Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 232 Demons are exterminated!

After the entire subspace was in a state of silence for a period of time, when the dust gradually dissipated, only two groups of golden light were seen illuminating the subspace filled with thick smoke.

In addition to the light emitted by Dongfang Qingwan herself, there was also a huge 'light egg' that illuminated the space.

And inside the light egg are all the powerful people in the galaxy.

But these strong men breathed through Li Quan's nose and successfully avoided the self-destruction from the super-galaxy demon.

The power of self-destruction is no joke.

If these powerful men in the galaxy had not been protected by Li Quan, they would probably have been blown to death like these demons.

It is estimated that even those big demons did not expect that not only did they not kill all the powerful men in the galaxy, they also blew their companions into ashes.

After a series of explosions, the only ones alive in the entire subspace were the top powerhouses in the galaxy.

Is it finally over?

Looking at the empty subspace, a group of top experts in the galaxy sighed and said.

To be honest, if it weren't for Li Quan's personal visit this time, it is estimated that all the top powerhouses in the galaxy would be too frightened to move after seeing this overwhelming monster.

At the end of the battle, one, two, three, all the demons in the third layer of subspace were completely wiped out.

It can be said that the Milky Way has completely wiped out all the monsters.

But, do you think the battle ended so easily?

Of course it's impossible!

The demons in the Milky Way have been eliminated, but outside the Milky Way, there is still a cosmic war.

The next task is to expand the battlefield into the Kamigawa galaxy.

Although, the Kamigawa galaxy, except for the Milky Way, has been completely destroyed.

Just when everyone thought the battle was over, the subspaces suddenly merged together.

Not only that, the game world in the Milky Way region, that is, Li Quan's personal domain, is constantly expanding to the outside at this moment.

After being enveloped by the world of this game, the demon clan that was shrouded in were forced to lower themselves to a higher level.

The strong men of the Human Alliance who were fighting these monsters were not affected at all.


However, who makes Li Quan dislike demons?

In addition, this galaxy is nominally a member of the Human Alliance.

It's impossible for Li Quan to influence his 'companions' as well.

Of course, this strong man of the Human Alliance does not have the power blessing of the humans in the galaxy.

You can't be resurrected after you die.

However, once they die, their souls will still enter Li Quan's soul storage pool.

Until now, Li Quan didn't know how many souls he had collected.

You must know that the energy of the soul itself is no worse than its own energy.

When the game world continued to spread, and finally expanded to the area previously controlled by the Kamigawa Galaxy, the Milky Way also replaced the Kamigawa Galaxy and became a brand new extragalactic galaxy.

The overall strength of all living beings within the Milky Way has also been transformed due to the promotion of the Milky Way.

W-what's going on?!

At this moment, the system notification sounded in everyone's mind.

The war against monsters in the galaxy is over, and a new chapter has begun: the war to expel monsters!

Demon Expulsion War: Requirements: Unite the human alliance in the universe to expel the invading demon army and win!

A new chapter means that the battle will enter a new fierce stage.

This is the real battle.

Compared with the battles in the galaxy, the war in the universe pales into insignificance.

Here, practitioners with strength below half a planet will be disqualified from this battle.

Because their own strength is no longer enough to fight in the universe.

Unless there are other external aids.

For example: space battleship, space mecha.

Only with the help of these things can we survive in the universe and fight against the monsters.

Therefore, if you want to continue fighting the monster, you have another option.

Sacrifice part of your cultivation and rent mechas that can fight in the universe and independent space fighter jets.

As soon as this option came out, everyone sacrificed part of their cultivation and temporarily borrowed a cosmic fighter plane with the strength of half a planet to fight against the demons.

Of course, it can also be exchanged for those above the half-planet level, but the cultivation level consumed gradually increases.

For a time, many space battle armors flew out of the galaxy, space battle armors, and even space battleships also flew out.

Originally, these monsters were very depressed because their strength suddenly disappeared for a big period.

Nowadays, there are many more fighter planes to massacre and expel them.

The battlefield soon lost its balance, from an evenly matched battle at the beginning to a one-sided massacre.

What happened in the galaxy broke out once again in the cosmic war.

As for Li Quan, he returned to Blue Star.

This time, Li Quan can be said to have gained a lot.

Not to mention anything else, just harvesting souls was enough to make Li Quan smile.

Of course, Li Quan didn't care about the harvested souls.

What he cared about was to see through the Demon Ancestor's conspiracy.

Since this demon ancestor dared to sacrifice the demons of their blood, naturally, he wanted something else.

Although Li Quan didn't know what the demon ancestor was asking for, he had to sacrifice all the demons to get something that must be special.

And in the mysterious space, Demon Ancestor gradually opened his red eyes.

Looking in the direction of the Milky Way, he said with a slight smile: Come on, old guy, I don't know if you will take action yourself?

The cosmic war will probably end soon.

At this time, more and more strong men from the Human Alliance joined the battle.

Originally, the demon should have run away when faced with this situation.

However, Demon Ancestor's order is absolute.

Without the Demon Ancestor's orders, they could only continue to execute the plan to destroy Blue Star.

Because of this, after the demon war that lasted for dozens of days, the weak demons had been exterminated.

The rest are all demons with extraordinary strength.

Of course, these demons have not entered the area where the new galaxy is located, so their strength has not been weakened.

In the Milky Way, although the demons have been barely expelled, there are still many demons lurking in the new Milky Way.

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