Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 231 The demon must die!

The other self-destructions of the super galaxy not only hurt Dongfang Qingwan, but also killed several of his fellow big monsters.

When the demons saw that self-destruction could harm Dongfang Qingwan, they began to threaten: If you don't let us go, be careful that we will die together with you!

Anyway, death is inevitable, so it is better to threaten some Dongfang Qingwan and try for a chance of survival.

Dongfang Qingwan was a little hesitant at this time.

The damage caused by self-destruction is too great, and even she is not completely immune.

The self-destruction of a super-galaxy-level monster had almost seriously injured her. There were dozens of super-galaxy-level monsters present. If they really wanted to die with her, it was really possible.

At this moment, not far away, a stream of light suddenly hit Dongfang Qingwan.

This is a golden dragon scale.

After Dongfang Qingwan was stunned for a moment, she discovered that this piece of golden dragon scale had the aura of the bloodline of a superior person.

This breath is very familiar.

It's Lord True Dragon!

The golden dragon scales directly hit Dongfang Qingwan's body. Dongfang Qingwan's cyan dragon scales were actually covered by these golden dragon scales at this moment and were forcibly assimilated.

Not only that, the defense power has also been greatly increased.

Dongfang Qingwan, who was still a little hesitant and didn't know what to do, finally made a decision at this moment.

And all the demons were deceived after seeing the sudden changes in Dongfang Qingwan.

what on earth is it?

How come the little green dragon turned into a little golden dragon in an instant?

Before they could think about it, they saw Dongfang Qingwan launching an attack on the monsters again.

When the demons saw this, they became angry.

Since you are stubborn, don't blame them for being cruel.

Since we are all going to die, I will capture you to support you!

Soon, several more big demons pounced on Dongfang Qingwan.

The speed was very fast, and the power of the explosion shook the entire space.

However, it still cannot break the barrier of this space.

The explosion was so powerful that several big monsters were affected by the sudden explosion because they had no time to dodge.

Hmph! Since you are cruel, don't blame us for dying together.

Seeing countless thick smoke rising up covering the area of ​​hundreds of thousands of light-years, a group of big demons said with disdain.

The third level of subspace is very huge, so huge that even three Kamigawa systems can be loaded into it.

Moreover, in the third layer of subspace, there are a series of natural ecological environments such as mountains and flowing water.

It's just a pity that because of these sudden several super-galaxy-level self-destructions, the ecological environment has completely disappeared at this moment.

Of course, only part of it has disappeared, and a large part has not been affected.

In addition, the ecological environment of this subspace is just Li Quan's whim. There are no living creatures in it, only demons.

Suddenly, several golden rays of light were seen that dispersed the thick smoke. At the same time, Dongfang Qingwan's body was seen emitting golden light.

Seeing this, all the monsters looked in disbelief.

This, how is this possible!

After the golden light dissipated, Dongfang Qingwan's dragon roar resounded throughout the subspace.

At the same time, Dongfang Qingwan was seen spitting out the dragon breath of destruction.

Wherever the dragon's breath passed, all demons sprayed by this destructive dragon's breath were infected with indestructible dragon flames.

As long as these monsters possess demonic energy, the dragon flame will use the demonic energy as fuel and continue to burn.

As for the power of dragon flames, these monsters cannot easily resist it.

Because, this dragon flame burns not only the bodies of demons, but also their souls!

The demon will not die, but the dragon's flames will not stop!

Dongfang Qingwan, on the other hand, took advantage of the moment when the dragon flames broke out, seized the opportunity, and continued to strangle the big monsters around.

The self-destruction just now, to be honest, even Dongfang Qingwan felt scared.

If it weren't for Li Quan's dragon scale protection, he would have been blown to pieces long ago.

Even if he is immortal, he is definitely no match for these monsters.

Because the demons couldn't react, they were sprayed by the destructive dragon's breath. The immortal dragon flames on their bodies continued to burn their bodies and souls.

The demons were frightened and began to beg for mercy.

However, it was of no use.

Because the monster must die!

Seeing that they were about to die, the demons were of course unwilling to accept it.

Therefore, they all rushed towards Dongfang Qingwan, hoping to use the power of self-destruction to blow away Dongfang Qingwan's golden shell.

However, some of the great demons directly ignored Dongfang Qingwan and attacked directly towards the top powerhouse in the galaxy behind Dongfang Qingwan.

Even Dongfang Qingwan, without the protection of Li Quan's dragon scales, could not withstand the terrifying self-explosion damage from a super-galaxy-level monster.

How can a group of people whose strength is only at the level of a large galaxy at most, or even people who have just broken through to the level of a large galaxy, can resist it.

Therefore, after seeing the top powerhouses in the galaxy behind her, the demons who had crossed over from Dongfang Qingwan had a look of madness on their faces.

Like a madman, he attacks the top powerhouses in the galaxy.

If this demon can really succeed, there probably won't be any top experts left alive in the galaxy.

No, there is another one, that is Dongfang Qingwan.

However, Dongfang Qingwan did not stop these guys from attacking the top experts in the galaxy.

In fact, even the top powerhouses in the galaxy didn't even have the slightest fear when they saw these big monsters coming.


Because they believed that with Li Quan here, they would not be harmed at all.

Otherwise, why would they face the terrifying enemies that fill this subspace without fear?

Although the incoming big demons were very confused, for some reason, these top powerhouses in the galaxy were not afraid of them.

However, since they can't live, then the rest of the people can't live either!

Accompanied by a series of shocking explosions, the sound suddenly resounded throughout the subspace. The entire subspace was filled with powerful explosive airflow at this moment.

However, due to the relatively high strength of the space barrier in subspace, although it is constantly trembling, it is still unable to shake the space at all.

Such a suicide explosion, for a moment, the entire subspace was silenced.

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