Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 233 Vine monster, crisis!

But now, they can't get out of the universe outside the game world.

No, you can go out, but after you go out, except for the fact that the strength you have gained has been preserved for a long time, you can't live or gain experience.

Therefore, what all the beings in the Milky Way need to do now is to find the demons hidden in the new Milky Way.

Among them, Li Xiaotuan also began to explore monsters for this reason.

There are two types of demons, the reckless and the cunning.

And the monsters that survived and hid naturally belong to the scheming type.

Otherwise, how could they survive to this day?

What Li Xiaotuan exchanged was a cosmic mecha.

This is a cosmic mecha that explodes with planet-level strength.

Although, it has no effect on those monsters whose strength is above the planet level, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it can even kill people.

However, all the powerful monsters that survived in the galaxy have been slaughtered.

The rest are naturally the weaker demons.

Star-level Dingtian is basically a semi-planet-level and planet-level demon.

Although there were many people involved in this great purge, compared to the newly born Milky Way, they were really few and far between.

Because of this, Li Xiaotuan came to a planetary belt full of meteorites alone, trying to find the surviving monsters here and eliminate them.

Alas, it looks like we have to go on another trip in vain.

This rental period is almost over.

Li Xiaotuan's planet-level cosmic mecha is on loan, and now it is still an hour away from its expiration date.

If Li Xiaotuan is not found within an hour, he will have no choice but to return to Blue Star.

After returning to Blue Star, Li Xiaotuan can start working on a breakthrough.

At this moment, a sudden movement was heard not far away.

After Li Xiaotuan heard the sound, he controlled the cosmic mecha to move forward.

The cosmic mecha looks like a mecha that fits the human body. It is basically just a layer of outer mecha installed on the human body.

Of course, space mechas are also classified.

For example, the exoskeleton-type mecha currently rented by Li Xiaotuan.

Another example is a mechanical mecha similar to Gundam.

Of course, mechanical mechas are more expensive, but they are stronger than exoskeleton mechas.

As for Li Xiaotuan, if he redeems it, like now, if he doesn't kill enough demons, he will definitely suffer a huge loss.

Therefore, Li Xiaotuan chose the exoskeleton mecha.

After hearing the strange sound, Li Xiaotuan started to take action and flew towards the place where the sound was heard.

After a while, it was discovered that a demon was attacking a practitioner driving an exoskeleton mecha.

The strength of this monster is at the planet level, but the driver of this exoskeleton mecha is only in the fusion stage.

The combat effectiveness of the exoskeleton mecha is only half a planet level, and it is no match for the planet-level Yoah Mo.

Li Xiaotuan's eyes lit up after seeing this demon.

The target was finally found, and as long as the monster was killed, it would be considered a profit.

Don't be afraid! I'm here to save you!

Sound cannot be transmitted in the universe, but due to the vibration of energy, sound can still be transmitted.

As for the attacking demon, after seeing Li Xiaotuan's attack, for some reason, a strange smile appeared on the corner of its mouth.

After Li Xiaotuan slashed it with his dragon scale sword, he realized that something was wrong with the monster.

How should I put it, it was like cutting into the air.

Are you OK?

In this regard, Li Xiaotuan only attributed it to the fact that the demon had escaped, although it was very strange.

I'm fine, but... At this moment, Li Xiaotuan suddenly felt an ominous premonition.

She suddenly turned back to look at the person she had rescued, only to find that this person's smile was very weird, just like the smile of the demon that seemed to have been chopped into the air.

You're in trouble.

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan suddenly realized that there was a problem.

He wanted to distance himself, but found that his feet were tied together by tentacles that suddenly appeared.

Not only that, the place where this tentacle was connected turned out to be the person she saved!


not human!

It's a monster!

I saw that the figure of the man was constantly changing. After a while, he turned into a vine monster that was completely black and looked like a mosaic.

When Li Xiaotuan saw this, he was about to lift up the dragon scale sword in his hand and strike it down, but several tentacles stretched out from the vine monster and knocked off the dragon scale sword.

Not only that, the move began to restrain Li Xiaotuan's limbs to prevent Li Xiaotuan from struggling and rioting.

Jie Jie Jie, I didn't expect that there would be naive humans believing that there would be people here seeking help.


Li Xiaotuan wanted to resist, but his limbs were restrained by the demon's attack and he was unable to muster the strength to resist.

Let alone kill the monster in front of him.

Come on, let me see your hateful eyes.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, you really want to kill me, but it's a pity that now, you fall into my hands.

Now, it's my turn to torture you.

You, the Human Alliance, are trying to kill our Demon Alliance. Now that I've caught you, I can't let you reap the rewards.

what are you up to?!

After hearing this, Li Xiaotuan always had an ominous premonition for some reason.

This demon seemed to be looking at her with a lustful look, and his eyes kept scanning Li Xiaotuan's body, as if he was planning something bad.

Tell me, what am I going to do?

Let me think about it.

The two vines of the vine monster pretend to be human beings thinking.

I really want to think of a fun game.

In the eyes of your human alliance, female humans like you should be very beautiful, right?

Besides, haven't you always hated monsters?

If your human companions knew that you would give birth to a child belonging to a demon, how do you think they would look at you?

I don't know why, I'm so looking forward to it.

After Li Xiaotuan heard this sentence, he was dumbfounded.

You, don't come over!

Get out of my way, mother!

Li Xiaotuan panicked. If he abandoned his cultivation level, Li Xiaotuan was just a seventeen-year-old child.

Now, such a devastating and despairing thing would happen to her. How could Li Xiaotuan accept this!

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