that you are at your wits' end.

After Li Quan smashed Hongtian's Sword of Stars and forced Hongtian back with one axe, he held the Pangu ax and said in a cold tone.

Hmph! Even so, you can't kill me!

My true body is a nine-winged golden chrysalis. In the same realm, you can't do anything to me!

While speaking, Hongtian's body shape was gradually transformed, and finally turned into a golden cicada.

Behind it, nine wings exist in the form of energy.

Li Quan looked nonchalant after hearing Hongtian's big words.

Holding the Pangu ax in hand, he used his strongest strength to strike down with the power of creating the world.

The golden edge fell heavily on the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis. However, when it landed on the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis, it only caused a huge collision sound.

Other than that, the nine-winged golden chrysalis was unscathed.

You know, even Li Quan's own dragon scale defense was unable to withstand this blow.

But this nine-winged golden chrysalis can perfectly resist Li Quan's move.

No wonder Hongtian was so confident. It turned out that it was because his body's defense was almost perfect that he let go of Li Quan's words that he could not kill Hongtian.

It has to be said that even Li Quan would feel numb if he saw this defensive power.

However, from another perspective, this nine-winged golden chrysalis is a first-rate forging armor material.

Even more defensive than Li Quan's current dragon scales, Li Quan can use this nine-winged golden chrysalis to forge armor.

Of course, the reason why it is stronger than Li Quan's dragon scale is naturally because Li Quan's current physical level is only infinitely close to the Hunyuan level.

Infinitely close, in the final analysis, the physical body is only at the level of the galaxy network.

It is normal to be unable to withstand this terrifying Kaitian attack and cannot compare to the defense of the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis.

After all, without the increase of the Dragon Ball, even if Li Quan had the increase of the dragon's power, it would only be at the Galaxy Network level.

As for Hongtian, he felt a little uneasy after seeing the sky-opening blow.

However, when he saw that Li Quan's sky-opening blow landed on him unscathed, he felt relieved to recover.

At this time, if there is no breakthrough progress, the two can be said to be mutually restrictive.

However, Li Quan was not discouraged when he saw that his Sky Opening Strike was ineffective.

Instead, he came in front of the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis and kicked the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis away.

However, as long as the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis is not harmed, it will not pay attention to Li Quan at all.

Therefore, no matter what Li Quan did, the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis didn't care and just frantically restored its own power.

Do you really think there's nothing I can do against you?

When Li Quan saw this, he sneered and said.

Forget it, I've been here for a long time, and it's time to end it.

One hundred thousand years have passed, even if the flow of time here is one thousand to one compared to the outside world, it has been long enough.

After hearing this, the Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis was full of disdain.

If we could get rid of him right away, why would we wait for a hundred thousand years?

Therefore, he just thought that Li Quan was speaking harshly.

Li Quan, on the other hand, quietly restored his strength to the overall galaxy level.

After all, without the blessing of the dragon power and the dragon balls, Li Quan's basic strength is only at the level of the total galaxy.

At the moment when Li Quan's strength returned to the overall galaxy level, the 'experience' and soul stored by Li Quan in the game world were forcibly devoured by Li Quan.

LV.238 (Seventy Thousand Capitals/Eighty Zi) [Zi Reading Zi]

Body length: one meter

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, five elements, heart-protecting dragon scales, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth, dragon concealment, transformation, shrinking the earth into an inch, Bagua Ruyi Formation, the power of the virtual dragon, dragon Blood magic, game world, dragon energy increase.

Wealth value: 76.85 million Beijing

The souls and 'experiences' that were forcibly collected by Li Quan turned into nutrients for Li Quan at this moment, directly allowing Li Quan's strength to soar to the peak level of the Galaxy Network!

This is the life of nearly half the universe, and the power it brings directly allows Li Quan to reach the pinnacle of the Galaxy Network.

After reaching the pinnacle of the Galaxy Network, Li Quan's body size continued to grow, eventually reaching one meter.

This is just Li Quan's most basic body shape.

Not counting the increase in size brought about by Dharma, Heaven and Earth.

At this moment, Li Quan took a step towards the fallen Nine-winged Golden Chrysalis and blessed it with the power of the dragon. His strength directly broke through the Galaxy Network level and became a Hunyuan powerhouse!

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