Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 243 Changes in a Hundred Years

Li Xiaotuan didn't want to say anything to these little brats.

Anyway, Li Xiaotuan is basically used to these things.

Li Zun, is this really your sister?

Yes, what's wrong? Doesn't it look like that?

While speaking, Li Zun pointed at his handsome face and said.

This appearance does not look like Li Xiaotuan, but although they are not similar, they have one thing in common.

That is, in this world where everyone is handsome and beautiful, they still look very handsome and stand out.

This is the advantage of genes.

In this world where the human alliance dominates the universe and demons have become rare animals, various systems have gradually multiplied.

For example, someone has successfully passed the martial arts and developed the so-called fighting spirit, magic, and force.

On the technology side, it is moving towards the research of genetic engineering, genetic modification, and destructive weapons.

Today's scientific research technology can be said to be very advanced, and weapons against super-galaxy-level experts have been developed.

Of course, there is no threat to existences above the level of the entire galaxy.

After all, the information is limited, and this is a social system that focuses on cultivation and focuses on technology, so the power of technology has not been pursued.

Genetic engineering, however, is involved in the cultivation system.

After all, cultivation is related to your own talent, and your own talent depends on your own genes.

As a result, genetic engineering has become popular among everyone.

Genetic engineering has resulted in the birth of a large number of strange beasts.

Alien beasts are fundamentally different from monsters.

Monsters can take the form of humans and can be cultivated.

But alien beasts cannot.

Because they themselves cannot practice.

Alien beasts are the product of genetic engineering.

They cannot become stronger through practice, but through growth.

There is a particle called immortality in their bodies. As long as they do not die, they can continue to grow.

At the same time, it is not impossible to feed on the stars.

The strength of the alien beasts increases with his age.

Although it cannot be cultivated, the physique of the alien beast can be said to be very terrifying and powerful.

The strength of the first alien beast created decades ago, codenamed Zero, is already comparable to that of a powerful person in the Nascent Soul stage.

Moreover, various highly lethal organs have also reproduced in its body.

Therefore, in recent years, a brand new system has spawned: orcs.

Orcs are very large in size. They hunt the organs from the bodies of newborn alien beasts and implant them into their own bodies to reproduce their own organs.

Not only that, the lifespan of half-orcs is also very long, even eternal life.

Because when they transplanted the organs, the organs also provided immortality particles to the orcs.

This also leads to the fact that half-orcs and alien beasts have the same abilities, and as time goes by, their strength becomes stronger.

Of course, because of this, half-orcs cannot practice and can only fight others through the physical body.

It can be said that this era is an era of glory and an era of sin.

A hundred years ago, because of the threat of monsters, the human alliance could only choose to work together to fight against monsters.

After the demons were killed, the human alliance no longer had the threat of demons, so they began to go their own way.

Of course, the purpose of the Human Alliance will never change.

That is to maintain peace in the universe and prohibit things that are anti-human and anti-peace.

No, you and your sister are nothing alike. Could it be that we're not related?

Of course you are my sister!

While saying this, Li Zun punched the classmate on the head who was doubting whether he was his biological sister.

I'm warning you guys, stop trying to take advantage of my sister. If you let me know that you guys dare to have the slightest idea about my sister, I'll beat you to death.

While saying this, he raised his fist as a threat.

Okay, okay, we won't bother your sister anymore.

However, it is of course not clear what he is thinking in his heart, and this needs to be investigated.

Soon, night fell, and various space stations were built around Blue Star.

In the solar system, except for the two uninhabitable planets, Jupiter and the Sun, the rest of the planets have been transformed into habitable planets.

Among them, in addition to the blue star as the main galaxy, the moon, Mars, and Venus are the most prosperous planets.

Not to mention anything else, the population living in one solar system alone has reached one hundred.

Of course, this also includes the space stations that orbit all the planets in the solar system.

A space station has a complete ecological environment and is self-sufficient.

Except for the fact that there are no mineral resources inside, the rest can be found in the space station.

As for water resources, they are obtained by decomposing ice in the universe.

In addition to this, in this era, the Five Elements Art is the most basic technique, which can be learned as long as you have attended elementary school.

Even if there is a lack of water, if you use the Five Elements Technique by yourself, you can still convert the spiritual power by using yourself as the medium.

And in Blue Star, Jiangdu City, the location of the former Guangbei Village.

Today's Guangbei Village has been included in the scope of Jiangdu City.

Basically, in this era, there is no so-called town or village division.

Of course, there are many Divine Dragon Temples. Basically, there are Divine Dragon Temples in every area.

The homes of Li Zhen and Wang Yun were now very lively.

Today is the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Shenlong Temple.

Therefore, the entire Blue Star can be said to be rejoicing with the whole country.

After all, the real dragon can be said to have a close relationship with the Tenglong Kingdom.

Thank you for your face and attending this party. Here, I, Li Zhen, will do the honors first!

I saw Li Zhen holding a palm-sized wine glass in his hand. The wine glass was filled with fine wine and he drank it in one gulp.

After seeing Li Zhen drink the wine in one gulp, everyone laughed.

At the party, there were all famous figures in the Tenglong Kingdom. Of course, when they came to participate in the party, everyone dressed up in disguise.

Well, after all, the name of this party is a drag party.

The people involved were naturally Li Zhen, Wang Yun’s ‘friend’.

The adults were drinking and being guests. As a minor, Li Zun, who could only drink fruit juice, was very depressed.

Li Zun, on the other hand, silently came to Li Xiaotuan, who was sitting on the sofa on the open-air balcony, and sat down with a trace of depression on his face.

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